JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Yea I’m in no rush. I’m notoriously bad at picking early males out… That’s how I ended up with 2 fruity pebbles og females out of 8 seeds. So, yea, that’s a thing I screw up on… Often.

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I think weighted blanket #6 may also be a dude.


The 2 potential dudes together.
Weighted Blanket #6 and #4 from left to right.


Yeah, #6 is 100% a male. I wouldn’t be waiting on that, though again it’s probably not gonna drop pollen any time soon.

Nice. OK cool, so maybe I’m finally picking up on this. Thanks

Yep, I’d say both are boys . Nice I’m stoked to see these grown out! Bet it’s straight fire! Sweet

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U marching them to the Quillan…

I don’t even know what you just said.

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I thought I had another Black Widow, but I do not.
So I hit a Fruity Pebbles OG F4 short stocky pheno and a Mother of Berries with the chocolate diesel pollen from @Trickster. They’ll get a shower tomorrow and back in they go.


To be fair @AzSeaindooin420 is the one to thank for the Choco/Diesel pollen. I’m just the middle man, took what I needed and passed the rest… The OG puff puff pass…


The chocolate diesel pollinated ladies are back in their tent. They stayed out a little late but I got them showered and back where they belong.

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Going to test out the 3d printed mouse trap. Hope it works!


Let’s get blumats hooked up. Veg tent first.

were is the Cheese…

Peanut butter is currently smeared on the end. Rodents are naturally curious and will check out new things and things in new places naturally. So it’s probably catch a couple before I needed to move it

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Veg tent looking good. Gave them a quick water and hopefully I can yank out some males, do a couple up pots and get these blumats in.


Should probably get off my ass and mix soil for the next flower run, I like to let the soil sit 6-8 weeks before using it.


2 7 gal pots of used soil from last flower run.

About 3/4 cup Dr earth flower girl, malted barly flour, green sand, mosquito bits.

5 gal bucket of cow shit and leaves.

Mix all that up. Toss is a bucket from the compost pile. Mix that up.

I’ll water in some southern AG GFF, water the soil and let it sit. I have some mycos coming in once that gets here I’ll add that and probably another 7 gal root ball, mix and water and let it site for 6ish weeks.


This thing is so damn cool.
More mason jar bongs for when Mrs. Nobody goes to her girls night.


What type of filament is that,BPA free