Just some of OJ’s pics

Oh nice! They should produce quite a bit after everything is colonized. I always wanted to use those bags, just never got around to it. Kinda just kept doing the same.thing over n over out of fear of changing something n messing something up lol.

I’m definitely interested in watching your.progress with those bags

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Just in case they fail there is a plan B:


Very nice! Always great to have a backup plan lol

I’d have to check what’s in the fridge. I know I made up some syringes over the winter that I never used yet.
I had like 8 different varieties going on agar at one point.

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What I have going on in the bags is Z Strain……
One I have never tried…….


I put Z strain on agar and did a few transfers, but never grew it out yet.

Have you.tried using agar at all?

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Nope have never tried it.

Definitely a game changer, it allows you to use a tiny bit of Spore liquid or spores from a print on agar to make sure you have clean mycelium growth instead of just putting it to a spawn bag or jar.
It can reduce extra contamination.risk, or allow to.you to test a print/syringe to make sure its clean.
Also, even if there is some.contamination, you can keep transferring clean growth to new agar cups/plates to clean up a sample.

Also very easy to.make.more syringes from the agar/mycelium growth. If you have clean growth… suck up sterilized water in.your syringe… squirt into the agar/mycelium then suck it back.up and you have a live culture syringe instead of having to wait on spores to germinate


Cool! That’s great info, I will check into that and get what I need to make that happen.

I always used potato flakes/instant potatoes, karo light corn syrup w vanilla, telephone brand Agar, and water.
To make potato agar, cheap and easy. Prob not the “best” but I’ve never had an issue with it yet.


I like the golden for just your everyday cerebral adventure or a good microdose but when you really need to do some Astral Projection no much can beat APE’S (Albino Penis Envy). Ate a .5g thinking it was going to be a strong microdose and turned into a 5 hr trip.

You know, there are those times when your just waiting for the effects to start coming on and from the feeling and signs plus an quick intense onset of sweating, you know you bit off more than you can chew. That was my last Thanksgiving.

Don’t regret my decision as it was an amazing experience just never had anything quite that powerful before.

PS, I would do it again :slight_smile:


@Oldjoints It looks like you & I are picking up supplies from some of the same places. My fridge has a few spore syringes from MMM. And those all-in-one grow bags look familiar - I have a couple on their way to me from aPlusGrain :+1:

@Illicitmango I, too, had my “real start” with the Uncle Ben’s bags. My first try was with PF jars from Midwest and then I switched to UB and shoeboxes, and then I tried larger spawn bags. Went thru a few vendors on Etsy and had good success overall. This was in the middle of the pandemic then I took a break from it for a few years. I’m only recently getting the fun started back up again :grin:


Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

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Good morning @Oldjoints and all you others.

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Mornin OGs


Morning @Tracker
Think you will be able to make it to Tulsa this weekend? Be nice to see you again.

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Morning Tracker. :slight_smile:

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I’ve got a lot on my plate right now with work and dad life. If I can, I’ll be there, but I won’t know if something comes up that i have to take care of until last minute.

Totally understand bro. Life kinda gets in the way sometimes. Hope you can make it. If not, I will be sure to burn one in your honor.

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Morning gentlemen, no rain today! I may be able to get my OD plants out yet!


The weather is beautiful today