Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

17.1.24 - Many days without updates. I went back to work and have little time.
The weather here is still cold and with high RH, the plants that were chopped two weeks ago (or more) still not dry.
I have cut today the seeded Bubblegum. Still the Wild Thai running.
I have one half of the “tent” almost free, so I plan to put the cutted buds there with the dehumifier so they will get dry and crispy to start taking seeds out. The weed will be for butter, so I think that that will not harm it too much.

Anyway, this is the cut line. In a couple weeks I will be doing some wikis and some giveaways here to the people that was following/writing on this thread till now, I think that are the ones in the picture below. If you have reach this now, don’t worry, later I will be doing some giveaways in @shag Island and later in the Free Seeds thread, but I want to start with the people following the thread.
I have to pay for my sins :rofl: and give back. (Understand that sins as my seed addiction :rofl: ).

The next ladies are big again, and will be running again for seeds/crosses with a feminized Wild Thai as soon as I end chopping the other side of the tent and clean all very well to prevent cross pollen contaminations.
Many thanks for following!


Good to hear…
Well kinda…LOL
I am happy to hear you feel good enough to go back to work.


Now you being back as a slave to the grind not so much.
I am very glad to hear you are doing better brother. :partying_face:


1 Like

Thanks @shag. Still with some pain, but going to work I force myself to be more active. I was loosing mobility this months and that is no good.
Also my couple was thinking in throwing me through the window… So better escape :rofl:


18.1.24- Finally cleared one half of the tent. All the walls with soap and water and after that spraying with HOCl. I put the dehumidifier inside and a net with the PF above to dry. As soon as it drys I will put the other plants to dry also, but I don’t want to mix things.

So, still have to dry the seeds a little, but I will start with a wiki opened for some days to the people following the thread. Please do not make calls, as I said before, I will be doing more giveaways in the Island and the Free Seeds Free clones later.

This giveaway will be for Twin Floyd (Pink Floyd BT x Pink Floyd LT) (The incest twins) :rofl:
Probably will add also some puck of the other crosses, but I have to check the weight of the envelope to see what I can fit.

Please not overwrite, this will be open for some days:

  1. @ABushOfKush
  2. @IKEA22
  3. @m0sirys
  4. @DirtySlowToes
  5. @InTheWoods

Add more numbers as needed.
EDIT: I will take around 5 winners from here. Later will move to the Island…


Thank you @Piter!!!


Thanks @Piter!


19.1.24 - The dehumidifier in the tent appear to work pretty well. The PF was crispy today. I think that besides the seeds, this fast drying don’t damage the remaining weed, it was drying about two weeks, so a final speedup should not change too much the flavour. Perhaps feeding them till the end has more impact in the flavour :sweat_smile:
I will try to make some QWISO also for putting in my vaper… Hahhahaa
So, as I had no time nor the materials to crush and collect seeds today, I put all in jars and let the MangoWidow seeded take this turn to dry.
This next week will crush and select seeds and see the results… Yuhuuuuu


thanks for a chance on the twin floyds!!! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks to you for following, mate.
Anyway there will go more than the TwinFloyds in the same envelope… at least in this thread, and just to save a little money :sweat_smile: . Here the international stamps are aroung 3€, when I see the USA global forever for 1,5$ I cry…
Today I was shucking some MangoWidow×PF, and I have to stop because I was frozen… 1ºC where I was chucking, but plenty of seeds to give.
If the weight permits, will send the TwinFloyd, MW×PF, and if enough seeds to keep and send the Bubblegum×PF and the WildThai×PF. If I can’t put all of them, then I will let choose.


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Sorry to read about the mold, Hope you were able to get it under control to reap the rewards for you hard work.

A different perspective ; “Man I just planted theses and they’re ready to flip.” :grin:

Hope you had a great week and a relaxing weekend :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Hi, well it not was too much, only a pair of little buds.
As soon as I saw it I cut and use some hipoclorous with a small ultrasonic mister, and it kept under control.
And as this was a run only for seeds, so I am not worried.
I have enough weed in the fridge for many time, considering that due to traffic controls I only smoke on weekends or when I know that I will not drive for about two or three days… That sucks!.


I’m glad to hear you were able to get it under control and didn’t lose much. That ultrasonic mister tool sounds like something I should add to my toolbox.

Enjoy the weekend with some big joints! :vulcan_salute:


Thanks!. By the way, the wiki will be open for some days…


Killing it in here @Piter :wave:t2: love your dense little jungles.


Well, another small session chucking the MangoWidow×Pink Floyd… and I must ask… what is the best method to crush the buds withoud damaging the seeds?
Now I am doing by hand, with a glove, but the glove gets superstiky… and I am thinking about using some sort of silicone matt to crush them, I think that the trichs should not stick too much to the silicon… :thinking:

Open to ideas… it is a hard work to do without being baked :rofl:


Gloves? :joy: Break the buds with naked fingers, without gloves, and then make a ball of hash by rubbing them together!


That is also an option :rofl:


Good morning brotha :coffee:

This is how I did it just recently. Fingers will be coated in no time. Press twist and lift. Slower mending works better.
Just don’t apply a bunch of friction trying to make a hash ball in your palm or you’ll end up like me and rip your skin off lol.

At the end, Hash will be all over your hands.I just learned use olive oil after to help remove excess hash, wipe oil with paper towel then, wash hands.

Since that first round of shucking, I changed how I shuck and just decided to leave the seeds in the buds after drying and will shuck as I smoke the buds.


Or with a dab of coconut oil in the palm of your hand also works very well preventing the hash from sticking excessively to the skin.


Coconut oil and brown sugar !