Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Those colas are really plumping up. How dense is she? She’s a looker for sure. I’m digging those long fingered fan leaves and saw tooth serrations. Is she starting to show colors?


Mine were potted, too long, but look ok. But, my three have almost no aroma. It barely smells like a fresh plant.

It seems like one time I got some cleaner smell, but mostly nothing at all. I’ve grown a cross from another good friend a few years back, and it had no aroma, but it was so frosted. Even without any smell, it had the dank taste you want. It’s the only one I’ve encountered.

These don’t give anything yet. Still time, but not much.


Those are beautiful. Great job


Those buds are as solid as they look. She looks like salt and pepper. Always had those red stems. I had accidentally FIM’d her in the beginning and she looks like a 5 foot octopus. All big fat colas. No larf (but I also supercropped her). Being in Cali, I doubt she will develop too much more color here without cold nights, save the pistils that are ripening.


Day 35F, not getting much scent on either one.


Looking very nice going to be some big buds with minimal trimming.


My 2 girls are a exception to the majority I’ve seen so far. I’m sure you could grow yours twice in the time mine are taking.


Are you further north like me? @ShiskaberrySavior
@PlantShepherd Holy Sh@t!


Wow! Those look really fantastic! I’m always looking for strains that will finish at 45N.


I’m so fascinated, and deeply confused, as to how you’re the furthest along with the lowest latitude. I would have guessed that your girls would be the last to flower.


Wow, immaculate ladies. You’re too harsh on yourself. :rofl:


Mine are inside under 12 hrs of light roughly 11 weeks so far . I’ll grab a new picture this morning when I’m out there.


Yeah, she must lean pretty heavily towards the fathers end of the gene pool because they weren’t sexually mature when you threw em into flower, so they continued to veg for a week or two before starting stretch.

From the pictures on July 19th and 25th, I would guess you’re about 9 weeks into flower, today.


@Upstate how far into flower is your Kashmir compared to other things you’ve finished in your environment? Do you expect they’ll fully finish? (assuming decent weather.)


Actually I get less total sun hours than you Northerners. I think we max out somewhere around 14 . Earlier bud start makes sense


I guess that does make sense.

We max out at like 16, in the end of June / early July, and figure we don’t get back down below 14 until like the first of august.


Last pic is a clone roughly 3 weeks into flowering


in certain spots on the coast in california that have a Mediterranean climate, plants flower based on sexual maturity and not photoperiod. In san francisco everything flowers all year round, as soon as it reaches sexual maturity and the challenge is to keep them in veg long enough.

In some locations everything flowers in the dead of winter by photoperiod, but plants will also flower in May if they are sexually mature.

in San Francisco and San Diego plants flower all year round from the unique climate and photoperiod. You could throw plants out in the dead of winter in december and they would veg normally until sexual maturity, and harvest within about 3 or 4 months. You can do that all year round.

If you live there you either use supplemental outdoor lighting in greenhouse or outdoor, or you use the constant flowering for a perpetual outdoor grow and harvest small plants on a schedule.

It seems like meesh’s location is kind of borderline for this phenomena, and her plants seem to react differently depending on the genetics. Some of the stuff they grow flowers and finishes way early like the kashmir, but occasionally they get a line like the dragons blood hp which went late into their mild winter season if I remember correctly.

@meesh hope you don’t mind me chiming in

Actually I get less total sun hours than you Northerners. I think we max out somewhere around 14 . Earlier bud start makes sense

this is exactly what I’m referring to about the unique photoperiod conditions. In some places it stays pretty close to 12/12 year round.


factually accurate pop song. Because of the unique climate San Francisco was famous for flower vendors and bouquets before more sophisticated greenhouse cultivation and faster shipping allowed people to buy and sell sensitive ornamental flowers throughout the US.

but it is not an accurate portrayal of SF radical counter culture at the time.


Hilarious. True, but hilarious nonetheless.


No photos finish at 54 north :cry: