JOTI Black Cookies / Candyland Pollen - FREE TO GOOD HOMES (USA) <CLOSED>

Thanks man. I did not sign up as you said USA only but one of the Canadians you are sending too was kind enough to share with me so I will get to use some of this. Appreciate your efforts.


Appreciate the info. Sounds like a smart call to me.


Outmotherfuckingstanding, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Very professional. I like it! Too bad I didn’t even notice this and am in Canada. I needs me a better way to be storing pollen


The temp here is consistently over 100. No worries on my behalf :slight_smile:


Thanks for holding off till the weather cools no point it killing a bunch in the heat.


Good plan my friend, thanks for being on the ball


Thank you so much for all this effort!


You’re all so very welcome! I’m just glad you’re not stressing because you don’t have it in hand yet!

@Xianpreservation83, thanks for the message. Fact is, I did end up including 4 or 5 of your fellow Canadians in this giveaway. Sorry you missed out, but as it turned out - I have lots of extra pollen, so I’ll be working on another way to share it with the community in the near future. Please keep an eye out if you want either pollen strain.


Fantastic, thanks very much!

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Yea, good call. Keep them in cold storage for now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You da man brother. Just happy to see my man on the list. :grin::v::call_me_hand:

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No worries it’ll be worth the wait and I’d hope we’re all feeling grateful rather than entitled. I appreciate the energy, effort and kindness my friend!


I’m just moved the planned clones to pollenate from the propagation chamber into soil. I’ve got at least 5-8 weeks before I can even use the stuff :laughing: :mantelpiece_clock: :exploding_head:

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Plants are finally starting to take off in dwc. The male looks okay I may flower him in a small tent and collect pollen. I like the structure of all 3.

Would you like pollen/seeds back? @Purple-N-Hairy

I can also hit them with the black cookie pollen your sending me etc

Currently have them under a 400w horti daylight blue but will be throwing them under a 1k soon. Rough start on these.

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The one on the right smells really good every time you move her or rub the stem. Excited to see how that one turns out.

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Alright! I’m glad they’re finally starting to take off for you!!

I would LOVE to get some pollen back. I’m trying to collect as much pollen from all the testers as I can get so we can get the best possible back cross with the mother. After which, if you’re up for it, I’d love for you to be a tester of the BX.


If that aroma is sweet, that comes from daddy. If it’s stinky dank - that’s mommy for sure!

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Dank for sure but with a hint of sweetness.

Does not smell anything like the 16 black candyland ladies I have now.

I will 100% be down to test for the back cross. I have a lot of room and equipment to dedicate to pheno hunts.


Awesome! Perfect! Thank you very much!

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Is this still open? I would love to use both pollens if possible. @Purple-N-Hairy let me know what I need to do to get some!! Blessings

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