Karma Genetics

Thanks @SHSC-1 . To be honest, I’ve been getting my ass kicked this round. I’m almost certain it’s from a bad bale of Sunshine mix #4. I’m just trying to keep them happy enough to mature the seed that’s in them.
Theses were labeled “Biker Kush” and were bought last fall from the Karma website. I’m not sure how they are bred.

I used the BK version 2 ( which is BX 1 to the HA OG) in the Biker Slush cross.

Yes, I’ve been following your threads and though I don’t comment too often, I’m very interested in your projects! The bud I got from the Version 2 was killer, all the way kush but I’ve never sampled the F1. Best of luck with your pollination!


ya the recently released Biker (V2) is the Biker 1 x back to Karma’s HAOG clone.
it all started as HAOG x SVF OG = Lucifer OG. Then the BX 1 which is the original Biker line I have, is HAOG x Lucifer OG. I got my packs before the old seedbay went down , prior to gorilla seeds taking over handling sales of seedbay/seed boutique inventory.
I ordered a few grand in seeds over the course of 2016/2017 and I was snapping up every Karma pack I could afford. I cleaned them out of Biker, Old Grandpa Scratch LTD , Happy Brother and a few others. Glad I did because the Biker and the OGS LTD have become absolute must have favorites of mine.
I’ll get some pics of my Bikers as the season progresses. my greenhouse is so packed it’s impossible to take pics of them right now.


How can I obtain karma genetics in the US? Can I buy seeds in the Netherlands and bring them on the plane with me back to the aunties States with no problem?


Just go to Attitude Seed Bank US.
They stock Karma Genetics.
Welcome to the OG @MrPink!!!
If you’d like to take the chance and bring them back, by all means go ahead, but there are US banks stocking their genetics.


I’d like to get some to Canada and there are a few banks I can use but they never have in stock what I’m looking for. Really wish the Karma shop would send here, they had headbanger in stock 2 or 3 nights ago but now it’s out.


@Fitzera I have a pack of headbanger f3s if you want them. They’re technically headbanger selected by Doc D to make the f2s, and then Motz made the f3s from those. I had two packs but the first pack hermed on me so, there’s a risk.


Damn they had them back in stock ? That’s dope, I thought they were retired tbch.

@HolyAngel you are a gem bro :facepunch:t2: for real!


I’m a first time grower of Karma Genetics.
I germinated half the pack of Sour Diesel BX2 to see what I could find. I ended up with 2 females and 5 males. I flowered out the males as soon as they showed in late spring. I harvested the pollen to use later for a seed increase with the 2 females and to use for a couple hybrids.
The 1st females is very gassy/fuel smelling and has a very elongated structure.
The 2nd has heavier flower sets and is more sour.
I crossed the mix of 5 Sour Diesel BX2 males with:

  • 3 Lemon Cello (S1) from Chimera.
  • 2 Dirty Sugah (S1) from Beleaf.
    One of the Dirty Sugah smells strongly of fresh Pineapple🤤. The other is more skunky/gas.

Does anyone have experience with Hybrids using the BX2 as a male?
What did you cross them with?
What were the results you found?

Sour Diesel BX2 #1

Sour Diesel BX2 #2

Lemon Cello

Dirty Sugah (Pineapple)


That sucks, I had to work through a bad soil mix and it sucked for a few months until it got corrected, then my water pH dramatically changed and I did know and could not figure out what was happening. Had to go back to RO and the old soil mix. I hope you’re out of the woods soon and back in the green pastures.


I hope you will multiply this one and throw some fresh around, most of the time they are ridiculously pricey on trades for old beans and opened packs.

BX3 exactly, to the F7 of this BX3.

(Mazar x Blueberry)

Herm tendances of the MxBB side lifted (absence), F1 progeny like clones.
But hard to push the F1 in inbreeding after, without the heterosis to help.
The BX3 was better (more sturdy) later for this, with F7 males.


If successful I’m up to infuse some fresh around.
Thanks for the info.

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Hell if you keep it pure (and not selfed/reversed), throw me a message lol I’ve a revenge to take. I don’t mind to share 50/50 a big repro.

The cross is gone since a while now and it found its way, but i still consider today this old idea as bad and as a frustrating breeding failure (on the decision).The weed was nice, but the SD inside was totally crushed even previously reinforced with a good cut.

The mazar have made a chainsaw that no longer made it do-able as daily smoke, and the BB have “poisoned” the typical high of the SD in making it too fancy to justify the cross. Also the strong terps was gone, but it’s well known that the SD is fragile on this side. I digress.


Got an email this morning that Headbanger was back in stock…had to order more seeds :man_facepalming:


ICMAG did re open Karmas Forum…

Here is his Sowahh


Your flowers are always good lookers…:green_heart:


Do whatever it takes to get you some Karma beans here in the USA we need this level of Dank


did karma part ways with icmag?
I dont follow what goes on with the big breeders these days


This is a cut of one of the Biker Kush that made the grade for another round of flowering. #10 out of 16 females.



Got a pack of his headbanger can’t wait to pop those ones down the road been wanting to try these for awhile now.


I think they (IC Mag) started to charge seed companies for having their own forums October this year but that is just my guess to this situation, read something about someone couldn’t post in the Chimera section a few days ago.