Kaliman Exodus Cheese Grow - Summer 2024

GA3 is an organic chemical normally found in weeping willow trees. You should be able to find it online or on Amazon but they never list the dilution rate.


Precisely! :smiley:

Using one of those scoopers that come with it (I think they are 0.15 cubic cm), I usually use one or two scoops per 300ml solution.

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what kind of alcohol did you use with your mix ?.

thanks …

P.S. ya i have a lot of old seeds 10-15-20 year old seeds.


I use some distilled Chinese rice wine that I got gifted. :joy:
Not really a drinker, so it serves my medical cannabis needs well!

Anything distilled: vodka, tequilla, etc. should work okay. :slightly_smiling_face:
I’d avoid isopropyl alcohol, as rubbing alcohol does tend to be more toxic.


ahh ok vodka we have on hand so i will try that. once i get ready to try this i will swing back by for some more fresh mixing direction for-sure.

awesome …

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You betcha! :grin:

Best of luck to ya! :crossed_fingers:

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So we have some successes and setbacks today:

Over the last couple days, two of the Suicide Blondes (Exodus Cheese x Suicide cut) have made their way entirely out of their seed coats! :smiley:

With daily drops of GA3 solution, and a small helping hand, they have both a radicle and cotyledons! It’s time to get these pale babies into soil, under some light, and beginning photosynthesis! :seedling:

I decided to make a couple of light Floranova Grow infused Jiffy pellets, with the top mixed with a HEALTHY amount of vermiculite.
This is to hopefully allow the little root to move freely in the media, and establish itself quickly.

On top of these two emergent seedlings, I saw small signs of a tap root on the other two seeds, so I just popped them in a little hole in each pellet, to give them a chance.
Both pellets were placed within a plastic container, and put outside in partial shade to keep them warm, and get some light onto those seed leaves.

Yesterday I had also decided to go all-in and just start the remaining two Rockster’s Cheese (Exodus Cheese x Skunk #1) seeds. At this point, with the seeds showing signs of decreased viability, what do I have to lose?

Both have shown tap roots, and it seems that the 10 minute 1:10 dilution bleach wash has proved the most effective scarification technique so far.
If this proves reliable, I may draw up a protocol for it and the Gibberellic Acid (GA3) germination technique in the future. :slightly_smiling_face:

Both of these seeds were placed on a well rung-out paper towel with plain water.
Once on there, the seeds were given 3 or 4 drops of the GA3 solution each and placed into a plastic container.
This container was quickly put in my drawer with my Raspberry Pi for warmth.

Now, at the beginning I did mention that today was not totally successful…

Being the ditz I am, I dragged the hose over the container with the suicide blondes while watering the back garden. This severed the root on one of them. :sob:
I quickly popped it back into the soil, but my hopes are not massive. :persevere:

Like someone stuck in a damn time loop, I grabbed the last 3 SB seeds and ran through the bleach wash and GA3 soak again.

Let’s just hope I can get at least one viable plant for this grow. :sweat_smile:


Evening update:

Sprouts have been outside just chilling in part-shade and have ditched the anemic yellow in favor of some nice green!

Despite having the roots severed, the one that got damaged is looking surprisingly happy! :smiley::crossed_fingers:


Exodus cheese aka mozzarella from g13 labs was cheesy but not like the orginal. Hmm barney I grew that I give it 7… I just bought cheese x sour diesel from resiovr seeds and green house exodus cheese uk . Finger crosss your cheese is stink loud and narocit like the old days


Damn, fingers crossed! :smiley:
I’m left with limited plants, so let’s hope there is some gold (or maybe some yellow :cheese:) in there to be found!

How was the smell of the Barney’s you grew out? :thinking:
I also have some Black Cheese from Big Buddha that I’ve heard potentially good things about.


Wow you are really pulling out all the stops to get these lil’ babies sprouted. Props to you for giving them their best chance with all of this care and attention! Hopefully they keep truckin along and don’t stall out on ya

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Hope it’s not too much for them entripao|nullxnull, Jiffy pellets have peat on them, so enough nutrients, seedlings take nutes from the cotyledons and only when they have their first true leaves you must start to feed them, many times less is better, we can kill them with too much love … beer3|nullxnull

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Don’t worry, I gave them a real light touch. :wink:
Just a little tooth pick of the concentrate in about 300ml of water.

As you say, “less is better”. :smiley:

Hoping it is enough to just tide them over for when their true leaves emerge, before I get them into that sweet sweet organic soil!

Cheers! :beers:

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Hey thank you! :smiley:

Yeah, with the Kaliman being no longer around in the scene, and the packs getting old, it was kind of a “now-or-never” situation.

Just doing my best to implement all the stuff I’ve spent hours googling mindlessly over the years. :sweat_smile:

Cheers, and let’s hope for some Kaliman ressurection magic!

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With old seeds, the shells really dry out, and become thick & hard…if there’s any life in them, you’re doing all the right things.

The only additional thing I would suggest: add some type of Humic Acid & Kelp Solution. Seeds of this age need a boost - and the Bio-Active Nutrients in these solutions provide exactly what they need.
Humic Acid & Kelp (at a 5:2 ratio) works best - this combo provide the seeds with all natural plant-growth hormones such as auxins, cytokinins, natural gibberellic acids (GA3), and a bunch of amino acids too. I make a mixture, and put it into a spray bottle, and mist the seeds, or sprouts, seedlings with it. It has made a 100% difference in my germination of old seeds.

I bought all the components off Amazon and mix it up myself (I bought a 5lb bag of water soluble Humic Acid, and a couple of pounds of Seaweed Kelp Extract) - I have enough to last me the next several seasons…LOL… However, there’s also other similar products, already mixed up and ready to use. I had another member here recommend the “Botanicare Liquid Karma” - he swears by it.

And finally, I’ve read that adding Rooting Hormone to the mix also helps (diluting a small amount in water). The same growth hormones that promote roots, help promote seed growth.

And just remembered - check out the the Joe Pietri “Pinto Bean Germination Technique”

Good Luck with those seeds - I too had a few Exodus seeds that I didn’t germinate yet, waiting to run them indoors. But I did sprout a bunch of other stuff for this season - mostly Skunk & Skunk hybrids.


Barney was a sweet level. It had characteristics of the orginial exodus cheese but like the strength was like of the 3td. Wasn’t very narcotic or head head. Overall it had the smell but not the pack of power behind it

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afaik, the “exodus cheese” by kailman is a bx8-type :wink: enjoy


Do you find you get more males using gibberellin’s ? I was told it needs to be used sparingly and can cause hemies in fems too if overused ? I think its also used in seed making game for reversing fem plants.

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Hi San,
What did you think of Kaliman’s Exodus Cheese? …I also come across older Kaliman Genetics floating around, but was worried about germination issues; seed health (lack of it), etc. It all depends on how well they were stored, and I always have to assume they were probably stored at room temp.

The “old classics” I’ve come across, have always needed help to germinate - using all the creative methods…and one of the most important things I’ve learned, is to keep the seed as shallow as possible. I typically use ProMix (or something similar), so I barely cover the seed (after an initial soak & crack). I think Root Riot Cubes would work great for older seeds too, but I’ve only used them for cloning.

However - back to UK EXODUS CHEESE
…I managed to find an F2 repro of Kaliman’s genetics, so picked up a couple packs. I figure an F2 will be a lot fresher, but also will be a lot of different expressions too. So, if it ain’t one thing, it’s another… But I’ve never grown actual UK Exodus Cheese, and I’m on the hunt for some good Skunk. And if you’ve grown out the UK Exodus cut - just wondering about your thoughts - what did you think of it?

I’ve grown a few Skunks back in the 90’s - the kind of stuff you needed to triple wrap in plastic, bury it in the back of your trunk, and hope you didn’t get pulled over. The stench was sooo STRONG, and so was the HIGH. I miss that kind of Skunk, and hope to find something similar - if possible?


i never grew kaliman’s offerings yet.
friends grew some of the cheese #1 (which is a bx4, i think?),
which turned out a not too bad rep of the exodus cut cheese.

in case you’d like to grow some exodus cheese stuff, just hit me up.
i got a few thingies left and can spare a few of those your way, bro :wink: