Just some of OJ’s pics

What variety are these fungus?


I have some almost ready for harvest. I’m about a week or two out on them…….

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Mine are about six weeks out, I think. They sure are pretty.
Can’t wait for harvest. I have a couple jars of mids, but I’m smoking my last bud of Blue Tara right now. And I have one big bud of Cap Junky left.
Guess I can always grind up some bubble hash and lace the mids!
I’m down, but not out.
Dam!!! That was some big thunder right there. Sounded like it was right outside the window.


I’ve got plenty of bud bro, you are welcome to come get a few OZ’s………


I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy. Lol


Ahh. I’m afraid I’m gonna live. I should something special from the CJ. Already stinks good and she’s stacking nicely. But those other two plants I have in that tent are no clinches either. All are building nicely. Special that Blue Tara I have from a clone. BT and CJ are both frosting up nice and its only three weeks in flower.


You will have a reason to show up here in about a month, the offer will stand.


Hahaha man oh man… looks like big Mike will need another recovery period coming up :rofl: :rofl:


A mix of a few things there…Bluey Vuitton, my favorite Thrashers and my other favorite, not pictured is Fiji for anxiety not sure the other one off the top of my head


@percyryan66 Many good types to explore. Lose your head Skywalker


Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!


Good morning to my esteemed colleagues


Good morning everyone!


Morning folks, sorry so late been trimming and will be doing so all week.
Found a plant with mites and tossed it. Luckily I don’t let plants touch each other so damage is very limited. Rob has been doing the watering and his eyes aren’t the best. I went in the Room to look the plants over and found that one loaded. It had a full city with skyscrapers, freeways, and even a carpool lane. Looked a little closer and saw mites with canes and one mite pushing another in a wheelchair.
So now I guess I will be spraying every plant a few times and checking them.


No! Not the Borg!!!
Which plant had them?
Hopefully, I did not accidentally screw you. I checked all those plants and I would not be afraid to put them in my tent.


Oh hell. Say it aint so. Please.
It was mine???


Nope I sprayed the one you gave me that day. It was a cap junky x big bad wolf. Found a couple other plants around it with a few bugs on also. But the one just got tossed it was so bad. Sadly it was ready for harvest and why I was checking the plants. Now the whole room will get harvested……


Man! I was so worried that I gave you a case of the Borg.
Exactly the reason I really hate getting clones. Or giving them. It would make me feel really bad if I give bugs to someone. Or get bugs from them. Seeds are so much safer. And if I get bugs, I know i brought them in from somewhere, not transferred from another garden.


I have had them off and on since the party before the last one. I know I kill all the adults but just missing a few eggs is all it takes. I actually checked all my plants for weeks and found nothing.
Now if I get clones I spray them and then dunk them.
I sprayed every plant I have with neem and dawn combo this morning. I will wait about 3 days and spray them all again with citric acid and dawn, wait a week and spray with neem and dawn again and then in a week another round with citric acid and dawn.
I know it sounds like overkill but I don’t care, this time I am killing them bastids! Once the one room is harvested I will clean it all out and then put a bug bomb in it and then thoroughly clean the whole room and leave it empty for a few weeks before using it. And then the same routine with the other room.


Last time I got the Spider Mites, I defeated them good. It prolly would not work in your situation. And I don’t know about treating in flower.
I had them bad in my 4x4 veg tent. I got two of the Hot Shot II hanging cakes. I watered my plants real good and put those in the tent and sealed it up for three days. Opened the tent and aired it out for a day. Watered again and put the Hot Shots back in and sealed her for another three days. Then removed the hot shots and resumed as normal. No more bugs. None. Not even one.