Kaliman Exodus Cheese Grow - Summer 2024

Hey Heretic,

I will ride with you to see the Exodus :boom:

I am also in my Skunkiest attempt so far :slight_smile:

Happy grow free of shit,



There is some nice things to be found in kaliman seeds, i poped 2 pack Last year and still est my fin fingers for not keeping Ć  mother ^^



Good to hear thereā€™s heat coming out of Kaliman genetics. Iā€™ve never run any of his genetics, but picked up a couple packs of his Exodus Cheese F2 reproā€¦ Iā€™m looking forward to finally growing out the CHEESE!


Yes id like to know more about this, it would be good of you to do a post or thread on how too at some point.

Cheers :beers:


Alright folks, sorry it has been a while. :slightly_smiling_face:

Truth be told, this run has not proved fruitful.
Many non-starts, the entirety of my kaliman packs are depleted, and I would be lying if some tears were not shed in frustration.

Yet, as in life, we move forward.

Hereā€™s how it is all looking:

  • Kaliman Seeds:

The Suicide Blonde has proven the only one capable of yielding me a plant above soil, sadly.
What has surfaced has been very stunted and has yet to move past the cotyledon stage.

It has a tiny pair of true leaves so I refuse to give up on it until it has proved itself incapable of thriving.

The final bits of kaliman stock were some Nitro Express seeds (Exodus Cheese x Haze), so I popped these into the GA3 and got one sprouting a tail.

Seeds were put to paper towel and a few days later I decided to skin them. This exposed the embryo, and might just give them a chanceā€¦ though Iā€™m not holding my breath. :open_mouth:ā€:dash:

  • Black Cheese (regular) - Big Buddha Seeds (Big Buddha Cheese x Black SFV OG)

Got these reproductions from Papa Seeds a while ago and, with the Kaliman producing no tangible results, I figured it was worth a try.

There is not a great deal of info on this strain, but I remembered the youtuber DrewIsSharing being quite impressed with it.

5 seeds in total were scuffed and placed into water with a dab of peroxide, given 24 hours, transferred to paper towels, and skinned alive a couple days later when tails popped.

So far these are doing awesome!
Jiffy pellets these are in are amended with some kelp, rootshield (to help prevent dampening off), and vermiculite.

  • Cheesy Poofs (feminized) - Ethos Genetics (Uk Cheese x Gorilla Glue)

Another reproduction from Papa Seeds.
From what I understand these came as freebies from Ethos for a while, so info is kinda sparse.

I did see a reddit thread where a grower said that they got distinct cheese phenos and GG4 phenos.

The seeds were probably the biggest Iā€™ve seen and the coat was TOUGH!
I actually had to go at them with a sanding sponge to get water inside, as the first try resulted in no tap root until I physically cracked it.
Sadly that one died to bacteria (urgh), but I have two healthy sprouts in media.

So thatā€™s how it is currently growing!

Thanks so much for all the amazing feedback so far! :heart:
Iā€™m just sad I couldnā€™t come through with some jesus resurrection magic on this one and knock it out the park. :joy:

If you are still here and enjoying the ride; appreciate you! :v:


So to get back to all you lovely people:


Thanks for all the great advice! :slightly_smiling_face:
I actually ended up using some kelp in with the jiffies as you reminded me about it!

Love the stuff personally, and the hormones it contains is just so good for the plant!
Humic acid will be added to my arsenal when ya girl gets a bit more dosh. $$

When you run your kaliman f2ā€™s Iā€™ll be watching, as I would love to see them grow and maybe know where you got them! :smiley:


Hope you donā€™t mind me sliding in here, but you mentioned you may have some exodus related stuff? :eyes:
If you are interested, I may have some bits to trade! :sweat_smile:


Thanks for the well-wishes so far! Iā€™m super curious to hear how your skunk is growing. What are you running right now? :thinking:

Also letā€™s hope there is some good stank cheese in this grow! :smiley:


Hey, glad to hear the Gibberellic Acid is of interest!

So the skinny of it is that it wonā€™t produce more chromosomal males, but can induce reverses like colloidal silver when applied in flower.
I tried once but didnā€™t find it particularly effective for that, and ended up with a very stretchy plant! :joy:

As for seed starting, this hormone tends to start the chemical cascade of other hormones and enzymes during germination, so it CAN help get some old-timers moving.
Though, as for miracles, none have manifested for me yet, sadly. šŸ„²

Anyways, you bet!
When I get chance, Iā€™ll throw together a protocol with pictures on a separate thread.


Damn that is gutting to hear! :persevere:
So sorry you werenā€™t able to get a mom going from a good batch of the kaliman.
If itā€™s any consolation, I had a suicide blonde last year and sadly didnā€™t as well. :upside_down_face:

Hope you can find some real stinkers in your future! :crossed_fingers:

So I think that just about covers it!
If anyone has any more questions, feel free to hit me up.

Peace out, growmies :v:


Hey THC,

Thanks for the warm welcome and nice seed operations! Fingers crossed.

I got gifted 9 seeds of M39 F3 - my most wanted :star_struck: end then everything begun. I tried to get a good Sk1 as well and bought some old School Skunk BX from Old Man Green and finally I found this Lost Skunk F2 via Seadheavenā€¦ Zanzibarā€˜s Thread made me signing here at OG :rainbow:

A shame that I wasnā€™t aware of OG all the years.

Seadheaven is more or less the only shop I am lurking every now and then because they offer excellent OD stuff and if Arnold is selling via SH this shop is approved to me as well :slight_smile:

Fortunately I can suppress to order seeds every week like others. Haha.

Long story short. I ended up with a bunch of ladyā€™s OD and due to lack of space I decided to buy a bigger tent and switched 1 M39 and 3 LS into the new tentā€¦

The rest is getting huge OD :green_heart:


I have some real good memories of running Kalimanā€™s Cheese #1, but as I look back it is hard to believe that was over a dozen years ago. I am a bit disappointed to learn Kaliman Seeds is no longer :frowning:
R.I.P. Kaliman Seeds

Reminds me of good times ;-)~ ā€œIā€™m in the car shop trading off Cheese. The dealer smile when he give me my keys.ā€


Cool give us a shout please into thread cus i have plenty of old seeds need growing out. Cheers


Hey congrats on the lost skunk! That is super exciting! :smiley:

I feel you on the seed ordering and having to hold off too. šŸ„²
What is the OD btw?

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Crazy isnā€™t it how the time flies? :sob:
If I had known about the forums 10 years ago, I would have snagged a fresh pack, but ah well canā€™t change the past.

How were the kalimans when you grew them out? Did you get any of the good good parmesan? :cheese:


Btw, is there anyone in canada that has a KILLER uk cheese cut that they would be willing to share or trade?
Once Iā€™ve flowered these plants Iā€™ve currently got on the go, Iā€™m hoping to have more seeds of Black Cheese and Cheesy Poofs.

Anything that is exodus, brightside, suicide, kaliman or just something that reeks of parmesan. :cheese::skunk:


@TheHereticCatgirl They were the best seed representation of Exodus Cheese I had worked with or experienced. I had also worked with some of E$cob@rā€™s (Sannie Breederā€™s Choice breeder) crosses around that time that were very impressive as well. I even won a Halloween Harvest Cup with his Chuckyā€™s Bride, which was a cross of the clone only Exodus Cheese with his Cinderella 99 pineapple male. She had a very unique tropical cheese flavor/smell. I really miss those girls.


finally arrived.

glad to have it in hand ā€¦


by all means, letā€™s talk ā€¦ i got a few things left that i can
shoot over. itā€™s my sincere pleasure to help you as well :slight_smile:


OD means Outdoor - OD only for 20 years now planning little transformation to indoors :slight_smile:

Yeah my whole season is really exciting!

Happy Weekend


Out door mozzarella g 13 labs


What you have there are some very cool and rare seeds.
The Rockster Cheese is Exodus Cheese Clone x Skunk1 then backcrosset 3 times again the the Clone.
The kalimans Exodus Cheese is 6bx or 7bx, also considered an ibl.
These where a breeder special Rockster did and has as far as i know, not been sold earlier in larger numbers.
Rockster stopped breeding some time ago and the owner of Kaliman is clearing out old stock.
So these seeds are no longer available.
Only other Seednank that offers a 6bx of the Clone us Paradise Seeds, and only as gem version at 80 usd a pack and they are constantly sold out.
I also have a pack of the Exodus Cheese IBL that im going to pop within the next few days.
Was going to some time ago but been stressed out lately with outdoor growing and a cornfield Guerilla grow.
Later we can compare but as an ,6bx they should be very similar :metal:


Rockster the main breeder of Kaliman seeds stopped breeding some time ago.
The owner of kalimans are still doing some limited breeding under the name Manchester Genetics and i think his gear are only available at Strainly.
Je has been clearing out old stock for some time so i dont think theres any of the cheeses left


Any experience with or info on these? How likely is it to be legit :cheese: from Rockster do you think?

I bought a couple of packs a while back, but I havenā€™t run them as of yet.