Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

I flipped my A.K. plants to 12/12 today.
I’m only putting this here, mostly as a note to myself so I have a record of when I did it.


Hola brother, got my John Belushi Movie yesterday safe and sound. I’ll be starting the first half today. Really stoked to be trying these. They should fit right in around here and be sort of close to home. I know our outdoor sun is almost too intense in early summer.

I’ve been taking all my plants outside during the day lately with the weather so nice. Mid 60’s to 70 this week, with blue skies some wind and lots of really clear sun. We have some of the cleanest air in the country right here.

I’ll run the second stage starting mid summer I think. I didn’t get a lot of extra anything from starting early. Plants sort of just use a lot of energy to deal with the sun, dry humidity, and heat. I need to read up on this strain now. I went to the original thread I think. I’ll go back and read it. They really looked exotic. This should be a hoot. Thanks again man! I hope this is the year I start getting things out to people. Got a few projects about to start.

Are you going to use a universal thread to document it, or would you prefer we use our own journal? I never started one yet this year but I had planned to. I need to buy another camera since my last one went swimming sort of. And, I have to get my dedicated internet back on again. At worst I have what I need to get info inline. peace


Hey @Meesh!, I need to find your thread again. I get lost now because my notifications don’t come to me in email anymore. But, I’ll find you and keep up… hope things are good! Should be damn near summer there now, huh? It’s damn close here this year. It’s beautiful and the worst should be behind us now. My Apricot tree is blooming again this year. It’s sort of rare as it usually freezes right as it wants to bloom. Same with the Lilac bushes. I sure hoe they make it… Tulips are growing… ahh, spring! peace


Lol. This would be that universal thread, yeah. :joy:

If you want to document them in your thread and just throw a picture in this thread now and then, feel free.
If you want to use this thread as your journal, that’s absolutely fine, too.
Whatever’s clever. :beers:


I will drop mine first thing this fall. All six seedling were female and thee out of the four clones I practiced with made it. (The three clones put me over the 12 limit.) I will have to pull if visited.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Thank you for doing gods work @Worcestershire_Farms . I received the DVD. Very grateful for sharing. :raised_hands: :clap:


Damn :frowning: postal service must hate me , they didn’t bring me a movie


I have something like a 3% failure rate inside the country. Outside the country is still at 100% success rate, knock on wood.

IIRC @Jamescoldflame is still waiting on a pack of kashmir from like two years ago. :sweat_smile: Tracking said “returned to sender” and it never reappeared.


Shit…I don’t even remember…


Yeah, there were 26 of em, and 25 landed, but yours is still floating.

They say on a quiet night, if you listen close, you can still hear that postal worker cursing under their breath as they walk back and forth across the country.


As I’m currently having some problems with my coco-only plants, and didn’t want these to have same problems, ive moved them to slightly bigger containers (32oz vs 18oz) and given a mix of fox farms soil and coco.

Big burst of growth last few days, and most of the plants have caught up to the big number 8 plant.


My first batch is in the dirt. Let the games begin! peace


A few of the plants are showing sex already.
2 confirmed males so far

7, 8 = male (no surprise with 8)
1, 6 = female

Rest unknown
Here’s a pic of 7s pollen sacs starting.

Edit: plant 5 has also turned out to be male. But, he is not as healthy as other 2 males, so he may get culled.

It’s looking like the other 5 are probably females. Not a bad ratio


I would like to grow these this summer. Please count me in.

Ok. Number 5 (sickly male) was culled, and number 2 female was moved to a separate tent and a 3 gallon smartpot.

So the breeding tent now has 2 nice males (7 and 8), and 4 other plants that seem to be females (still not 100% confirmed)


Peanut butter jealous lol @firehead looking good. The grinch Postal service decided I’m not allowed any kashmir.


Looking good everyone. All your plants are growing so fast it makes me embarrassed to post pictures of the ones I have in the window. They grow very slow, but they are growing.


Unfortunately they didn’t make it to UK , a shame I was saving the outdoor run just for them.

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Ug. Another male showed up in the A.K. breeding tent.
Gonna toss it over the weekend, As it’s sooo late to show sex and doesn’t compare to the vitality and fast growth of males 7 and 8.

I’m worried one more might also be another late male. I’ll know in a couple days maybe.

But, there are definitely 2 females so far.


Was there any of the outdoor line still available for testing? Could run a few outdoors this summer.

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