Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Collected a bit of pollen from the males, before sending them off the great compost bin in the sky. Not much, but should be useful for later breeding projects.

Right now I’ve got the tiny dish in a rubbermaid storage tote, with a closet dehumidifier and a handful of silica pacs.

But the RH isn’t dropping much below 40% (pic shows 43% now cause I just opened it to dump in more pollen)

@lefthandseeds , what’s a safe RH level for desiccating the pollen for storage?


As low as possible, but I like to see it under 15%.


Hi @Worcestershire_Farms
I’m not sure what “evils of the world” converged onto these poor seeds, but it was not good!!! This was a (second) failed attempt to get them to survive. Same thing happened in both cases. They sprouted ok, but then just didn’t grow. The first time it was the consensus that I overwatered. The second time, I know I didn’t overwater. If anything - I under watered.

I hope my cannabis thumb doesn’t turn out to be brown. :frowning_face:


I have a brown thumb but have harvested some with the help here. :rofl:So if I can you can. W should be able to figure it out.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Totally on board to help 100% I want to see success.


Mine sprouted a day early and look perfect. About a week old and growing strong. Tomorrow they will get their first inoculation of Mammoth P and some kelp. So far, easy peasy lemon squeezy. They seem to like Cali sunshine so far!


@MyrtleGrounds - I had a brown thumb until I found a few forums - in particular this one!

Find a (successful) grow journal that resembles how you grow / want to grow.
Emulate that.
ex. Soil, 4x4, Fox Farms, LED, etc.
I had a much slower approach to nutes than some because I read a ton of “burned my plants” threads.

Pretty much anything you want to learn is here and at your fingertips.
Happy growing! :grin:


hello brother @Worcestershire_Farms only just noticed this thread i would love to give them a blast in the uk i know im very late to the party
:man_farmer: lime

Out of 10 getting sprouted 8 are up out of the ground and doing good so far 3 needed help with there helmets but hasn’t seemed to slow them down.

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I’ve got 6 for 6 up. One looks damaged at the cotyledons and runty, but they all look like they will survive. Go go azad kashmir!


Some pictures of the Azad… the three bigger plants are from the first germination and have been growing in a window for the last couple weeks. The smaller ones were in my room with the Panama’s under 12/12 cycle. Now that I know which ones are the males they will be ready to go outside when the weather breaks. They are now enjoying their time in the window.

The male plant in the last photo is one of the smelliest male plants I have ever come across. I’ll be waiting to see how the other four turn out, but this one is a stud for sure!


Little mother Kashmir


Not sure which you have but I got two sizes, really small seeds and really large seeds.

Germed 4 of each and only the 4 small ones sprouted. One had cracked the shell but never came up.

My 4 small ones are beautiful and all came up together and all looked exactly the same. They all have color in the small new leaves.

@Worcestershire_Farms ? Are the bigger seeds associated with indoor or outdoor? I’ll try more this week.

I’m really impressed with the 4 that are up. I’ll be up potting today or tomorrow. We have another cold snap tomorrow night and it should be our last. Last frost is 7-14th of May around my house. It’s 80° at 10am right now.


Thank you for the information. My seeds were not small, so maybe I got the larger ones. All were the same size. here are the ones I have left. I’m going to hold off for a bit before I try the other ones. I’m running an auto right now to see if I can boost my growing confidence back up.


It’s quite possible the larger seeds have a thicker shell, making it harder for water to penetrate it. Normally the bigger seeds pop easier than the small ones in my experience. Did you try a heat mat? I had much better success using a heat mat for these.


Yeah I did a H2O2 for an hour or so and then another 24 hours’ish in a solution of trace elements, a couple of drops of rooting hormone and then into coco and Promix in a seed tray on a heat mat.

The small ones popped up in around 4-5 days (pretty quick for soil)

One cracked but never pushed out. Not really sure what to try next. Maybe paper towels till they show a tail.

The other 4 all looked uniformly the same and are about to move into one gallon pots today.

I’ll try some more right away.


Maybe try to scarify the shell with some sandpaper. Just stick a piece in a pill bottle and shake em around a bit.

My azad all popped. 6/6. Sadly 2 were lost to my butter fingers dropping a fan on them. I thought they may recover, but the outlook is grim. At least I’ve got some more to pop.


Thank you, I will try that. I had to squeeze and pop a couple seeds a few days ago that just wouldn’t budge. (sour diesel) The outcome is yet to be seen. :crossed_fingers:


So, seedlings were perfect, but new leaves on 2 out of 3 came in looking wonky now. Hoping they grow out of it. Anyone else get this?


I would be tempted to put the seeds in a vice and crack them. I read one guy has great success using his teeth. I have cracked them by hand but it’s a little sketchy. Once it does crack you have to be really quick to let the pressure off. I like the idea of an adjustable wrench or something like that. Seems like it would work. Probably has to do with all the moisture over there in Kashmir, with the plants adapting and making extra thick shells so the seeds can overwinter in that wet climate. Sounds like your germination method is spot on. You did more than I did. The only thing missing from the equation currently is a strong Moon, which is decreasing in size right now. I’ve germinated 100% of the seeds I attempted since I went by the moon. Those lolab Valley that I planted last June probably popped up( 2 of them)during the full moon looking at their size. Maybe it would be worth waiting for the moon to start to increase in size before you try the rest?
I was one of those calling bullshit on the whole Moon thing until seeing with my own eyes that it’s true. It really makes a difference. Seeds definitely germinate faster and grow quicker with the moon size on the increase, and the extra gravitational pull helps tough to germinate seeds pop that shell
Someone here on overgrow posted a link to a seed cracker. Might be worth getting one of those. Next time I find myself with an extra few bucks and a good memory ( thats the hard part) I’m going to order one myself.