Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

I’m hunting out a sour rhubarb smell, and I have several unique sweet fruity flavors, one is a 98/99 serious seeds AK, very sweet, mixed berry pie filling, very sticky, and almost WPM impervious


The AK I have run every chance for the last 3 years, 6 runs, 5 runs with 1 of her, last run I did 2


AK from serious seeds is a hybrid. It’s just coincidence that the Kashmir shares the abbreviation.


Ahhh, ok gotcha, that’s why I was getting so confused. Thanks for letting me know

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I have bubble bags so I don’t know why, but nah, I haven’t yet. I would imagine that DLA4 will be ridiculous odors and trichome coverage.

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Oooh, yo a friend of mine is running the seeds you sent back to me. Maybe week five or so of flower; I’ll see if I can get pics for ya.

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awesome not sure what cross i sent back but if it was the suge pk :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom: stupid fire just unfortunately not yielders at all but one was a garlic and onions smelling og pheno jeez


Kashmir update. In the ground. Found some new growth on the very top eaten by a caterpillar. Pinched it off. I think it got hit before the net on my new bug enclosure got put on. Not a single bug on her now. I planted her a tad too deep, she’s bushing out instead of up at the moment, but all in all, she’s looking good


Plants still hang drying, but dry enough that seeds started falling out of them.
So today I took the branches down and started tapping them into a big bowl.
Didn’t want to count them all, but got 17 grams of seeds.
A few experiments tells me that 1g = between 50 to 54 seeds.
So… I got roughly 850 seeds?!

It doesn’t look like that many to me. But math don’t lie (Except when you do it wrong, and then it lies like mad)


I can’t wait to start mine in the fall.
:green_heart: :seedling:


That’s proper :ok_hand:

Nice work :grin:

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This sounds incredible, would love to run a round of these beauties for hash!


They were passed out months ago!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Lol lttp as usual, maybe I can try to get some down the line


Like others, I just stumbled onto this thread. Thanks Worstishire. I hope you get the feedback you are looking for, and everyone else best of fortune with a short season sativa!


Whatever you would like for a small batch of those you can have


I second the notion


Initial smoke report
Last night, I plucked off one small bud that was fully dried.

So, just for reference. I’m a bit of a lightweight. At night, I have 1 cap/bowl in the Dynavap if it’s a strong strain. 2 caps if it’s weaker. That usually puts my head right where I like it for sleeping.

Did one capful of the Azad. About 5 minutes later… was feeling almost nothing. Kinda disappointed.
So packed one more cap.
The second one left a very spicy acidic taste in my mouth. Like, really coated with this flavor/terp that I can’t figure out. Don’t know what it reminds me of. Still not sure if it’s good or bad. But really REALLY different.

Almost immediately it hit me like a truck. I got that “uh oh” feeling, like when you realize you ate one too many edibles. Maybe this is just creeper weed, and I should have waited another few minutes before packing the second bowl…

For about 5-10 minutes, my head was in a very, very weird place. Like, WTF?!

Then, suddenly it broke and I was back to a regular high. It was a very clear, pleasant sativa high. Much different from the stoney kushes I’ve been smoking lately.

I don’t think I’d say this is an exceptionally powerful weed, but there are unique terpenes in there that I’ve never encountered before… and this might be amazing medicine if those are the terps that check the boxes for you.

It’s definitely not run-of-the-mill

I’m looking forward to getting it into the jar for a couple weeks, to see what smells come out of it.


Give it a decent cure. I’ve been noticing lately how much differently a lot of the stuff I’ve grown smokes at six or eight weeks cured, as opposed to two or four weeks. And not just the flavor, but the strength, too. Like the Purple NL2 I just grew, after three weeks in the jars, she was pretty weak smoke. Took me four bong rips to feel anything at all (and I’m a weed lightweight, too) and when I did feel something, it was just a pleasant, “lite” kind of high. But after six weeks, it only takes two bong rips and it’s much stronger. And the high is totally different. Not pleasant at all haha. I’m actually probably never gonna smoke it again haha.

But yeah, you never know what might happen after a good two month cure…


Lol. They’re like an everlasting gobstopper. The smell and flavor just keeps changing completely with age at harvest, and length of cure.