Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

23.1.2024 - One Wild Thai is drying. And almost finished taking seeds from the Mango Widow ×PF…
Tomorrow I will try to make a small seed cleaner (those with a fan) because I am tired of picking seeds :rofl: , and still have to chuck part of the PFxPF, the BGxPF and the WTxPF… it is a hard work, but it must be done.
Also will try to clean the other side of the tent, so I can start to accomodate the next ladies for the fem run with the wild thai…


24.1.2024- Chucking some Bubblegum x PF… Damn humidity… two days in the closed tent with the dehumidifier, and they still have a little humidity inside…
Chucked some seeds, many duds, but many still to take, so another day in the tent to dry a little more.
Many less seeds than the Mango Widow by the way.
On the other side of things, I went to make some pucks and the damn computer (the one I have to work with the CNC) has the battery damaged, plugged it directly but W10 goes slow as hell (ssd disk)… Perhaps due to have to update almost a year of updates from MS? Or perhaps due the dead battery? who knows… I leave it alone plugged and will come to it later.
Anyway if I can’t make the pucks, I have plenty of “hoses”, but I wanted to give a personal touch.


28.1.24- The left side of the tent cleaned… Or ar least that is what I like to think :rofl:
As I am waiting for the downside protection plastic to dry, I will take some pics of the incorporations this round… They will not be put to flower yet… I have to take “rid” of the other plants to the WT fem run.

So, here they are:
From @anonymous4289 two BBD:

From @ABushOfKush , two 10thPlanet *Bloodcake (fast finish)…

From @Cartwright , a Bogbubble F2:

And from @THCeed , a surviving WMBK from/for the contest keep going:

I think that there is all for now, More on the next run as this time I get rid of some strains to leave space for new incorporations.


the bbd are looking long but healthy. thanks for the update.


That was because where I have then were little horizontal space crowded with plants, so no other option to grow up, and the light was just sufficient, but they are developing well and fast… I suppose that now that they will have more space to grow to the sides, they develop more the branches.


Nice I’m watching :+1::v::eyes:


31.1.24 - I continue chucking seeds. Some are drying, as many as I can dry with this humidity here, but almost ready to accomodate the next round.

By the way, I close the wiki today. I said that there will be around 5 winners… and as there is no more people on the wiki, then I work less and do not do a RNG. :rofl:
Also, I had written in a previous post that this wiki was reserved for the people following the thread, but not written in the wiki, so my fault, but all of this is to share and give.

So: @ABushOfKush , @IKEA22 , @m0sirys , @DirtySlowToes and @InTheWoods , please send me your FULL addys.

All of you will receive the Twin Floyd (PinkFloyd Big Twin x PinkFloyd Little twin), and another puck that you have to choose from:
MangoWidow×Pink Floyd, Bubblegum ×PinkFloyd or WildThai×PinkFloyd, in case of not indicating preference, it will be by my election.

Please Note: These are fresh seeds, a stratification time could/should be needed or beneficial for sprouting and perhaps a better drying.

Thanks For watching!


Been loving following your journal! Very much excited for these, man. I hope to do you justice. And hope to get to Spain one day to bug you :sunglasses:


Thank you @Piter!!! That’s very kind and generous. It’s been fun following along. Talves mi única oportunidad con mellizas, lol. Sending deets…


All the people that has sent me their addys are ready to fly!
I will try to drop them today…

For USA I could fit 3 crosses. Some in pucks, and some in hoses with adhesive tape.

And I must say ahead…
Many thanks : if your grow ends with amazing plants.
Sorry, was my first crosses : If your grow ends not as good.

Remember to stratify and dry it a little better.!

Thanks for watching!


2.2.24 - Today, the little time that was available between hospital “turns”… I was preparing the next round : "wild thai feminized crosses "and the big purge and renovarion of strains… (Well, almost).
I have to do some more defoliation… But I will keep them a week or so vegetting to recover.

Other side:

And the remaining, not for flowering this time:

Well, perhaps the next round I will have the plants under control :rofl:

PD: All the envelopes were dropped yesterday!
Please keep me informed on arrival!


iḿ sure you will :smiley:

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I’m not so sure… just dropped some more beans in water… :rofl:
Well, in three months… the tent will be empty and the others outside the tent will only fill one side of it, then the other side I can divide the height and have the plants a little smaller.
But I want to grow the crosses and see if they are a good surprise.


7.2.24 - End of pruning. I will go to prepare some STS to mist one of the Wild Thai Clones.
I will go with the “one use” formulation:
.18g Sodium Thiosulfate pentahidrated dissolved in 30ml distilled water
.03g Silver nitrate dissolved in 30ml distilled water.
Mix while stirring dropping the silver nitrate over the sodium thiosulfate.
Level the final mix to 300ml.

I will take the misted clone to another space, and begin spraying today… that is a couple days before putting all into flowering. I have read that before starting flowering cicle that should not be necessary, but if it not harms, better be on the safe side.

Have a nice day Overgrowers!


Thanks Piter


Glad they arrive safe there!


PD: When I see my try to draw a fire… :man_facepalming: … Luck that I don’t live of drawings :rofl:


Thank you @Piter!!! Gracias!!!


Thanks for notifying the arrive!

Glad they made it safe.

Have a nice weekend!


Lovely viable magic beans and they didnt cost me my cow. Wild thai x pink floyd 100% germination rate with no stratification. Cheers Piter


Wow… Many thanks for the information!