KC Brains Mango/Afghan review

Hi all,

Just thought I would post a review of some experiments with KC Brains Mango & Afghan. I had fond memories of smoking this strain back in the day, and so I enquired whether it was still around. Let’s just say it worked out fine.

It all began with a few sneaky winter F1s to get the seed count up, pics below:

Now this was then inbred again to try and see if it could be made to evolve to local conditions, most of the F2s were killed off as insufficiently vigorous but as you can see there’s definitely a real difference between the afghan/indica types and the sativa types that come from the Brazilian heritage in this strain

Some indica types

The sativa types, getting better. Hard to give a perspective on this plant because it’s about 7 ft long and 6 ft high. Not the highest yielder but the buds were definitely dense, sticky and very mango smelling and the plant was extremely low maintenance throughout growth.

Drop in if you’ve got anything to say about KC brains varieties, I’m interested to hear what other people have done. Since they are pretty much the cheapest seeds available I was pleasantly surprised, given that many expensive seeds just simply didn’t hold up under conditions.

Generally I’m pretty happy with how the strain held up under repeated inbreeding. Obviously it’s uncrossing the variety but the aim is to linebreed the F3s with some of the original seeds to breed up some giant phenotypes.

Peace out,



I’ve been looking into all the old mango strains. My Holy grail is to find what we used to smoke as mango back in the day. Tasted like you bit right into one and stoned the shit out of you in one hit. Some nice looking plants!


This one was on my list back in the day. Never pulled the trigger, and pretty much forgot all about it till now. How’s the taste hold up?


Definitely got that mango hit, it tastes super fruity. Would recommend, conforms to specifications :wink:


Remember mango kush back in the day
Nice grow


Facts, it smelled like you became a mango it was so delicious!


Might try Leda Uno next time or maybe one of the other KC33s or whatever, KC seems to be onto it.

I can’t figure out why his prices are so cheap, but who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth :smiley:


I have no idea what specific strain that emerald triangle / SF mango kush was, but that was some seriously dank bud. I wish I could get my hands on that stuff again.


Wouldn’t mind growing
Some mango kush myself,have 1 lemon skunk auto mite grow


Have run his Leda Uno and Brains Choice. Both nice, flavourful smokes. Leda Uno has a lemon citrus thing going on, stays green throughout a grow and the Brains Choice has berry flavours, stays squat with lots of side branching and purples beautifully. In terms of potency, the phenos I had were daytime vibes and good for working. They were different, interesting and I’d recommend anyone to run a few plants in a multi-variety grow. I have done this for the last few grows doing a little search with small facilities I’ve got. I didn’t find super strong phenos of anything but would say they were nice head spaces.

Why his varieties are so cheap is because he’s anti-capitalist. His beans are now more expensive than they ever were. Still less than $20. But I’ve bought brand new packs in the past for about four bucks and was able to buy a few packs to keep for future. He deliberately keeps pries low. I still have a pack of his Haze special which is getting on and will probs be run soonish.

He’s considered a good breeder by other respected breeders and has been around as long as any one from the Dam scene in the late 80s/90s… Hope everyone has fun with his beans.


KC Brains mango is one of my wife’s favorite strains.

I must order more!


Let’s just make our own! If you can find out some heritage, maybe we can work out a program if it doesn’t exist anymore.

I’m thinking maybe bring some Mazar or Pakistani Chitral Kush into the mix once we get to the right F3s/F4s.

Stay tuned :smiley:


While I agree making our own is always the most fun, KC BRAINS Mango is so cheap!


Does KC Brains have a US vendor?

Edit: nevermind, the vault has em

Hit up seedcity you should be fine


I have some kc brains Afghan special f2’s going now and they’re looking nice


I grew some kc brain NL special A few years ago

Got a nice Afghani looking female and a Hybrid looking male. Not sure if I have any pics of them still. But just pulled out the beans again to see if they were viable and popped one but turned out to be a male (Bottom cultivar) deciding whether to keep and use In a future x I think I still got 2 beans left.


Nice colours and that already in veg. KC Brains is a good breeder, maybe has the best mindset of all of these, extremely friendly and honest. Also his breeding techniques are much apart from all this incestous inbreeding causing mold-prone plants and other kinds of problems just for the sake of phenotypic uniformity. I’ve had KC genetics at 10% THC but offering a supernice and long empathical high, some sativas are actually too strong for me. In contrast there’s commercial liars like AnesiaSeeds that will advocate around 40% THC and then the plant tests at 15% only and the effect is extremely inferior, like 2%, and over after 2 hours…

KC uses alot of “sativa” landraces which he will cross into his early/fast flowering/bigflowering “indicas” to get something in between, even using pollen from multiple parents which is remnisicient to open pollination of outdoor landraces. Thus you may get a wild ‘phenotype circus’ that is really actually a genotype circus. Some plants fall very close to his landraces or better: wild-forms used, esp. brazil, thai, even NZ, and the other carry more maternal genes of his house KC lines. These are even offered also as seeds, and very good, most of these are regs, so he’s even offering a good quality seed to those that which to start breeding.


I have been stuck on Bahia Black Head from KC Brains ever since tasting her.
Great History and truly unique Buds n Buzz.

How do you say “Go BRAZIL” @Chronisseur. Exciting stuff


That’s some finger hash right there lol