Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Is this still open?

I’m new to OG, but have been documenting a Nierika Mexican Death Sativa elsewhere. MDS is my first open-pollination/landrace project, and to be absolutely honest I love this kind of work now.


Grow the mutant. It might surprise you. I’ve got this super-weird Pura Vida f2 in veg right now, it’s like all of the leaves fused together at the second node. But the lower node is branching out and growing up past the “fused” leaves or whatever. It’s basically like it got topped at the first node, never seen anything like it. I thought about tossing it, but then decided, fuck it, let’s grow it out and see what happens.

It seems like those weird mutant plants and low-yielders and whatever always end up producing the best weed. Maybe not always, but sometimes…


Where are you documenting it? Somebody else told me about your Death Sativa open-pollination, but I can’t find it. I’ve got five of Doc D’s Mexican Death Sativa x Dragon Energy in veg now, super-interested to see your grow. I looked on rollitup but couldn’t find it.


I’m not the most computer savvy so there isn’t a thread for my grow individually, but there are multiple updates scattered in the Bodhi thread on RIU. I use the same name (lambchopedd), so that should help narrow it down a bit. I’ve also made a few updates on instagram (same name) and reddit (not same name, but it’s in r/cannabisbreeding sub). For what it’s worth, It’s been a couple weeks since my last update on MDS, but all is well! I’ll be posting another write-up sooner than later. The females are just finishing up; had one fruity pheno that is hanging now. My last update was about me separating the standout males to undergo stress-testing/revegging; which was successful, 2 made it out alive. But I digress

P.s I recognize your name. You’re the one that linked me to that Mullumbimby Madness. Thanks for that by that!


If you’re on Reddit, you’re more computer-savvy than me. I do not get Reddit at all haha.

I’ll try to find those posts on the Bodhi thread at RIU (that thread is a fucking beast).

Yeah, that was me. I really never go on RIU at all; the only reason I was there was because a friend told me about your MDS open-pollination. I’ve got some of these Azad Kashmir seeds that were given to me by holyangel in a trade (didn’t ask for them, but I’m glad I got them). If you wanna trade some of your MDS beans for some of the Azads, I’m down.


Supposedly, at about week 10… the burning rubber smell changes to a coffee/black cherry/chocolatey smell.

We shall see!


What, ? Really? Dammmm man. That’s some cool stuff then. Coffee, black cherry & chocolate would smell wonderful :yum: drooling :drooling_face:


Any of these left for me to back cross with my f2’s i sent out a few years back?


Not sure how many were in the package I received I sprouted 6 so thinking there’s 4 left not a lot but your welcome to them argo.

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The mutant



Grow it out! That one doesn’t even look that mutant-y. I’ve seen weirder, for sure.

Edit: and a lot of times, they tend to grow out of the “mutant” phase and end up looking like normal weed plants.


Nah… ive 9 plants going in the ground soon that will be trees. Ain’t got time for mutants, but one plant K3 may not be male. K2 is a def male and is getting green wasted. Btw… the mutant is half the size of the other 2


Thanks I got ahold of some I appreciate the offer!!!


Seeds are starting to drop out of their pods like crazy when inspecting the buds!


Congratulations :clap: man. They look nice and dark.


As promised, here’s better pics of the two females. They are both small, because they are only in half-gallon pots. So, I’d imagine they’ll be much bigger under better situations.

Number 2, stretched a lot in early flower. Kinda skinny and lanky. But buds feel very dense.

Number 4, super compact and dense. Like an autoflower plant almost. This plant had zero stretch in flower. I like this one. I may try to re-veg her to get some clones.

The two males that pollinated these were almost identical. One short and stocky, the other was super stretchy.


Man just a few days outdoors! I gotta do some gardening around my plants for better pics too!
I’m so lazy lmao


My friend started 6 seeds and got 2 females. He sexed and then reveged them for his outdoor grow.

He said they were slow under t5 lights, but once he planted them outdoors they became the most vigorous plants in the garden.


Superman on the right. Beautiful purple petiols. The male flowers that it started forming under 12 12 cycle are slowly forming and maturing even though the plants have 16 hours daylight now. Otherwise the flowers would be much more full. Smelly plants.

The other ladies. More than i expected…Only 4 males total.


Those are some good looking plants! :+1: looking real healthy outdoors. What size pots you growing them in?