JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Thanks for giveaway and for the tag!


Holy smokes! Haha. Thanks for the tag!

Thanks for the chance! I may be messaging privately anyways later!

#5 @Trae1170 and #28 @Natea

Please send me your details.


@Trae1170 .& @Natea . excellent pick-up i know y’all will make some fire smokes. Enjoy…
Thanks for try @JustANobody


Super awesome @Trae1170 & @Natea! I’m jelly!


Now that’s a good tag :rofl:
Goooo get em @Natea and @Trae1170 congrats!
Thanks @JustANobody big OG :green_heart: doing this while tending to Craftys as well :+1:


Thanks guys! Thanks so much @JustANobody, deets incoming


Also thanks for the tag @LzBoy


Veg tent is looking good. Everything is getting settled into their new homes nicely. They are loving the extra Mag, thanks for the tip @jaws.

The weighted blankets are loving the root trim, fresh soil and additional training. The Blockberry/super boof and Halle Berry are looking great as well, thanks again @Crafty_Flame.


The flower tent isn’t doing terrible all things considering. I’ll probably chop MOB sometime between tomorrow and Friday.

The Fruity Pebbles OG F4 #1 (potential dry cereal pheno is looking nice. Such an easy plant to grow.

And black widow looking nice as she gets closer to finish


That flower tent is gorgeous brother. Beautiful fade, beautiful plants. Can’t wait to see what you do with those Blockhead cuts!!


might be time for you to dip your toe into some leaf removal ?.

nice full tent i love that for-sure no doubt, but i bet thats a PITA to trim after chop. you getting bags of larf ?. stripping those legs will open things up a bit for you while also doing away with the unwanted larf, now if your making hash or shatter then ya there is some goods to work with on those busier plants. i like plants with nice fat buds and very very little larf to mess with after chop.

its not a hard thing just pick a couple plants and work on those and see how it goes, use plant{s} that you have more then one of then compare them as you move through your grow. it might be something for you it might not but you will never know if ya don’t try. i find a lost of yield on some strains but the huge buds i get on the frames makes it worth it to me, PLUS very easy to clean and then trim up after drying has been done.

just a though with my coffee this fine morning …


Oh yea, after the pics were taken I started plucking leaves off the MOB. I like to strip the plants of all fan leafs and then hang dry them. Any larf or sugar leaf gets frozen and turned into bubble hash, I’ll have some larf but don’t typically get too much. I like to lollypop fairly heavily at the start of flower. Thanks for the tips, I always appreciate the insight.


Hoping she’s smokable by new years eve!


Opps, forgot about the little 2.5 gal plant that got abused and forgotten about in the back corner. Such an easy plant to grow. A huge thank you to @Electric-Stoner for maintaining her and passing her all over. I can’t wait to run her again!


I normally make brownies, but I decided to try my hand at some hash blondies. I used an eye balled amount of bubble hash, 1 stick of butter and let those cook in a crock pot water bath on low overnight. Then made some blondies, added a half stick of butter and here we are. I’ll have to test them out tonight to make sure they work rignt.


Is the MOB strain mother of berry? I didn’t look up very high on the thread to see if it said, I had some MOB seeds from THSeeds they were a gift from a good friend of mine who passed away recently & now I have miss placed the bottle of beans… I was just curious the strain name? I sure hope I haven’t lost those 60 or so seeds… I don’t think they can be replaced…

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Yes it is mother of berries, but you won’t get this from seed, this is the clone that has been in @Electric-Stoner’s family since it was found in Maine. It’s a New England staple. I don’t think THSeeds has anything to do with the real mother of berries.


Just popped into the flower tent and the black widows are all falling over. They are almost there. Will probably be a Xmas eveish harvest.