Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Gonna have to check out the big and tall warehouse might have a couple ill let you know.She picked up a piney fuel smell somewhere along the line.The Piney smell is out of this world


I’ve yet to grow anything with strong pine smell to it. I tasted some but never anything I grew out.
That’s something I look forward to.


I’ve gotten subtle pine scents, but never a strong one either.


Something about the spot i grow in.My Turkish twist in the same spot smelled like pinesol it was so strong.Something about the terriou i guess?Theres a slight grapey smell but the pine knocks it out the park


I’d like to try growing some Dutch Treat. It’s said to have that pine sent in a major way.


Hey brother. Hows the barn growing?


Everything is doing really good. The SHE BEAST is still trying to go for the sky. I thought about taking some more pics, lol but figure I’ve loaded enough of em lately, give it a break.
She gotten her ‘green’ back on.


That’s a good thing. lol
I’m having to raise the feed on my three Frankenstein’s yet again! :laughing: I’m afraid that when all is said and done, that one I really spread out will be taking up half the grow space. I plan to start a fem Vietnamese Black but I’m putting that off a month or so depending on how many lights I can run. That VB will almost be a grow all to itself. I might run an Indica auto just in case the straight sativa isn’t to my liking. I’ll have plenty to hold me over till I have more come in.


I started all of em on the BBP again, now that the Unicorn Poop got hit with it. I was hoarding the BBP just so I’d have enough for the UP. It was very low, I hadto grab another bottle from Bob @BudBusterPro!
I think I messed up though, giving that beast any BBP! lol She was already big AF in the 5gal bucket. never had used any of the BBP on her until after I up-potted her!
I’ve only hit em 2 times now, and she’s screaming at me (uses best ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ voice) FEED ME!
After the second treatment, is when she said 'F’these restraints!


I am thinking about pealing off the three gallon bags on my clones and up-potting to five gallon bags. Then I’ll give them another month, ish, to stretch their legs before flipping them.

I’ve been wondering though.
Do you recon that If they are still putting energy to root growth when I flip, that they might put less toward stretching? That may not be such a bad thing in some ways… :thinking:

What do you guys think?


They’ll go for both. More roots as well as getting a nice stretch on. lol
As you’ve seen from all the pics from everyone, Ms Frankie don’t play! lol

Rose is cussing because she let me sweet talk her into letting me up-pot to the 5gal :scream: :heart: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:


That’s one thing I really like about those bags. They just peal off if you want to up-pot. The plants aren’t even phased by the move.


I’ve thought about trying them bags, lol but we have so many pots it ain’t funny. Plus they’re downright proud of em!


There is that. lol
I bought enough to handle my count and my wife’s if we ever go forward with that. Now I’m actually going to go full on with the SIP system for now anyway. With a few modifications from my last version, I think I’ll have the kinks dinked out.


lol I guess I’m just ADHD or whatever it’s called when a person can’t ‘leave be’ I don’t trust auto systems of any sort, gotsto have ‘hands on’!
Heck, when we put timers in on the lights in the budroom, I was out there checking to make sure they go on or off when supposed to. lol


Actually, I just checked… it’s been 4 whole days since I posted any pic of the SHE BEAST! ( :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:) I’ll be right back! lol


True, but there’s the tradeoff where when I am with them I’m looking over every leaf instead of paying attention to slowly watering. I can’t multitask I guess. lol
You also realize why I’m doing it too. I never know when some crap might take me out of town for a week or whatever. My health is another concern. Less work on my wife if I’m down…
I’m always planing for as many contingencies as possible.


True, but with me… I don’t hardly leave the house.


If it seems strange that I put a like on that, it’s because I would stay on this property 24-7-365 if I could.
Well, every once in a while I like to go fishing… lol


Here’s what I saw in the veg room just now.
The SHE BEAST after breaking the sisal twine twice. Greeninig up nice.

Figured while I’m taking a couple pics, lol toss in some of the others there too. Didn’t want em to feel ‘neglected’!
The new mother-to-be of Frankenstein

The '98 White Rhino mother

The Unicorn Poop

The new Frankenstein babies

And lastly, the '98 Sour Diesel x PPP beans I dropped yesterday evening. a couple are already starting to pop

The budroom is in lights out mode, so no pics of that.
That’ s how things are looking now.Thnx for taking a look-see e1.