Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

The biggest two are in 2( 3 with the male) gallon pots.
The rest are in 1/2 gallon. All are ready for a transplant anytime I get a minute. They are definately enjoying the outdoors. Handled the cold snap very well. Kept on truckin. @firehead .


I got two males, two females, and one undecided maybe female. The one with the variegated leaves is female. Itā€™d be cool to find a variegated male.

The two females went into 5 gal pots two days ago. Itā€™s about to get hot here.


Yo, I need to take a moment to thank you all for giving your time, and energy, to help with this project.

@firehead forgive me if Iā€™m repeating myself, but ever since you mentioned your wife saying eucalyptus, I canā€™t stop seeing it. I think thatā€™s a major component of the engine exhaust / gasoline sort of sharpness in the parents.

@Upstate Damn, fam. That male is real mansā€™ man, man. :sweat_smile:

@Meesh itā€™s all good. As far as we know, if you started the whole pack it could have still turned up all males. If you get a chance, before eviscerating the little mutant grab a couple pics of her.

@StevieG Those girls are taking off! I canā€™t imagine what theyā€™ll be in a month, never mind three!

@GMan Beautiful little ladies. Is the variegation showing up in each new node, in a pattern, or more random?

@ShiskaberrySavior youā€™re good peopleā€™s. Glad to have you aboard. Yours are probably showing sex as we speak, huh? Itā€™s hilarious how excited I got when I remembered that.


Thanks bud there close not enough showing just yet , Hoping to up pot and get moved over to the tin box torture chamber in a couple weeks .

Once there they can start showing there potential with plenty of room to spread out.


I forgot to mention that the slugs are for the most part leaving these plants alone. We just had three days of rain, which got the Slugs and snails nice and feisty. They were all over the containers, and even sometimes on the plants, but they havenā€™t chewed very many leaves at all. Little bit of damage on one plant by some hemp flea beetles, other than that pest free. My catnip fifteen feet away has aphids and white flies.
@Worcestershire_Farms thanks to you for the beans! You know how Iā€™ve been looking forward to Growing these. They are affectionately known by me as Diggshmir lol.


Love the look of ā€œSupermanā€ heā€™s got those big narrow fingered fan leaves and sawtooth serrations. Looks like a real winner so far!


Sure does! And white pollen!


Tomorrow will be the end of week 9 for my gals. The smells are starting to change a bit.

A lot of small sugar leaves starting to dry up and die, but still lots of white fresh pistils and not many amber trachoma yet.
They maybe need even more than 10 weeksā€¦


Itā€™s a girl! My last one. Sometimes the Universe throws you a bone. Sheā€™s going in the ground


Couple more pictures of Superman. One of them shows the beautiful purple petioles and the other one shows the long, thin leaves. Notice the mutant Leaf in the first photo.


How tall were the plants when you put them into flower?


@Upstate mine were probably only 8-10" high when I switched them to flower.


Alright, my Kashmir female is officially in the ground. Letā€™s see if I can grow her into a tree


Yes, it shows in each node. At least one fan per node and mainly on one side of a finger on a leaf. It shows up less bright on other fingers.

Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll really be noticeable once sheā€™s big. Iā€™m gonna drop more seeds soon.

Itā€™s back to cloudy and a little rainy this afternoon. Cooled off and real nice now. peace


So now that I have my Kashmir seeds (Thanks to @minitiger & @Worcestershire_Farms) Iā€™m trying to plan ahead on how to go about everything.

I may pop on the next full moon (6/24)ā€¦ if not, Iā€™ll push it back two weeks to prevent overcrowding.

Aside from just looking for the best ones, are you guys open-pollinating (zero selection) or selectively pollinating (ex. Eliminating intersex plants), or just filial breeding?? I ask because I donā€™t want to make a bunch of seeds that nobodyā€™s gonna want


A peek at the azad vegging still waiting on my lazy ass to uppot .


Iā€™m just growing mine out but if I get a male I may try and use it. Iā€™m just not sure how things are gonna shake out since itā€™s summer. I hope I can Isolate one male to make a limbs worth.

I just want to smoke it! yeah! I have 2 outside ready for a new pot. One is female and the other seems male, weā€™ll see. I hope to get those two dealt with today. Got real hot the last few days but much cooler today then back to near 90 every day. Then rain in less than a week. Very nice here compared to last year and most all of the west right now. We seem to be in a bubble with drought all around us.

I already have 2 in 5 gal felt pots. They donā€™t seem to mind the intense sun at all.


Weā€™ve had solid rain for 3 days and nights now with no sign of letting up have to of had at least 4 inches or more so far if it would let up I could check the rain gauge.
Feel sorry for any one with plants out they gotta be water logged by now .


I believe the region these come from has monsoon rains every year and is pretty wet, being at the foothills of the Himalayas. It may love it. Hope it doesnā€™t float away. We had record rains two weeks ago but mine were still small and all came inside or put under a tree to protect from possible hail. peace


Whateverā€™s clever. Varietyā€™s the spice of life.

If I were to give a name to what I do, Iā€™d call it Negative Selection. Instead of picking winners to breed, choosing losers to compost; then using the survivors to make as many iterations of the same cross as possible. Keep the gene pool as large as possible, while still keeping variation of the important traits in line with your goal.