Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

my friend says the kashmir is doing well.

after the variegated leaves showed up all over, he eventually aggressively defoliated all the variegated leaves. it was displaying as split color leaf blades, half green and half pale divided by the spine of the leaf.

after growing back from just the new growth tips, the variegation has diminished. only about 10 leaves are showing it now, but it always comes back a little bit after he prunes the affected leaves. he says it is very branchy.

ill try to get his photos, he is a med patient and kind of disorganized.


Lol. Birds of a feather.

If you follow Adam Savage on youtube, thereā€™s an episode where heā€™s upgrading some sort of shelving, I think for rolls of sandpaper, or maybe duct tape. He mentions something along the lines of ā€œIn a workshop, any and every flat surface will be quickly covered with things,ā€ and that has brought me immeasurable relief.


So in quasi-unrelated news; I have taken on a new plant infected with some unspecified virus: this one being Septoria, if Iā€™m not mistaken. Symptoms start as yellow circles that slowly turn necrotic, like a burn from a magnifying glass, and eventually open up a small hole in the leaf.

Itā€™s another one of the same MAC v2 clones Iā€™m flowering right now. There are 8 or 9 more seeds, so this plant is entirely expendable if necessary.

Dudesā€™ other plants are all displaying the same spots as well, so Iā€™m hoping to determine the risk to his final yield, and figure out the best products to add to his IPM.

Not too worried about it infecting the current plants. This run is coming to an end, and the whole tent is getting a bit worn-out, so itā€™ll probably be disposed of before the next run starts.


Thanks for all the info on the P generations. You have put in some WORK on this one! Pretty cool.

Iā€™m working with the Nierika release, called Kashmir Azad. Not sure what P gen they are from, but if I had to guess, they might be p3s. From what I have gathered, Barefrog collected the wild seeds and I believe he bred them to p2. Iā€™m guessing he gave Bodhi p2s and Bodhi made p3s to sell through Nierika. Does anyone know for sure?

I crossed my only male and female (only 2 germinated :/) and have some p4s (Iā€™m guessing) but have only run the outcrosses so far. The outcrosses have been unreal and the Kashmir seems to bring something special to whatever it is crossed with. Not dominating at all, but seemingly always improving everything they touch.

Pic of the Kashmir Azad mom in veg. The super serrated blades is a trait that seems to show up in most outcrosses.


That sounds good. I started collecting pollen yesterday from the one Male I kept. I have 3 female. Girls are right on the edge of beginning flower. Nothing seems to bother them outside. I have a couple of Samā€™s PPC and theyā€™ve been trying to flower for more than a month since I disturbed the light cycle taking them inside from storms for a couple of days. They look like clones that wouldnā€™t go back to reveg the way I wanted. So, there are buds just waiting to blow up, soon, but I found at least 3 moths inside bud on the girl. Small, red ones, that turn green eventually. Weā€™re starting two days of rain today, so that should wash them up good. Any bug problems seem to disappear after a good rain. I did buy a new sprayer so as soon as it dries Iā€™ll be trying some MammothP CannControl IPM that uses thyme oil. I have a sample from the grow shop and those guy say they like it a lot. It seems reasonable for price at around $15 for a bottle.

I havenā€™t seen one glitch on the Kashmir. No bugs, no mold or mildewā€¦ very solid, all three. Iā€™ll throw a pic up pretty quick. Iā€™ve been lucky witht he rain and weā€™re about to get two straight days of it. So, at my higher elevation with the intense sun and the wet year weā€™re having. I suppose things are closer to its natural environment now.


It would seem like Bodhi and his testers all came to that same conclusion, too. Heā€™s done a dozen or so kashmir crosses using the Space Probe name; The Pleiadian Love Nest with a Vietnam; And at least one Deep Line Alchemy with the 88g13hp.

Well, most of what Iā€™ve done so far might better be categorized as research than work. Exploratory breeding, if you will, to learn the traits of the line and how they interact in hybrids.

Made a mix pack last fall of Kashmir hybrids that I was calling the Boxes of Chocolates, thatā€™s gotten back a lot of good information. Iā€™ll probably do a giveaway with the rest of the packs, soon, because I really donā€™t like holding seeds for more than one year, if I donā€™t have immediate plans to germinate them.

What lines did you cross yours to?


Research and exploratory breeding is work imo. Regardless, itā€™s still pretty cool whatever you want to call it.

Weā€™re also running the Kashmir Sunshine and the Rajasthani Space Probe. KS is the bomb with wild terps and frost. The RSP doesnā€™t have much Azad influence. The Rajasthani really dominates. But the Azad helps the flower time I imagine so you get a 16+ week type high and plant in 11-12 weeks. Iā€™m also guessing it helps control the height of the Rajasthani.

What was all mixed up in the Box of Chocolates?

We crossed the Azad to a bunch of stuff. Used a male to cross these:

And crossed the female to a bunch of males mostly other IBLs/landrace or f1 stuff. One weā€™re excited about now is the Stumble (Kashmir Azad x Too Buku). Too Buku (Vietnam Black/Thai x Herijuana) is similar that it seems to amp up everything it touches, and the #26 pheno has tested up to 26%Thc and up to 11% CBDā€¦ Crossed to the Kashmir, weā€™re getting super fast flowering times where stuff is looking ready around 45 days.


Nice! The leaves on that plant (thin, leathery, aggressive toothing) look exactly like the ones I grew.


Very unique Iā€™ve never seen any others like that. Aggressive toothing is a good description!


Here are a few leaf shots. I have one Variegated pheno, and some that have agressive toothing, and same plant has some leaves with smoothed edging and double serrated.

I believe these are a few days or so older. They really want to be bushy, These pics were taken just after a solid thinning.


Wow, @GMan . yours are looking crazy sativa. I wonder what factor is different about your environment that brought this phenotype out. The elevation, maybe?

Beautiful plants, brother. Thank you again for your time.


Thatā€™s a valid point. Iā€™ve a bad habit of undervaluing myself. Gotta stop that shit.

Lol, you might find one Rajasthani here or there that isnā€™t too tall, but yeah, mine have all been very Sikari dominant, too. They definitely wonā€™t finish in 11-12 weeks, tho. I would expect more like 14.

A Mangobiche x Ghashplant, first. She was a little overly dense, and would never finish in my environment without dehumidification, so the goal was to see if the Kashmir bud structure could loosen up the bracts a little.
A BubbaKush x Sweet Tooth, to see if the Kashmir can dominate over the infinite leaves of an Afghani.
A Hippy Slayer x Durban Poison, in the hopes of bringing the flower time down by a couple weeks. Similar bud structures between the two, and very complimentary terps ā€“ by which I mean lots of Kerosene and paint thinner aromas. lol
And a bunch of purebred Kashmir, to bring the number of packs up to a nice round 420.

I tried getting some of the original P1 or P2 generations of the Kashmir, and dude is NOT a fan of me. lol. Bunch of people here tried convincing me that I was mistaken, as evidenced by his willingness to send them packs of the originals. lmfao. Ironically, I think they all kind of proved my point for me. :rofl:
If youā€™re interested in a little horse trading of the purebred lines, Iā€™m always looking to expand the gene pool. This offer stands for any of the people who got a purebred pack straight from the source, as well. The last thing I want to do is inbreed down to English Bulldog status, and the only way to stop that from happening is by maintaining parallel lines.


Iā€™m down to send you some of the straight line Kashmir in a few months. After looking in the notes, we only have about 40 seeds of it that were produced. Iā€™ll make sure to do another run of these in the next couple months and we can produce more to send to you. Will try document more of the run this time around.

If youā€™re interested in any of the outcrosses, we have many more of those we could send you sooner. Just lmk 2-3 that youā€™re interested in.


Just snapped a pic of the Strawberry Grease (Strawberries & Cream f2 x Kashmir Azad). This is just a first flower tester in a 4" clone pot keep in mind so sheā€™s small. This is at 43days of 11/13 under a philzon cree cob 500w. Just happy frog and water.


Hereā€™s a veg shot of 2 Kashmir Azad outcrosses. On the left is Stumble (Kashmir Azad x Too Buku) and on the right is the Rajasthani Space Probe (Rajasthani Sikar x Kashmir Azad) from Bodhi.

The RSP is manageable in veg, unlike some of the other ā€œcrazyā€ sativas we have run through like the Acapulco Gold, Manipur, Lower Ulleri Annapurna, etc. We couldnā€™t keep those moms for too long because they just get out of control.


Close ups. Love the red stems



I have one like that. It has a neat look to it.


Day ~64


Wow, I love the way those buds look. Very nice! What sort of smells do you get from her?