Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

I’m still only a few hours into my research — and we can’t be sure of anything without getting the specific species identified by a professional — but from everything I’ve read it has no way to overwinter outside of plant tissues.

So same protocol as the usual black spot, or rust, or powdery mildew, or whatever your local pathogen.

  • Trash infected material. Don’t compost it.
  • Sanitize tools; Lotta things say with trisodium phosphate but the studies I read say peracetic acid is more effective.
  • Make sure to handle pest infestations because plants and bugs swap spit, and then share STDs.

@Meesh You’re genuinely a better gardener than I am. Am I forgetting something? It’s been so long since I’ve read up on the basics lol. Seriously in need of a refresher course


I think you covered it. Well said. Glad it doesn’t winter over for anyone who “may” have it.

btw… My girl started bud today :smile: The tent is all glare right now. Ill try and get some good pics later


Ooooooh! :partying_face:

The anticipation! :grimacing: :joy:

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First and only male to show up.


I’ll post some pics tomorrow of my single female thats back at it. Frisky plants for sure. They love water and don’t seem to mind the nutes.


HOLY preflowers, batman


Oh god I hate new England!

Picked her right back up fingers crossed please please cross ur fingers for her
Ps. It was rain/hail and 60 mph winds that did it


That sounds like here two years ago. I had two snap from the wind. Put a stake or stick next to it and tape it with what you have. Maybe after a week cut the tape and add something more flexible. Actually, keeping it taped will be fine now that veg days are over. It’ll heal up and not miss a beat, depending on what type of break it is. I’m on my phone at the pub and my glass is shattered as of yesterday and I can’t see that great now.


And so it begins…


Did you notice there slow to get started budding? Mine are just now starting to show the beginning of buds 3 weeks since they got flipped.


Another follow up on the curing Kashmir, as I smoked a bunch last night.

Pure fuel. That’s the smell when opening the jar now. Strong diesel and spice smell.
The smell is getting stronger the longer it’s in the jars. Most of my other strains mellow out and get more subtle and complex as they get older.
This one is much louder now than when it first went in.

The smoke is very smooth still, but has aftertaste of burnt rubber and some eucalyptus. I really like it’s funkiness. It might not be for everyone though.

Overall, it’s outstanding.
Much better smoke and high than the lemon Jeffery and Chromedog that I jarred up at the same time.


This male has dropped so much pollen its insane!


I have a small one that looks just like that. I have to start collecting right away.


@GMan I have to start collecting it to to save for other projects. Its harder than i though or i just suck cause its easy Lmfao. And on the other hand I don’t know how but the Kash that fell over yesterday looks like she didn’t skip a beat. I legit don’t know how this is possible. Good genes?

Just one ziptie and shes off to the races again.


Well, mine is an outside plant, so I wouldn’t know. She’s actually my 2nd of 9 plants outdoors to start


I’d threw mine into flower pretty early they’d usually get another month veg but to make the flower room in time they went in early .


Did you keep the male or just going for bud? I’m really curious what the other smaller pheno smells like.
Have you been able to tell yet? Mine is exactly as @firehead describes his, spice/incense and burnt rubber. I know you had 2 different phenos going.


Not surprised one bit by the bounce back! I broke a 10 foot Strawberry Diesel in half once on the main stem. Thought she was a goner. Finished her the last 8 weeks held together with vice grips!

If I hadn’t supercropped and pruned the hell outta my Kashmir, our plants would look like twins.


I’ve kept the male so far he’s a nice looking plant might try and save some pollen for future use . Tonight I’ll give the females a stem rub see what my take on the smells are.


Update on stem rubs 1 stinks like dirty socks the other absolutely no smell .
Here’s stinky :