Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

@Worcestershire_Farms… the goroka is female… and one of the easiest plants I’ve ever grown. The absolute only thing that should deter people from growing some of these is the extremely long flowering time… pretty much has grown itself


That banana cream sounds excellent! Nothing would make me happier than to see that Malana I passed out used in the making of some great hybrids. I’ve got to get out there to last year’s spot and see if anything’s popped up Wild. I’ll be pretty surprised if there’s nothing


All I can think of lately is Bannana Cream Hash :yum: ugh . It will be a fun ride.

Don’t forget photos when your in the wild lookin for them


Both of the males I got have really wide node spacing and they just have the look of a 15 foot tall plant blowing in the wind. I saw a pic somewhere. It may have been yours.

Crap, haven’t called my friends. They have 3-4 of the Malana. Hope they get some females. I’m still gonna sprout a few more. I don’t want to count on someone else for anything that I really want. If I get it from them it’ll be great.

I’ll shoot them a message now. peace


So my girl was planted about an inch too deep. She is twice as wide as all of my other strains in the ground and at least half the height. Nice dark green color, no variegated leaves, they are also much fatter leaves than most of the pics you guys have posted. You sure you sent me the right seeds @Worcestershire_Farms ? lol She looks good though, just hoping for some stretch or she’s eventually gonna get shaded out by the others.


Some giant fans on her though.


New here, but would love to grow this plant. Back in the 1990s in India we would get this really fine hashish from Kashmir - the sifted and pressed kind similar to Afghani. It was superb, and all I smoked - at par with really good Malana cream (which is hard to actually come by now in India, because the growers now frequently adulterate it with cheap extracts to make up for the enormous demand). The Kashmiri hash had a very typical and distinctive raw mango aroma, and produced a classic powerful sativa high. It’s probably best to grow this plant outdoors in a temperate climate exclusively for hash making.

FYI: The terminology “Azad” Kashmir is dubious and disliked by all Indians, because it means “Free” Kashmir. It is actually Pakistan occupied Kashmir territory that is disputed because it is a part of the original Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.


Welcome @bhanga to OG. Thank you for sharing some of your knowledge, look forward to learning more. :grinning::+1:


Hey @bhanga welocome to Overgrow!
Thanks for that ‘knowledge drop’ :sunglasses: :+1:

Have a look around, we have a number of projects going right now. We have several landrace preservation projects you might be interested in as well.

Hope you stick around!



Bingo… thats it, outdoor for extracts is what id like to shoot for. in 2010/11 i was in goa and smoked a lot of hash, maybe some real malana, i dont really know. But at least one of the varieties changed my life forever on the cannabis experience. I do find fresh frozen freeze dried live extracts to have a similar effect, not quite the same though. I wondered if this was because both charas and fresh frozen are extracted from undried trichomes… just being speculative, welcome, all the best.


Thank you deeply for the beans and extra thanks for the laugh :joy: card was very funny to me


Got those beautiful, baby beans today @firehead! Thanks so much! :maple_leaf::smiley::+1:


2 of the azad that have moved into the tin box waiting on the heat wave to pass before flipping them .


Couple more that didn’t make the flower

room liking there node spacing .


Yes, I have heard this. My friend would rather it be called POK, as well. The Kashmir Hash sounds wonderful. I hope someday soon to try it.


I’m gonna go ahead and make my first post towards this project. I germinated on 06/24, got 21/24… a couple extra beans ready to replace any that die prematurely. Not much else to report right now.


Awesome @lambchopedd you should start a separate grow log when you really get going so your info is easier to access, watching closely…Good luck! :grinning::v:


You germed 24 of those seeds? Were there 24 seeds in the vial I sent you? Shit, I thought there were only 15. Probably would’ve taken some out and kept them for myself if I’d have known there were that many… haha.


12 from you, and 12 from @Worcestershire_Farms himself. In case there was a difference in batches, I labeled yours and his with a connotation. I’m not sure how many you had in there to be completely honest, though I know you had more.

I’m anxious to see what all I find!


Yeah, I’m stoked for you. I was really interested in those seeds, but I knew it’d be a year or two before I actually got to them. I’d rather you grow them out now as opposed to just sitting in my fridge.