Karma Genetics

No, He just needed to send funds for his forum area. He was unaware so I contacted him. He spoke to ICMAG its been resolved. His forum has been re opened. Karma’s work is used in a majority of recent projects of mine. His work is solid.


How the smells of this one @Budderton


I grew out TK S1s, Hollywood Pure Kush x TK, and Biker Kush at the same time and they all smelled very similar. Classic OG Kush, Pine/lemon cleaner, gas with earth and/or coffee in the background at different ratios. The Bikers mostly leaned to the lemon side, some with earth or coffee in the background but very much on par with the other Kushes @Wizdom . It was very easy to see(and smell) that they where all closely relared.


Biker V1 F3


I can smell the nostalgia smells :relieved:


Nice looking buds mate


Finally got my hands on the elusive Sowahh! :star_struck::star_struck:


right on @OG_Caveman , I have 2 packs of Sowahh on the way as well with some Headbanger … not sure which one I am more excited about but happy to be finally getting some fresh Karma gear. I stopped ordering from across the pond after attitude screwed me hard a few years back. My buddy in eastern canada ordered thru oldschoolgenetics and he got our order safe n sound and in good time. He’s forwarded my portion of the order to me out west and should be here any time now. Can’t wait :wink:


Let’s play the insider a bit for the sake of distant Ogers : expect some funks in the releases and variable disponibility (spoiler alert for seed’s traders too ^^), Holland is actually launching the first pilot project for the law reform and it start … within 3 days. Karma crew have set a hangar, ready to fire, most of the genetic is transfered …



@Fuel What is this new law in Holland please ?

Cultivation/Breeding no longer illegal, i synthesize. It’s to create a full loop “production->customers” in plain legality, for the first time.


Wahou good news !!

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She’s a gorgeous looking cultivar

yeah, he told me they had only 14 days to move the cuts in.
i’m eager to see how this all plays out … karma for the win :slight_smile:


ya KarmaG is going balls out with some incredible rooms getting built right now. Some already finished. He posted pics a week or so ago after they did a midnight run with van full of illegal clones. Once they clones arrived at the site though, they became legal LOL
It’s good to see, for someone who has dedicated so much of his life to this plant but not only that, dedicating his life to making awesome seeds availlable to everyone, despite the laws of the lands. That takes balls and serious dedication plus the decades of risk on top. Well deserved and I wish Karma and his crew the very best for thier endeavors into the future.
Makes me want to move to Holland so I can hang out and be a groupie at the coffee shop haha!


I respect the image you have of Karma buddy, but it’s no longer about balls at this scale and at this level of skills. We are talking about (very) big players and crews that are not paid the minimal wage, in the whole chain. Biggest players and big money only, i mean. It’s actually happening in Germany and Swiss too in similar conditions, at the minute i’m typing it.

Initially i was just taunting seed’s hoarders to take their profits in 2024, during the mess ^^


balls out is just a canadian red neck term for going large… LOL
I would expect there to be a “corporate” side to what he is getting into now. Takes big money to get those kinds of outfits going.
But lets face it it took years of Karma taking personal risk and hits along the way to get to where he is today.


i don’t really care about politics or behind the scenes blabber. results count …

karma started same as all of us, way down the line … and while others sneaked
their way up, he genuinely worked himself to the state he is in now. this status was
reached by putting in the work necessary and creating worthwhile seeds.

what counts:
you can be sure to grab ANY of his packs and find fire in it …

the rest is just noise, imho. (… usually coming
from people being jealous of his development.)


i remember some idiots posting bad about karma’s gear
and then naming their lines after his (“polar bear” ect) :laughing:


I think I know who you mean lol

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Ive recently seen these reports of herm issues, hoping it was you saying it in another thread? Good to know so I can keep an eye out.

I guess I read somewhere, or assumed that Sowahh was more a puckery sour than diesel or chem and that the BX2 is more diesel. I may just be hoping that’s true? :joy:

And man, after reading more of this thread I’m more bedazzled and perplexed by the Sowahh. I popped a pack of fems that Clearwater made Original Diesel x Sowahh. They were very nice, consistently nice. I’m anxious to pop my other two packs and how fully dedicate more time and care

They were part of a chem/sour run and things were stress tested hard and culled relentlessly with the goal being bulletproof, or at least hardy as hell plants. I came away with one Sour D BX F3 from TD. The rest of that pack kinda sucked. One Richard Bachman: White Widow x Sour D IBL, and the best of all may be a (TKxChem ‘91) x Peach Ozz girl. There’s also a few (ok, 5) Sour Diesel x SSH BX F3 I’m holding from a dynasty pack. None of them had/have much diesel, though you can find it lurking in haze and cotton candy notes. Nice work by Prof P.

That TD was variegated beautifully and was sweet and citrusy first and foremost. I don’t still hold her, but did make some beans. I wish I’d made more of an effort to ensure a surviving cut. It was incredibly fast growing and got neglected due to it. Then she made some beans and died :violin: