Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Can you tell me roughly what percentage of each you used for your mix ?
I too might want to do this.
Thanks :smiley:
You plants are looking gorgeous btw !

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Where do you live ? I wanted to save a couple of beans for the future, but If Worchester has no more to ship out to you, and yours dont come in soon, I can send you a few. Let me know :v:

@HappyTrees23s Im in Oklahoma . The second try is showing in transit , the first try is MIA .

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My plants are slow to get rolling here, as well. All plants. Itā€™s so dry and still a little cold hanging around. Plants seem to be smaller in this house than what I was growing inside in my first house here. It had a furnace with a humidity control keeping it right where you want it. This place has no furnace, or even an air return (gonna fix that).

All 4 of my small seeds are up and ready for the first pot. All 4 of the others havenā€™t popped. I see one had a tail breaking the shell, but not doing anything. Maybe they didnā€™t need the 24 hour soak. Iā€™ll do the next batch of those in dirt alone and LITFA.

Are the small and big seeds correlated to the inside/outside? peace


My 3 outdoor are above soil 4/16/2021


Mine were MIA for 3/4 weeks than just showed at my PO and in my hands the next day.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


I canā€™t imagine a pack failing to reach the UK. Seeds are explicitly legal there. Iā€™ll see if I canā€™t find your tracking number and see what it says.


Yup. Exactly.

Nah, damn near zero seeds left of either batch.


All good, thanks anyways man.


Hey. I used 50% Fox Farms Strawberry Fields, and 50% coco. I was told at the local hydro shop, they consider the FF SF soil to be a little too hot. So cutting it half seemed like a good idea. Plants seem happy so far.


@Donnie as soon as these seeds are done, Iā€™ll send you a batch.


I appreciate the offer @firehead , I really do . Im still trying to be hopeful the usps gods will deliver the package lol , fingers crossed .


Thanks for the info. That sounds like a nice mix. Ill have to try that ratio one day.

And yes, the shop owner was correct. FF is usaually to hot, at least to start off with. Its really nice to use straight or mixed with some verm like 3rd or 4th week of veg.

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Males are bulking up and almost ready.
And, the other plants did turn out to be female. So, 4 females, 2 males. Perfect!

And, stem rub from all these plants is seriously stinky. Like a nasty cheese type funk. And the number 8 male is almost offensive, it so powerful.


thanks again diggy. These went to a local gardener in need of heady medicine. I will get you some photo updates at each stage of growth.

and thanks for the dvd, this is the only time Iā€™ve ever seen a movie endorsement blurb by larry king where did you find these hahaha.

ā€˜in the CIA nothing is as it seems! this modern suspense thriller was as taught as my suspenders!ā€™


The Pollen is Fallinā€™

Male 7 seems to have matured and released first. Still waiting on number 8.
Gonna leave the males in the tent another 2-3 days to ensure thorough seeding.


Are there any of these left

Just dropped 10 in water for a over night soak . See how many I can get sprouted without killing too many .

Great germ rate so far 7 out of 10 have tails the rest look not far away from cracking open .Best results on seed popping in a while that Iā€™ve had.


Just positing a hypothesis: From what I can tell, AK47 is a four-way polyhybrid between: Colombia x Mexico x Thailand x Afghanistan. But is there any chance the name AK47 was related to Azad Kashmir?

As in: Way back in the day, a vet may have brought home seeds labeled simply ā€œAKā€, as firehead has instinctually abbreviated?

Pure conjecture of course.

But yes. I too received 26 of these Azad Kashmir seeds (outdoor line) as a gift from Worchestershire Farms. I think Iā€™ll get started on them sooner rather than later.

ps. Yes, it is Lea & Perrins. I donā€™t know about shotglasses of the stuff. But the beef stew sure tastes a lot like it once we get done adding, ā€œjust a little moreā€ for the last time.


Nope. Purely coincidence.

Serious seeds is on the site, as well. I remember asking them about the AK47 lineage, too, and donā€™t remember exactly what they said. F1 between Kali Mist and something else iirc.