Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

I’ll get some pictures when I get home, but everything is going very well. Ended up with close to 3/4 females, and it looks like the male plant that sexed first is going to be the keeper as far as male plants go. Very smelly and a great structure, too. . Actually has better branching and smell than the female that’s the same size😁though she’s no slouch either. Such pretty plants!


I think this dude @StevieG will be joining in, too. He’s got this mom going.


Damn. Female number 1 also hermed. I just found one lone nanner on a lower bud.
She is the tiny one in the front.

Both plants that hermed were very tiny, and probably a stressed (my root zone pH was waaaay too low. It is normalized now… but, plants were NOT happy about it)

I’m gonna toss her in the morning. :cry:

Of the two remaining, the one on the left is my favorite structure, and most resinous.

Smell wise, they are all almost identical. Fuel, with a hint of spice and… bubblegum?

Edit: wife just came down while I was photographing plants. She says the Azad K smells like eucalyptus, and her nose is waaay better than mine. So eucalyptus it is… not bubblegum :crazy_face:


If you have any for outside . I’d like to give it a shot . If I’m not to late. I’d be glad to post it

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Azad’s looking a bit hungry gave them a feed this morning .


The two remaining females are a halfway through week 6 of flowering.
only a few more to go, and some ripe seeds are beginning to drop, while inspecting buds.
Two fell out and into the soil this morning, but I couldn’t find them… I’m sure they’ll pop up in the compost pile next season.


Here are the first four I have going. The Variegated one is zoomed in in the second two pics. Lookis like it’s going to keep it going. Maybe I can find a male variegated. Or female if this one is male.

They’ll get a new pot this weekend I believe. I may have to force their sex first but we’ll see. peace


Thanks for the heads up I’ll have to watch mine close as I tend to stress test most plants .


The two seed moms are almost to week 8. Most of the seeds look done, but not all.

Smells are currently all fuel and burnt rubber.

Going to give them 2 more weeks.

(Updated. Oops. I uploaded the wrong picture earlier)


Man, mine are taking their time showing sex. I’m ready to put them in larger pots. I let them sleep in the flower room a couple of days so maybe any day now. Sexy looking plants so far.


So… that seed that fell out of its pod and landed in the soil, and I couldn’t find it last week? I found it this morning!

Boom. Talk about over achievers! :rofl:
This seed didn’t even get a drying out period, and just started growing at the base of its mom.


Ah, a proud family. I hope mine show me their naughty bits today. I want to get them in bigger pots. They are more than ready. I may sprout a few more today as well. Your plant looks great. I like the structure and the buds look substantial. Nice job! peace


The one that is producing the most resin (number 2?) is a bit leggy. Not a huge fan of how stretched out the internode spacing is. Her buds are decent, but not that impressive. She’s also starting to foxtail a bit.

But, the number 4 female, is a nice compact plant with much tighter internodes and her buds are dense and fat… and they keep bulking up. She’s my favorite. But, we will see what happens in next 2 weeks.

They both smell identical.



well we will call her #2 and shes doing great healthy af.
and we will call her #1. She has lots of branches already. there just a lil under 2ft each Plant as of right now. Now a few months of nice weather would be great. I have a male and female already as a breeding pair ill have to update them soon too! Cheers and thanks @Worcestershire_Farms


Which one is which? Can you get a pic of the structure on each of em.


I’ll get pics tomorrow when the lights are on again :+1:


Well, Looking like the start of male bits on my remaining 2. I’m keeping a close eye on them, but I’m 75% sure. Hoping one of them surprises me. I still have the mutant, but I didn’t bother transplanting it. I’ll grab a pic so you know what it looked like before I throw it in the green can.


Congratulations @firehead for making seeds that likely will smell like burnt rubber & for the seeds to grow up so close to its mom :laughing::rofl:

Ps. I don’t want any burning tire smelling cannabis, but I’m excited for ya bro. It’s always awesome seeing seeds grow.


I do! I really do. sigh Hoping for a miracle girl here.


@firehead @Meesh hope she stinks like a firey pit of Whitewall tires & petro as the starter.