Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

Sorry to hear such news @Piter
It is never easy losing a friend. :grimacing:
I wish you comfort in your time of need.

We are here if you need us. :heart_eyes:


5.3.24- Many time without updates, so here it goes:

  1. The Wild thai that was STSd is sick. I cant blame the STS but me. High humidity and a damage in the stem has lead to fungus attack it. I tried with H2O2, HClO, etc… But don’t work. Yesterday I used the paste for cuts, hoping that it will help… But I’m not very optimistic. Anyway if I can’t make fems, them I have still some pollen from @Doug that I should try, but first lets see what happens.

  2. left tent… Doing pretty fine except one WT… I don’t worry too much, because if it doesn’t do it, I have some space for the rest, and there is many WT flowering this time.

  3. Right tent:
    All doing fine… Need to defoliate again a lot

  4. @anonymous4289 BBD: doing pretty well. The dirty on the leaves is BTI that I spray to try to control gnats.

    The rule in the back is 50cm.

  5. @Cartwright BogBubble F3, if I’m not mistaken:

  6. @ABushOfKush 10th Planet wanting more food.

    The one that shows in the tent, is the other 10thplanet that is flowering now.

  7. The WMBK from @THCeed that I started for the first WMBK contest and that will make me win the second WMBK contest :rofl:

Now I am in doubts of take another WT flowering clone and try to STS it, but they are flowering already. EDIT: I take the one that was meh and STS it also… :rofl:
Well, hope that one will be better soon.
EDIT2: Those that was pictured are in 1 liter pots with cocoa coir.


I mis-labelled, they are F3 :ok_hand:

Good luck with all your plants :v:

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I corrected my post… writing from phone with fast and not thin fingers doesn’t help. :rofl:

If someone asks why I have that fungus or moldy problems, I have to say, that I am at sea level, and almost at the sea line, and where I live is a very humid place, also in summer. I try to have them ventilated, but sometimes with and RH of 99% in the outside doesn’t help too much.
I have a dehumifier running in the the plants room… and is working all day, extracting almost 15 liters of water everyday… and I can’t drop the RH.


Good morning brotha :coffee:
Hope you are doing well and keeping your head up. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning… now ready to make the lunch… :rofl:

Hope all is going well there also.


This is ABSOLUTELY the way to do it. No spraying, no goo, no nothing. I did TWO of those strips, just to be safe. I hung them on the front of the fan, set it on high, sealed off the tent, and went away for about 24 hours. Again, like you, a few days later. Now I have one hanging in my grow tent all the time. Cheers. :slight_smile:

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24.3.24- Many days without updates … so here comes some.
In war with the fucking gnats!!!
I spayed the plants with bti, water them with bti, traps … Nothing can stop them.
This week the temps raised and I have fucking infestation.

Well… The wild thai sprayed with sts strats showing some balls … perhaps late?.. well as the plants are only for seed increase I don’t worry too much.

The 10th planet…:

Do you see it well, … Ummm do not compare with the Wild Thai:

The cookies cream:


Criticla skunk #2

All have bigger nugs than the 10th planet… But all are still in the race. I notice the 10th planet leafs pretty covered in resin… And I think that it still has many to say.

If by the end of this week I don’t see the STSd WT with many male flowers I will have to take some pollen from the fridge… I am thinking much about this… And take apart the STSd wild thai and leave on her own… But I am worried about accidental pollinations.
It is now around 6 weeks since change to 12/12…

Overall pictures:

EDIT: The one in front in the last picture is the 10th Planet.


28.3.24 - So, tired of waiting for the STSd Wild Thai, I take it to a improvised tent… she is developing some male flowers, but I think that they will not be enought for all the males. So go to the freezer and take away some Bog Blue Kush pollen from DougDawson … hope it is still viable.
I take the pollen with a small brush and let the “pollen mist” fly near the buds.

So I will not have a WT feminized run, but probably I will have “ALL against Blue Kush” :rofl:
In a couple weeks I will see the results…
I used almost all the pollen, except for a 0,1ml vial that I will use in a couple days…


Today I gave myself a treat…
I was for sometime thinking in making a DIY rosin press, but today I think that I saw a deal… a 4 ton press with the “pre-press” (or preformer) for 250€…
Yeah, you should say that for that price there are many… but I think I made a great buy!.
Just squished some green… and… well… the thing is stiky as a mouse catcher glue… :rofl: I think that I must start to read some tutorials… jajaja

The thing is this:


Enjoy!! What a treat!


congrats my friend ! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

the price sounds really good for a 4 ton press! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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What I like is that it is automatic. Hybrid electric hydraulic.

Now I can press all the crushed buds from the seed making.


that’s great and will certainly give you a lot of pleasure! I can’t wait to see the pictures with this baby in action! :slight_smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:


Fair warning, one seed will ruin the whole batch of rosin. I would make hash first, then press the hash.


Oh! thanks for the warning.
I think I have take off all the seeds, but must look twice!.

A question, what does it do? Gives bad taste?


Yeah the same taste if you smoke it, but concentrated 100x. :nauseated_face:


18.4.24- Many time without updates. Some personal problems occupied my time.

So almost 2 months since schange to 12/12 and after trying with the stored pollen, I am not seeing seeds :cry: . Perhaps the long journey from US to here do not helped.
Also I had some mould inside of the some densier buds… And the fuuuuuu gnats… I can’t get rid of them.
So first of the left side:

Wild thai (various):

Cookies cream:

Right side:

The 10th planet:

And the vegetative zone out of control again


Nice girls @Piter! I think many of them need a good haircut to make the best use of the light :scissors:

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Hope all is well now, my friend. Loving the look of the wild Thai. They all look great, but that one looks like what I want :purple_heart::love_you_gesture:t2: