JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

great looking buds man!

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Nightly update. The Fruity pebble OG clones are perking up which is awesome to see. Here’s a quick shot of the Veg tent and some bud shots.


tagging in from time to time. wanna see those fpog finish!

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Me too! I have some crosses from Jaws I’ll run this winter too.

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And another Blackout Bobby cut from my current Flower run threw roots last night. Into veg it goes. These cutting have been in the fridge for about 2 months before I tried to root them.


And another Apes in Space cutting took…i think I need a 4x4.


Blackout Bobby, day 57, lower nug below canopy… Wow


Outdoor update. Checked on the 2 ladies on my way to the tree stand this afternoon. The nicer of the 2 plants smells like sprite, none of the mom ISS x CT moms had that smell last winter so that’s really interesting and a nice surprise. We have a warm stretch for a few days, may touch 80. I’m hoping it helps them to pack on some weight before harvest. Hopefully no more rain until after they get the chop.


Quick little Sunday night flower tent update.


Morning veg update.
Lost 2 Weighted Blankets. 1 the seed popped weird and made a loop in the starter cube and then died. The 2nd was my own fault and carelessness. The “Black Widows” look like they need some food so I’ll hit them with some fish emulsion in a bit. The MOB cuts are hardening off nicely, while the rest get adjusted to their new homes. The Fruity pebble OG F4’s shoukd probably be up potted soon, but I don’t think I physically have the room.


Looks like there will be some BOG Blue Moon Rocks pollen chucked next run. I’m debating picking up a 2x2 for breeding or just pollinating a branch or 2 from each plant. Thanks @DougDawson for the giveaway!

I guess I could just pollinate cuts of each plant, let them sit overnight, rinse off, and into the flower tent they go. That might be better.


Looking frosty! Day 60 12/12


Took some cuts off the 3rd Fruity Pebbles OG F4 plant I have, so 9 cuts total. Still have 2 MOB cuts that are healthy but not throwing roots and 1 Blackout Bobby.


Fantastic thread name and you do some beautiful work, can’t wait to see how things go


Thanks man! Still a lot to learn.


Be careful when you start tossing pollen unless you don’t mind your whole run being seeded, it can get away from you fast. Be sure to have no airflow, use the bag technique for individual branches, spray any parts you don’t want down with water (possibly with hydrogen peroxide mixed in) before/after to prevent the pollen from spreading to unwanted areas.

Solid genetics to be tossing though! Excited to see what you do with them


My plan now is instead of seeding a branch, I’ll seed a cut. I plan to take the rooted clones, put them in the flower tent for 2 or 3 weeks, pull them out and pollinate them upstairs away from the flower tent. Let them sit up there for a day, spray the down with water real good, and back into flower they go. Thoughts on that?


Seems like it should work, you wouldn’t be able to say run a male in another room or tent like that and expect nothing to get pollen but doing what you’re planning is totally plausible, pollen seems to take pretty quickly and you’ll be able to visually tell by the tips of all of your pistils curling orange/red, starting at the very tip going inward towards the flower, so you should know by your day mark. Do half of what you get and save half, after a day do the other half and I think you’ll be extra covered. At least that’s what I’d do but I always expect myself to screw something up somehow, I always learn the hard way unfortunately, you can definitely do it all in one go if you like as well

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Awesome! Everything looks great in here, missed a few days and came back to epic pics! Awesome! You single handedly put this blackout bobby on my map :facepunch:t2: no joke! I wanna run her now. Keep up the great work!


I figured I’d mess with Exotics back stock stuff so while they aren’t cheap, they aren’t very expensive either. I’ve been very impressed with the Tony Greenhand Fud X FOMO as well, wasn’t sure what to expect there.