Kaliman Exodus Cheese Grow - Summer 2024

Good thinking on the tap root, actually!

Perhaps I could have gone a little longer in the paper towel to see how long it took the tap root to grow out, to give me an idea of time frame…

Anyways :woman_shrugging:

Will take your advice on being patient.
It’s been at least a year since I popped old beans, and my usual well stored seeds can pop sometimes in 1 or 2 days, so I guess I’ve just been spoiled. :yum:


mini personal dome, seedling in a rooter.

peace …


Exodus Cheese is that also called there Cheese #1 ??.

thanks …

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Ah good idea! Gotta get me some little cups, methinks!

Also as for the “Cheese #1”, it basically is in preparation for more plant labels. :yum:

Depending if/when one or more sprout, I’ll have “Exodus Cheese #2, #3” and “Rockster’s Cheese #1, #2, (and HOPEFULLY) #3 & #4”.


Had no luck on any of the rockstars cheese seeds I started in coco about 1.5 weeks ago. I went to check on them a day or two ago and they were all mushy.

@TheHereticCatgirl I’m starting to have ur view on it now that these are old seed stock. I even used my seed cracker to help them along.

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Dang dude!
You know what? You and me both. :woman_shrugging:

Sadly nothing has pushed through the jiffy yet, so I’m taking the view that these are mostly just dead.

Have tried the rocksters in GA3 and ended up with two with tails in paper towel, so I’m going to leave them in a drawer with my raspberry pi to keep them warm and see what happens.

If they can get past the 3mm tap root stage I’m going to try to plant them.


very sorry to hear this, thinking i need to try to pop the ones i have over here. seems every ones is non viable.

damn …

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Thanks man, appreciate it. :heart:

Yeah, may be worth popping what you have, as this drop in viability has been steep, even compared to last year. :woman_shrugging:

Seems like a lot of these get to popping a root and then just give up the ghost. :pensive:
Currently have 2 sprouts of Rockster’s and 1 Suicide Blonde in paper towels, but waiting to see if they end up getting past that little 3mm root stage.

If you get any to pop and end up making some more beans of them, sign me up for a pack, because I’d love some fresh stock! :grin:


yup the ugorg and blues did the same for me, the ones i got to germ {very few} just did not really want to grow after breaking soil. can honestly say this is an odd thing for me, usually if i can get them above soil they will grow for me. im chalking that up to just weak seedlings or bad growing, i have a few more of each and will try again at some point.

good luck with yours my friend …

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Yeah, it has to be. :woman_shrugging:
I guess that just some of them just don’t quite have the hormonal reserves or energy stores to thrive after sprouting.

Kinda messes with your head as a grower as you start questioning your skill when you can’t even get a bloody seed to start! :joy:

Much appreciate the well wishes!
Hope yours go well when you pop them. :crossed_fingers:


Sometimes you just have to be patient, I had a stalled runt for weeks, here with his sisters:

As you see, always behind but promising … Pirata|nullxnull


Daaaaang! Look at that thing go! :smiley:
What is the strain on these beauties?

Also, yes you’re right! :grin:

I’m determined to baby the ones I have in paper towel rn. Just dripped a little more GA3 solution on them with a plastic dropper, to see if it can encourage them to stretch that root out just a liiiiiittttllle bit more. :crossed_fingers:


They are LA Affie x Hashplant, a gift from Budderton, I always enjoy growing strains from my friends, better luck with those :seedling:, hope to see them grow … beer3|nullxnull


An update:

This may be the closest I’ve gotten to a start yet! :smiley:
Trying not to count my chickens yet, but here’s what went down…

A few days ago I started some Suicide Blonde (Suicide cut x Exodus Cheese) and some more Rockster’s cheese using GA3.
The Suicide, I used a bleach wash first for 5 mins, rinsed with water, let them dry, then put into the GA3, and the Rockster’s, I scuffed and then put it into the GA3.
After 24 hours, each was placed into a well rung out, wet paper towel, and into a baggie or plastic container.
These have been sitting in a drawer with my running Raspberry Pi, which keeps them around 28°C.

So far we have 2 realllllly solid looking Suicide Blondes, with one popping out of the shell!
The Rockster’s has one that has popped, but looks to have maybe stalled. (Will keep monitoring to see what happens).

Each of these is getting drops of GA3 solution added once a day, in order to HOPEFULLY provide them enough hormones to get to the point where they can be planted into soil. :crossed_fingers:

Suicide Blonde:

Rockster’s Cheese:


maybe i better try to germ the rockster cheese at the same time i do the cheese #1, would hate to just keep them on the waiting list.

i see tap so hell ya …


GA3 what and where can it be bought ?.

thank you …

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I say go for it!

If this run has been a canary in the mine for kaliman’s current seeds, it would be a shame to lose them to time. :worried:

Will be watching! :grin:

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No probs!

I got mine from Amazon for about 30 Canadian, I think!

When you use it, make sure to dissolve about 1/8 to 1/4 gram of it in 1ml drinking alcohol, and dilute it into about 300ml of water.

(Looks like you folks in the states can get it cheaper than us Canucks!)
Link: http://amazon.com/Generic-Gibberellic-Technical-Instructions-RX2121/dp/B0CZB56TB4/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=8T65EDBE8SXT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FLnldE2TTYtL4ixaqfvntB7NEMitceRfXwP-rWnCAwgiYwuMa06GzL6CY


very cool it cost me nothing i had just enough points to get it for free.



You lucky so and so! :joy:

Enjoy, and hopefully it can coax some germination out of some old seeds. :crossed_fingers:

Word of warning though:
Careful about using it on healthy seeds. If you use too much, the plants will stretch like absolutely crazy! :grimacing:

If seeds are only a bit old (maybe 5 years), use less of a concentration to avoid it.