Kaliman Exodus Cheese Grow - Summer 2024

Newer seen them before or heard of them but ill ask the owner of Kalimans seeds.
He still has contact to Rockster despite him not breeding any more


Alright folks, updates and replies coming your way soon!

@2-scoops and @JAWS I am just writing out the protocol for the Gibberellic Acid right now, so that is on the way for you folks to get started popping some old beans. :smiley:


look forward to the lay out, wont need it for a minute but knowing whats what is comforting for-sure.

i have some I THINK very special seeds and i want to know what im doing before ever dropping these seeds into anything. i have some other older seeds that im not as worried about and they will get wet as well.

thank you very much fro your time and sharing my friend 


I managed to get a fast reply from Kaliman seeds owner.
He says that Rockster indeed did some work with/for BSB but he doesnt know which genetics.
So theres a very big chance your Cheese seeds are legit
Whether its the 3 bx Rockster Cheese or the 6 bx Exodus IBL, he did not know.
But even if its “only” the 3x bx its 94% Exodus Cheese and only 6% skunk1, if my mathematics are correct.
So they should be pretty stable and much similar to the Clone, with the advantage that you can use CS on a good female and make fem seeds.
Which you cant do with the Clone


Alright folks, I said there would be an update and here it is:


First up, for those waiting on the protocol, I’m still working on it.

Turned out that my Gibberellic Acid was either much less pure than I was lead to believe, or its powdered form has a very low bulk density.

After a frustrating amount of math, I will be adding in a step for you to calculate what the ppm addition each scoop makes, so just gimmie a couple days so I can fit it in my schedule. :upside_down_face:


  • Kaliman Seeds

I am sad to say, that after considerable effort, none of the kaliman seeds made it to a sprout. :pensive:

After being babied, given optimal conditions, and being monitored, the suicide blonde made like her name and died last week.

In addition, the Nitro Express have all failed to break soil, so sadly my mission to make more kaliman seeds has come to a disappointing end. R.I.P. đŸȘŠ

But as in life, we move forward! :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Black Cheese & Cheesy Poofs

I am happy to say that basically everything made it out of these seeds! :heart:

One black cheese failed to thrive, but the 4 others are doing just fine.
Given this, I popped my last seed of Cheesy Poofs into the pot of Black Cheese #3 a couple days ago, and just waiting for it to come up.

This is also a good demonstration of how gibberellic acid affects healthy plants!

When I was preparing the jiffies, I decided to reuse some old ones
 forgetting that I had laced some with ga3 for old seeds. :woman_facepalming:

As you can see, the internode spacing is LONG on them, with the cotyledons separated from the true leaves, and the stems have elongated.

To fix what I could, I buried the long stems by transplanting the pellets into slightly bigger pots. These stems will eventually sprout roots and serve the plant well.

If you DO mess up with GA3, don’t panic!
Just burry those stems and wait for the plant to use up what is there, and it should eventually grow normally! :slightly_smiling_face:

  • An unexpected guest: (Northern BC Skunk x Hashplant) x Strawberry Cough Auto

Last year I was messing around with pollen chucking in my outdoor grow (I used a paint brush
 I don’t hate my neighbours THAT much :yum:), as I had a male plant from an accidental F1 of Northern BC Skunk (Jordan of the Islands) and Hashplant (Crop King).

The original cross had put out some quite skunky phenos, which often cured out to an incense B.O. smell.

However, when I grew out this mix of it with the Strawberry Cough auto (Sonoma Seeds / Crop King), I did not get what I was expecting!

I was thinking this thing would have a bit of the berry scent added to it, but NO. :neutral_face:
This magnificent lady stinks up my whole bloody yard!
I can smell her as soon as I walk out of my door, just wafting on the breeze
 and she is in veg!

I gave the plant a stem rub and let my dad sniff it, and he told me the thing just smelled really rubbery.
To me, I get real fresh skunk spray, with a hint of something else.
Nothing dead or rotting, so I wouldn’t call it “Road Kill”, but she is CERTAINLY skunky smelling!

Here she is outdoors, and some clones I took of her for indoors.

(All cuttings were given a bath in sodium bicarbonate baking soda solution for 5 minutes, followed by a dilute lemon juice and peroxide bath, then rinsed off. This was to ensure no mold or mildew spores would get into my clean tent environment. Start clean, stay clean, folks! :ok_hand:)

  • Heime Cheeba Roadkill Skunk, Green Stash Lemon Diesel, Barney’s GMO, and BaOx Wine auto

Current grow tent view (excuse the gross floor):

The two photoperiod plants have been going for months at this point, and I am just playing delay tactics until my cheeses are a good size. :joy:

I’ve done defoliations, supercropping, whatever else that can just keep them down until I am ready to flip.
Once the BaOx Wine auto is finished, one will be placed on either side of the tent, and I will scrog them down to manage the height.

The RKS has a distinctly “burnt hair” smell to it on stem rub, which I don’t know if I really like. :sweat_smile: Regardless, that is a rare smell and I think I will reveg it after flowering.

The Lemon Diesel has no lemon in the smell whatsoever!
Real chemmy funk with a hint of something that is maybe close to garlic. I dig it!
Very vigorous grower that handles whatever you throw at it.

I took a couple clones of her, and will keep the vigorous one to create some reversed pollen, so that I can make some more of this strain.

I had been pleasantly surprised by the BaOx Wine!
As someone who requires a bit of CBD in her bud to prevent THC anxiety, I was massively disappointed when this started to autoflower.
That said, despite her size, she is packing on weight!

A check of the trichomes shows a couple ambers on the sugar leaves, but none on the buds yet. Will harvest her likely next week. Just letting her do the last bit of chonking up.
Smells of sweet honey and maybe a bit of something savory coming off her.
Pleasant! :blush:

Finally, the Barney’s GMO from Papa Seeds.
Growing nice and vigorously with a little bit of spots on the older leaves.

Looked to see if there were any pests around, but saw nothing in my scouting. Gave her a precautionary neem spray a while ago, and have seen nothing more since. Let’s hope it stays that way! :crossed_fingers:

Will be probably giving her a top when I’m ready to transplant the cheeses into their final 1 gallon pots, but just letting her grow out for now.

Stem rub gives quite a cookies smell, kinda typical dispo weed sorta scent. But hey! I haven’t grown anything really cookies related before, so maybe it will be a nice addition. :blush:

Please excuse the dirty floor. Soil grows get messy.
Once the Baox Wine is finished in a week or two, the whole floor will be washed and bleached.


looks great but too bad about the Kaliman seeds.
I also think they are getting quite old by now :frowning:
i also didnt get any from my first attempt, but i also fucked up by trying a new germination method that surely didnt work for me.
i have one pack of the Cheese ibl and one Rocksters Cheese left.
im going to try to germ them both so in case the cheese ibl doesnt germ or i dont get a decent male and female from them, i can atleast, hopefully, get them from the Rocksters cheese, despite them “only” being a 3x BX
Wish me luck


Very sad to hear about the Kaliman seeds, that black cheese by BB sounds very nice though.

Ive grown out his bubble cheese and the original cheese & both were top shelf smoke, I had so many lady’s comment on how the bubble cheese smelled and tasted so much like tangy pink bubblegum.