Karma Genetics

Thanks for the description, sounds perfect for what my wife and I like for meds. Lemon and Pinesol…yum.


I forget that this isn’t a Karma Genetics (sponsor) thread and fired from the hip from that headspace… but my comment will stand. I didn’t mean it to be harsh but I did mean it so can’t take it back and say sorry.
In general I think it’s bad form to enter a thread about a breeder’s work and plop down a bunch of packs of seeds in pictures and offer them for free or otherwise. They are crosses but still… this site has clear avenues for the sharing of member made seeds and even allows the starting of threads for that very purpose.
I mean no insult to the man when I say this but Karma seems a bit of a touchy fellow when it comes to his work and what people do with it. If we as a community want to attract breeders like him to come here and interact with us in this thread or elsewhere… I’d almost bet money he wouldn’t be impressed either.
So not to make this a big thing… I wasn’t trying to come along with the big stick and beat up on @NWSun. My intentions were not from a bad place if that makes any sense. I just have huge respect for Karma and have seen how he reacts to certain things.

I’ll shut up now… carry on.


Currently growing OG Tini - Karma Genetics


Could you take a pic with the flash on or lights of next time,please?
I’d like to see her true colours🤗


Has anyone grown the King Mamba from the Cali kush calb? If so what is the Mamba made of? I’m growing it now and they look very Bubba Kush like. Short stout with big fan leaves.

Sowah day 41 on 12. The frostiest by far out of 5.


Is $50a good price on karma packs?


Yeah probably a little too good, you know what they say…Who’s got them for that.

Normal price is 70-80€ in the sale you often geht them for 50-60.

Sometimes even for less i didn’t bought road dawg for 34€.
:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: still pissed today, bit at he time i had other problems to solve first

Karma packs start at like 100euro a pack. most are 150 euro a pack. I;d be real leery of anywhere that is selling karma gear “cheap” unless it’s a known vendor.
Karma has a list of his vendors so check there before you waste your money on knockoffs.


Before we get in any discussion in Europe the retail price was 70€ and gone up one or to years ago to 80€.
Sowahh, limited stuff and the new tini line are more expensive.

Often you got an promotion like of an half free pack or even like 1-2 years ago a full pack.

Alchimia hat them in the sale for like 60€+ like black friday. Plus 10% icmag coupon.

Seed city you get often 20% on all plus they have an sale area with stuff already discounted 40%.

Oase seeds hat moonshine haze for 38€ and road dawg for 34€ in there outlet like in Autumn 2022… And i remember the haze stuff selling for 50€+ so yes karma for 50€ can be legit

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ya I guess I don’t know much about the different banks and deals.
I don’t shop around much. was pleased when we found out oldschoolgenetics ships to us here in :canada:


Yeah old school genetics is the retailer for karma and lucky dogs… There karma stuff is alwas 10-20 bucks over the normal retail price…
The international shipping is probably is only reason to order there.

And i am not a fan of them.
Lost a package… In an another forum i read from 4 other people whith at least Weird tracking ids “behavior”. And this only in the time of my purchase.

And he forgot the promotion freebies in my reship so im missing ten fem seeds and in my lucky dog pack was only 12 instead of 13 seeds.
But at least i have after 1.5 months my seeds.

Do you searching anything from karma in particular?

Attitude (england) has a good ‘Karma genetics’ promotion on atm.
I just bought a 6pack of plum paradise (89USD)and got 2 apple b and three mango lassi for free.


no I’m good for karma gear.
A friend placed an order back in october and I added a few packs to his order.
Came from oldshoolgenetics, no issues.
I won’t deal with attitude after a 3000 $ (canadian) order disappeared and they said thier system showed it successfully delivered… not to me it wasn;t and I have a post office box only for mail and I am close friends with the post office lady.
anyhow… i’ve got what i wanted from karma for the forseeable future :wink:


I prefer old-school-genetics too…he also gave me nice freebies.
I’m surprised that attitude didn’t fix the fuckup. I had a few with them…and they always made up for it. But my orders were much smaller then yours


Same here with OSG. Here in US guys saying waited ready at drop hoping stuff like that. Heard about him over there and no problem. Super nice to deal with. I bet his skunk line has some goodies in them.

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Seed Cellar is a good outfit I’m fairly certain. I catch oddballs like this now and then here.


@SHSC-1 hi do you have grown the karma og aka bear og f4?
Or the fem haze line? I get them this week but can’t flower them before summer.

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