Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

lol paytback is something else, huh? :scream: :rofl: :+1:

Honestly, brother. I wasn’t a ‘bad man’… but the bad men didn’t mess with me, either! lol

I’d stop ANY other ‘activity’ to have/enjoy a good fight!

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Sounds like asshole got what he deserved. Can’t stand a man that’ll beat a woman. (Even if they are crazy)

Oh yea, I’m looking forward to popping these. :sunglasses:

Great! Look forward to your grow/smoke report there, brother!

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Don’t even try to understand a woman, brother! lol Just love em! ( oh, & say ‘yes, dear’ a lot!)


Here’s one for you brothers.

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Sage words of wisdom. Thanks again JP

LOL love it! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: (outta likes)

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It’s easiest to do a few bottom branches like above but same method can be applied with any branch by making a hole in the bag and taping it around the branch. Been doing this for many years.


Yep, do it all the time here also. You can do it to any number of branches.

This big SHE BEAST, is gonna hve it done lol I’ll put a bag over her head (pun intended) lol then another bag over anothr part of her. Pollinate the ‘open’ buddage. Rinse that off and move the bag to the part just pollinated and hit the next part with dust. Then take the first bag off, so I have two crosses and one Sensi
She’s big enough to do that to, lol


I decided to let these veg a good bit before flipping. Looking at all the monsters I’ve seen on here lately has me itching to go big myself. lol
I’ll definitely try to make some seeds though.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :scream: :+1: ‘Go big or go home’ huh?

look forward to watching ya, brother!

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I’ve done a few double baggers myself…… oh wait we are talking plants……. NEVER MIND!


:scream: :crazy_face: :+1: :heart:
NEVER forget the one for yerseff, in case hers busts!

I honestly never went to bed with an ugly woman… ain’t gonna say how many of em I woke up to, though!

lol I’m talking ‘coyote ugly’ the kind ya wanna try chewing yer arm off, so you don’t wake her up!



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Damn that deserves two likes :laughing: :green_heart::green_heart:


I’m truly sorry to any of the OG ladies up in here reading these words! Don’t take offense.
I’m sure there are guys that YOU felt the same way about! lol

Damn that was good morning sesh. U guys got me laughing my ass off. Think I’ll go wrangle up some breakfast. Laters :v:


Stay cool, fool! :crazy_face: :+1:

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