JustANobody messes up Bodhi's Mango Hashplant

I think it’s the same thing as poster board?


Hope you got your answer brother @JustANobody .
Just in case, I’m gonna tag couple of people whom i think are masters on this subject :wink:

Hope you don’t mind brothers @DougDawson @Budderton :pray::pray:


Hope this helps @JustANobody


I don’t recommend cutting it with… anything.


Let fresh pollen dry for 3-7 days at room temperature, in a low humidity spot. Shouldn’t be clumpy or stick together, when you pinch a bit between your finger and thumb. I put the dry pollen in a paper fold and vac-seal, then into a airtight container and into the fridge/freezer.
If you plan on using it more then once, make multiple packages. Hope this helps, best of luck!



Thank you for the tips!


Thank you!


what exactly is your Question my brother ?. or have they all been answered for you.

nice pollen harvest by he way …


Thank you dude. Just wanted to know how long people dry their pollen before dividing it up and putting it in the fridge/freezer.

I have the pollen in parchment “envelopes” inside a sealed Tupperware with a bunch of fresh descicant to help dry.


ahh ya just somewhere dark and not piled up. couple days should be just fine. if left just dusted over parchment 24 hours will do the trick.

and for-sure i never ever mix pollens with anything, just pure pollen for the win.

peace …


Hell ya, Thanks dude I appreciate the knowledge this run is getting me excited for the FP OG IC run coming up in a few months.


Glass is actually less sticky than plastic but it really is as I suggested… that works. I’m glad you’re having success this way


Thanks. I’m going to try a few ways and see what works best. Moving forward I will be wearing a respirator when I do this, that was a ton last night.


Looking great in there! Wow those males definitely did their job eh? Loving the purple buds and leaves still and always tho I’m a sucker for colorful nugs

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The males are bad ass. I’m hoping to collect a ton of pollen tonight and tomorrow and then they become chicken feed.

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Do you not keep clones of the males or just take pollen and kill them off?

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I kept clones of the stretch indica male. The others no, but I’ll keep a bunch of mixed pollen for myself as well as sending around and then the stretch indics males pollen on his own. So he will hopefully be around for a bit


I get a metal bowl and grab each branch. I smack each branch against the inside of the bowl a few times and repeat for each branch on the male. You will inevitably break a branch from time to time but don’t worry, just lay it across the plant and it will keep doing it’s thing. Then take the material and put it through a pollen shaker. This separates the plant matter from the pollen. So after banging each branch into the bowl you get this.

Then you put the material into the pollen shaker and shake it until the clean pollen is in the bottom.
Dump out and do again until all the material is sifted.
Once done you end up with this.

Just keep repeating daily until they stop giving. Lay the pollen out as thin as you can in low humidity to dry. Usually around a week. Then I put it into a sealed container, in my case I use an ammo box with a gasket so it’s air tight. I put a portable dehumidifier in with it. I use these.

That brings the RH inside the ammo box down to around 7% so great for storage. I tend to stir the pollen every day. Once in there for a week you know the moisture is gone and you can freeze it at that point. That’s what works for me anyway. :v:


Thank you for the write up I appreciate it.


No worries, sorry, I meant to get back to you before and just realized I had not.