Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

That works too, lol But damn… I was thinking about pollen!
I still have that dust ya sent from @MoBilly just awaiting on this gal to go into flower mode! lol Been saving it just for this.

edit… i only hope it’s viable and not cooked from the hear in transporting from him to you, then from you to me! lol


These won’t be giving up any magic dust. Unless Rodelization occurs.

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Johnny. Do you have any BMR pollen?

Ya gotta take her way past ‘ripe’ for that to happen, cuz.

Naw cuz. But @DougDawson tells me he’s gonna get some dust out to me soon. He’s busy with them Fall boxes ya know.

I’m hoping for dust from some of these Unicorn Poops. lol Also gonna do a seed run on a few other strains.
Air Force One, Unicorn Poop, Cafe Racer, and a couple others

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If you’re in a hurry I can split what I have with you.

Likewise. I’m holding some Blu Kush pollen. And some BOG Sour Bubble pollen.
And some Island Sweet Skunk Feminized pollen if any of you guys are itching to do some slinging.


I appreciate that, brother. But I’m in no big rush. The dust from DD should be here by the time I’m ready to ever use it.

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The ISS fem dust can & would be used! lol Bring a bit to the dinner, please?
’Frankie in Paradise’ sound good, lol


If you cross that with Frankie. I will have my hand out. :slight_smile:


lol see my edit above ya? You read my mind!

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Ill bring what I have. I’m not going to be able to use it for the foreseeable future and I would rather you have it than let I go to waste. Been in freezer since it was new.


Dammit, lol looks like now I’ll be doing a 4-way pollination on the SHE BEAST, instead of 3! lol

Bag up 3/4… pollinate, rinse off after a few hours, bag up the pollinated and 2/4 other branches, pollinate, rinse off… repeat lol
I’ll still end up with 1/4 for Sensi, 1/4 for Frankie in Paradise, 1/4 for fem Frankie beans, 1/4 for Frankie’s Little Pony… (Unicorn Poop x Frankenstein) and if the UP doesn’t gimme any boys, I’ll hit one or two of the girl UP with fem Frankie dust for the same cross name!


Any beans that happen to just fall out on their own and you can’t identify…


Are you needing beans?? What are you looking for?

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Every one sounds awesome! lol

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Either ’Frankie in Paradise’ or 'Islander Frankie’

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Hell lol just wait until I get these other/new strains going and crossed!

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Naaa. I’m just making a point that either one would be great!

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See? lol This is what I’m talking about… the docs gave me that ‘any time now’ talk…last year! But, I just ain’t got time to think about dying, got too many strains to grow out, and too many crosses to make, yet.

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