Just wanted share something Im proud of

That is an awesome video. You did a great job. :slightly_smiling_face:
Also, that is an interesting plant. :astonished:
I subscribed to your channel. :+1:

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Pretty awesome, but not gonna lie that AI voiceover is putting me into an existential crisis about whats going to happen to voiceover actors, artists, specialists, etc…

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Good video, seven of my friends had Datura tea and went mad for a week …one of them had to go to hospital with lockjaw and another was having a conversation with someone inside the fridge stark naked at 2am while his grandfather watched.
Hope you find gainful employment soon :slightly_smiling_face:
…and remember DON’T EAT DATURA.


Datura is one of the top 3 scariest drugs in my book.

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I’m scared of it like I’m scared of doing dmt.
In my country it is holy and sacred (Shiva wears Datura flowers) and is offered to Shiva.


Nice video Kraken. Subscribed :+1:

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Very cool man. I think people like to put a face to their podcasts, I think anyway. Even if it’s warts and all your personality is a selling point.


same thing that happened to carriage makers when cars were invneted or factory workers when industrialization became a thing. the work just changes and pays less. the rich get all the profits and the poor get all the scraps if they’re lucky. luck has more to do with it than hard work, although without hard work nothing much happens, so it’s a catch-22.

@KrakenKultivation you’ll be fine though, great video. about halfway through i scrolled to read while listening and it was still pretty good.


Thank bud every little bit helps.

It always works its self out, about to head out to that interview for a robot tech position so finger crossed.

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Someday I may get the balls, but if it comes to that I may just make another channel and have this for these type of videos.

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Embrace yourself. Have faith in yourself. Get one of those lights to present your best self.

I would like to see and listen to you.


from what ive read and the trip reports, datura is nightmarish.

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@Foreigner we all can’t be as confident. Do you have any thing planned, Im needing a new grow calendar and I’m sure Mrs. Kraken would love one.

I’ve never been good at selling my personality. These interviews have brought back me realizing how insecure i am with myself. Its all we and good till you need to prove you can do what you say you can do In a 30 minute interview. Should have heard me on some of the phone interviews, I litterly had to fake like I was loosing service to give my brain time to catch up. :rofl:

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I appreciate it.

We all fake it my man.

So you want a calendar? There are only a few months left but you’re welcome to one.

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I would love one! pm me what I owe you and ill send it over.

Im more excited about that than this job.

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You owe me nothing. Send me your deets.


thanks man! that things a collectable.


Great video. I subscribed to your channel. I’m looking forward to watching more.

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