Just noticed everything at Greenpoint is on sale!

No I don’t work for them (I wish), but everything is on reverse auction right now. So, I figured I’d let everyone know so they can go score!

Heard a lot of recent stories about them. Do your research people!


Thank u didn’t think to put the link lol

Avoid using a CC card method of payment, there have been on-going issues that they (GPS) refuse to address. Use money order or, at minimum, a temporary re-loadable card.

Other than that, they’ve been good for the most part.

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Like what? I’ve read about them but, the only bad I’ve really seen is people being mad about their payment methods mostly and the occasional couple seeds that didn’t pop like any other. If there are reasons I should steer clear definitely let me know please!

Compromised card numbers and fraud shortly after using their CC processor. I was hit by them and switched to only money orders for any future purchases from them. There are a number of reports from others of the same problem. GPS was given the heads-ups and the response was less than disappointing, unfortunately. I’ll leave it at that for now.

They did have a recent S1s seed fiasco where GPS re-branded some seeds and it turned out that the seeds were anything but S1s. In the end, GPS did refund those who complained (not proactively though, only to those who complained).

As noted, otherwise pretty good up to these recent flubs. I have a quantity of their seeds, myself. Many of the grow reports on the quality have been quite good.

Folks, I have grown out about four of his strains, they are high-yielding, high potency, very forgiving to grow and I have had a high female to male ratio.

I have no affiliation with him but he was the first Seedbank that I ordered from when I began this adventure, thus I have ordered quite a few strains at extremely good prices, I have used both of his CC and sent in cash registered, without one single hitch.

Keep in mind that the feds are putting pressure on credit card companies to not deal with marijuana companies, why he has had processor problems going overseas.

As a small business owner myself, I see firsthand that no matter how many times you bend over backwards for people you can’t make them all happy but you try to offer the best customer service, yes he has had a few hitches but I think he offers excellent customer service.

If you sit tight on his reverse auctions, you can get some real fire for a really good price !!


Great. I’ve always received my order whether MO or CC. Like I’ve noted, my CC was compromised through them. Others, too. Feel free to play roulette with a CC if you like but, as I suggested, consider safer payment methods.


Yeah my credit card dealings go back a year or so ago, no way in hell would I use my credit card knowing that it’s a Chinese company processing !

But see back when he lost his us CC processing everybody on Riu was bitching,

Keep an open mind and send in cash with tracking and you shall have no problems. How many other seed banks require the same ? Quite a few