Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

The She Beast looks like that one I grew for seeds. She took up almost that whole 4x5 space. That poor reversed plant was squashed against the side and corner but she took what room she wanted. lol


Yep, Ms Frankie is one heartless beast, when it comes to taking up room. She doesn’t care a lick if any other get any light!


But yours has a lot of growing left to do.


Oh yeah… sure does… she so puny! :lying_face: :roll_eyes: :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:
I’m thinking I might still try the paracord (750lb test) lol Just don’t want to break any of her limbs, lol I might just use ‘spreader rods’ (bamboo)


Have the stars left your eyesight yet from the skillet to the back of the head when Rose read “BBP” on your posts?


Naw lol she knew what was up. I’ve been using that BBP in my grow arsenal for a couple years now. She’s used to it now.

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Besides, :rofl: :rofl: she won’t use a skillet on me any more. The last time she hit me in the head with a skillet, it broke! A Lodge cast iron at that!
Especially when I just laughed at her when she did it. Oh she was hot! Busted a damn good skillet!

True story! lol
I’m always getting her fired up, she’ll hit me with her hands (learned not to, it always hurt her more than me) But when she swings, I get hit with whatever she happens to have in her hands. lol
I always called it ‘foreplay’. She ain’t no bigger than a popcorn poot, she can’t hurt me. lol


Ummmm, Okay.

Note to self:
Don’t piss off Mrs. Potseed. At least where there isn’t room to run away in a random zigzag pattern. lol

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lol She’s thrown everything that wasn’t tied down, at one time or the other.

I bring it on myself, on purpose. She’s so dang pretty when she gets hot!
Here’s one for ya, brother.
When the boys were 8,7,6 I got their water-soaker guns, and one for me too, with the reservoir on top, the ones you’d pump up. Fill ed em with ice water. We snuck into the bedroom where she was still asleep., surrounded the bed. I yanked the covers off and we all 4 let her have it! When she got her fingers/claws unhooked from the ceiling, she commenced to throwing stuff! We’re all laughing (which made her even madder) she’s throwing stuff, the boys are trying to look back and see… I’m trying to rush em out ahead of me, so they don’t get hit. Out the front door we all 4 go, with me getting hit with everything in the house on the way. The alarm clock hit me in the back of the head so hard, the face popped off, the hands started spinning and the alarm going off. As we rounded the corner of the house next door a steak knife stuck in the corner of it!
She finally let us back in after an hour or so.
It was funny as heck, but would be mean to repeat. lol


Well this is fun but I have work needing done and all I’m doing is adding layers of calluses to my butt.
Catch you all later.

Good Day @JohnnyPotseed , I hope your off to a Killer start today.

What is the normal length of Flowering for your Feminized Frankenstein, Johnny?

Just kind of putting something timelines together, I’m checking in with Her this aft

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That depends on the type of buzz ya after, cuz. Early is good for an energetic/up buzz, later is good for couchlock. Anywhere from 7-10 weeks range.

We usually go for around the middle. 8-9 weeks. Then she’s good for anything, any time.


We’ll be on the Before-Ripe side Sir.
2% clear, Foggy, and 15-20 amber if that can ever happen.
She started flowering early…
We are 6 weeks in according to the Calendar. Which puts’r mid-week 7ish.

Love it. Thanks Johnny, for the goods
I’m allergic to couches, she’s on the radar


See my edit
At 8-9 weeks, she’ll help you get up n going when you have something to do, or help you get over pain and relax for bed when you want. The only thing you do different is in how MUCH you smoke of her, 1 or 2 hits to help get ya motivated, as many as ya feel needed for pain or relaxing or bedtime
Medicinal and/or recreational, is how she was bred to be


Y’all wake up way to dam early :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Mail gal had a certain wiggle in her step today.
I think I know why…
Thanks JP!
Love the Frankenstein card!
OG get dem beans! :seedling::seedling:

Anyone looking, grab from @JohnnyPotseed
Everything was super easy, discreet, and very impressed with great service.


Thnx cuz. lol i do try! Glad they made it to you finally.


Even after burning her up by spraying her with too strong of a soap solution, my Frankie has been growing a good inch+ per day, while filling out all her innards at the same time, she is definitely a beast who needs taming!
I am glad to have an automated system so that I only need to check in on my plants once a week, life is too short to spend micro-managing my soil moisture content :flushed::sweat_smile::joy::raised_hands:


Looking nice there, cuz! Do you plan on spreading her out any & are you going to up-pot soon?

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I plan to uppot to a 3 Gallon bag once she needs watering once per day, but she only needs it every 3 days for now. I run hydro, so pot size isn’t as important as with soil. I won’t do much spreading, I am lazy and hands-off most of the time… nature does what nature does. I will try to find the energy to possibly trim some bottoms to increase the size of the resultant tops, but that will be about it.

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When I flip, I will cull the bottom 2/3 of each healthy branch and let her explode!