Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

George Burns was asked what his secret was to longevity. His answer was “One shot of whiskey at night and one cigar every day”.
I guess four joints would equal one stogy. lol


I keep picturing one of those Easter island heads with Frankenstein neck bolts and hair doo. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: would make a cool card or sticker. Sounds like a killer cross also. I want some


Not to mention, another ‘experiment’ ( :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:) lol @Andrane got me thinking. lol I used OldTimer1’s Bonsai method for years… but, only one strain per Bonsai. That crazy dude had like 7- 8 strains grafted onto ONE Bonsai mother! Gots to go that way! lol I mean, after all, with a plant count limit on us here now, that will be awesome to have a nice mother with 7-8 strains lol

Unlimited cuttings from SOOOO many strains, on just one plant. Let her grow for 5-7 yrs. lol

The most cuttings I ever got off any of my Bonsai moms was around 40. But, that was every few weeks!
Also, lol YES… it was a Frankenstein.

I know yas all seen them fruit trees (5-7 in 1)

Actually, I’ve been thinking about revegging this SHE BEAST after I harvest this first time and cut her way back to graft onto her.
I honestly think she’d be the perfect candidate for that. Half the work is already done, lol plenty of branches to graft onto.


Just need to add the neck bolts. lol


:rofl: :scream: :+1: Hell Yeah, Awesome!Thnx for that idea, @GallacreekD66


AI can produce some amazing pics. You just have to know how to talk to it. lol


Gotta b easier than talkin to “Siri”. She does not understand me at all :joy: needs hillbilly translator


I disabled Siri and Alexi both…
Just don’t like the idea of ‘big brother’ listening in from the cloud, whatever the hell that is!


Or Sweet Sweet Frankie.
Like the old Grand Funk song were an American band.

Sweet Sweet Frankie was doin’ his act.
He had the whole show, and that’s a Natural Fact.


Nice! :slight_smile:

Bit of play on the words there. lol actual words were Sweet sweet Connie was doin her act, if I’m not mistaken
Yep, just checked. But, that would still work lol


Yeah, she was a tramp groupie. Allegedly lol

There’s always seemed to be a lot of those, lol

Lotta time to come up with names, hell the cross hasn’t even happened yet!
But, lol it WILL

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I have had drinks at a bar in North Little Rock, called LA City Limits, with the actual Connie Hamzy of the song. Sweet sweet Connie was a groupie back in the 70’s. Anyways, I did meet her and had a few drinks with her. A couple hours worth. Dam, the stories she knew.


The stories she knew, and the boys she blew

ooops Did I type that out loud?! :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:

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Well, maybe not just allegedly!

@JohnnyPotseed !
My virgin eyes!!!


I remember back in the nineties they used to have her on morning radio show in Little Rock all the time

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Yeah yeah yeah… I know… shame on me!
Damn! @MoBilly just lost his last cherry!


She didn’t do me. Haha. I had a girlfriend at the time that was a waitress at the bar. Connie was actually a pretty nice lady, tho. She just had a past. And just looking at her, you could tell she was used and abused. But I hafta say, I did like her as a person.