Karma Genetics

this a karma genetics thread… what’s with spamming your seeds here… show some respect.


@NWSun there’s other places besides this thread to promote your seeds. Or start your own thread.

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The pnw hp cross sounds awesome

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I apologize for any disrespect to the thread.
Thank you for correcting me.
How should I participate?


I apologize, I was just trying to share seeds.
I will try to be more respectful in the future.
Post deleted, I hope that solves the immediate problem.


Isn’t it a bit harsh on the guy? He’s sharing Karma genetics in his crosses, for free!


Thank you, I do very much enjoy that PNW HP x Puck BC1 and think the Karma Sour Diesel BX2 should pair well with her. Adding some stretch and a little more taste to the offspring.


Also actually contributed some pics and info on what he’s grown… I agree, it should have been handled and worded better by others if they took issue :man_shrugging: NW Sun probably should have taken a different tact with the last post.

@NWSun I think others are worried there are alterior motives. But it seemed to me like you were happy to provide others interested in checking out what you’ve made at no or very little cost. Next time maybe just ask people to cover shipping? Many people here get weird about someone they haven’t known for a long time asking for money for seeds. It’s kind of like being new and asking for a bunch of seeds.

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No motives just a plethora of seed and not enough room. I wanted to contribute some of my work to a community that might like and appreciate but not always afford expensive seeds.
I felt like shipping was a reasonable cost. I included freebies and sealed everything and sent tracking.
I will start a thread and I appreciate feed back so the OG community is respected.


has anyone tried Karma’s “Karma OG” aka Bear OG F4? i got some alongside my biker kush seeeds.


I think the way it was worded could be interpreted as you were looking for donation above and beyond shipping. That’s the tricky part about the written word and the internet, tone and intention are very difficult to interpret, and making matters worse is the flawed humans trying to interpret it.

Anyway, you took it in stride and have the right attitude IMO. Don’t let your feathers get ruffled, stick around, and keep contributing the knowledge and being generous. Happy holidays :v:


Thank you.
I appreciated the feed back.
I didn’t think I was asking for money but now see that it could have been interpreted that way.
I’m not a young kid but new to sharing a passion I’ve had for 25 years. Old man growing pains.
Happy Holidays!!


It’s tough to know all the unwritten rules people have in this world :joy:

@NWSun When you made the hybrids with the BX2 did you use all the males to pollinate, or did you selective one? Were the plants pretty similar, or did you see variety? Have you grown any of the progeny?


To get us back on topic, I’d love to hear any experiences with Amnesia OG, aka Where’s My Bike. Has it been discontinued, I haven’t seen packs available for a while.


Hey y’all. Here’s Karma Sowahh, the fuel skunk pheno I’m growing. It grows really fat, dense heavy buds. First time I grew it the stems on some of the lower side nodes weren’t up to the task. I see it this time but better managed, little older cut flipped to flower.

Buds were very pretty imo. Both phenos are very similar in looks and smells with slight variation. Sugar leaves on both get a spade shape, rounded slightly. Memory escapes me but one had a pink hue to the trichs, can’t remember which but it was a trivial trait in my eyes.
Can’t tell you how close or far away it is from real Sour Diesel in people’s eyes. People are passionate about their opinion of diesel and it’s a can of worms even speaking about it.
for} the first month and a half of curing the smoke was harsh and it twisted my brain, less favorabke than what I like. The taste came around and it seemed like it did less twisting. I flowered that round for 75 days. Not going to directly compare it to the other pheno YET, as I ran that one 84 days and it was much more ripe looking at the end. One will die after this round to make room.

Day 48. Had some stress a few weeks ago. Only some fan leaves started to get some funk yellowing, had a bunch of plants have the same issue. Was not affected otherwise, no herms!

Day 37 with comparison of finished to growing.


Karma genetics - Zour Lemon


4 weeks 12/12 for the 2 pheno’s of Sowahh I have.

Here’s a clone of one of those, taken on 12-11.


A little Biker Kush clone being flowered again. BK#3 out of 16 females.



Absolutely beautiful, what does she smell like in flower and then after a bit of a cure? I’m such a fan of this strain.


Classic OG Kush. Lemon/pine cleaner with varying degrees of earth and coffee. The Bikers lean towards the Lemon but have a certain terrior that’s hard to pin down but I sure recognize it when I smell it in BK crosses I’ve made. The smell stays pretty consistent throughout the cure, though I rarely have any sitting around for that long!:grin::v: