Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

I’d rather be luck than good any day of the week! Ha


Hopefully you didn’t go to plan D.
Back on course!


And we’re off and running!!

So far so good…I’ll check them again tomorrow afternoon…might get them transplanted into solo cups or fabric air pruning pots

Usually I like to see 1-2” inches of tap root before they see soil…



Nice to see someone else who waits until they’re 1-2" I remember reading half an inch or something around there.

Excited to see how these turn out. Good luck!


Yes they will sometimes grow into the paper towels…I either gently pull them out or just cut the paper and transplant with it on there…

I personally find letting them have longer tap roots translates into healthier and stronger seedlings with 100% success rate! They just seem to hit the ground running with very fast growth…

We’ll see how these turn out…I’m hopefully optimistic!



Not bad for floor beans!!


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I’ve started doing vertical, folded in paper towel, in a Ziploc, above my light with a little worm castings tea. Sprouts are strong and straight and shed helmets with no problem. Let them get about an inch and then into coco or straight to hydro bucket. Don’t think I’ve had a germination failure since doing it like this. Being vertical they never seem to dig into paper towel they just slide through


Sound like a very well thought out program! I’ve tried the hanging method a few times and liked it.

I’ve done it so many ways over the course of almost 30 years…this way is ultra easy and usually get 100% success rate…

Few months ago started 20 x Dynasty Spider Bite V2(C99/White Widow x SSH F3) that was 10 years old and still got 100% germination rate. :wink:

That’s one of the things I love about growing Cannabis…there is literally endless ways to grow, and grow well!



I get that this is a joke, and I tried to just ignore it, and it ate at me for a couple days —

Any man who puts his hands on a women without a sincere fear for his life is straight bitch. Keep that shit the fuck out of my thread.


Yeah, I acknowledged that.

I didn’t say don’t post, but maybe take your own advice and lighten up. Grow a thicker skin. How soft do you have to be that you can’t take criticism? I would be sincerely disappointed if this minor event is enough to stop you from posting in my thread.


There’s a lot of people who don’t like me because of my demeanor.

I’m not here to make you feel good about yourself.

@BigMike55 This thread is full of actual work I’ve put in. There are Kashmir seeds on every continent except the cold one, and I didn’t so much as charge shipping.

A lot of people here have never been in a fist fight, and an altercation on the internet gives you that fight or flight feeling, as if you are in some real danger. You’re not.
There is literally more risk inherent to you drinking a hot cup of coffee, than is possible in me berating you for joking about beating your girlfriend.

What the fuck happened to apologizing? Everyone just throws a fit and walks away. Just man up and say “My bad, it wont happen again.”


No. You said you’re sorry that I was offended. Not the same thing at all


I’m okay with that. I didn’t say you were a bad person, or that you need professional help. The “sorry I offended you” was a cop out, tho, you had to have known I was gunna call you on it.

Stop saying sorry, dude. You shit in my pool and you’re apology was “ Sorry that you don’t enjoy the smell.” I said don’t shit in my pool and you’re not coming here anymore?

@BigMike55 How soft do you have to be that you can’t take this simple criticism? What threads have you been posting in where it’s cool to joke about beating and murdering your girl because she intentionally killed your free seeds?


By the way. Guys and Gals are free to JOKE around in MY thread all they want. They will never get backlash for it.


I played into this joke as well and removed my comment. :+1:

No no no, brother. If you stop posting in my thread, I lose.

People are inherently valuable, and if we can’t see eye to eye, not only do I lose any potential value in our relationship, but also all the other people who read these posts and not comment, who will likewise decide it is in their best interest to avoid me.

By definition, by having written the post that I did, I hurt my cause; and further cemented my reputation as an incredibly abrasive person. Berating you for your joke is literally self-harm.

So again, I would be genuinely disappointed if you decide to stay away from my threads in the future.


Never asked anyone to remove their comments.

Stand by the decisions you make.


So if I were to make fun of you, with pictures of marshmallows, and pillsbury dough boys, it will be taken light-hearted, correct? :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I see it both ways. You said get that shit off my thread, its your thread. I complied and stand by that. :sunglasses:


Yo its alive the seedling! Well its happy now leafs upright.

Cheers everyone,