Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

No pollen at first, just immature green flowers, but it eventually put out nicely. I can’t remember what exactly triggered him. I took him inside, to the bathroom, and got two good gathering sessions from it. I put a large mirror across the tub and shook. Then I collected it all with a credit card. I have a good bit if you’re interested. I still haven’t used it on the female purposely yet, but I have found a couple of seeds on her already. The Swazi Red got hit and is already putting out extra tiny seeds, but already matured. I may still do some pollen on the LB to get a few seeds. I think I may have time.

I’m trying to get photos off of my phone but now they import as some other format; HEIC instead of JPEG. I’m confused now. I can’t figure out how to get them back into jpeg format. I’ll use my reg camera maybe today. I’d have to take them all back out of the room but it is going to 72º today.


the height at present is : Panama 3.5 ft and Malawi x Panama 4ft - introducing sidelighting (2 - 12by12 panels) Thanks for your input - for me starting at 12/12 - was wondering about veg stage , you answered my question. Have learned alot from your input —!!! Thanks , Steve


it’s listed as 9 to 12 weeks - this geno-type seem/looks like a “fast” pheno can see a few "brown-ised’ pistals all ready


Wow and it still smokes the same

SO – 18/6 veg
12/12 Flower is what you run you indoor sativa’s ? makes sense about loss of terpe’s ,ect with extreme light cycles - If I want to keep a plant small I remove the large fans up to the top 3 nodes , laderal branch growth slows up-ward growth

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I think I made a mistake and I’m not going to be able to keep this sativa Took a clone of my Oaxacan that was well rooted in a solo and put her into a 3 gal fabric pot. Th n she went to flower so I’m already seeing she’s gonna make this interesting for me.l


I flipped mine at 18 inches, and up potted to a 10 gallon, so they had room to get to that 6 feet( 4x stretch). I bet they stretch less in small containers.
@Emeraldgreen I wasn’t impressed myself. Flowered too fast. I left it for the recommended minimum time of 9 weeks and it was overdone and lame buzz. Taste on one plant was delicious and it had epic resin coverage.


That’s kinda what I suspected you were going to say. 9 weeks for Panama would be great


@HighTilliDie check out this thread.

@420noob thanks for the tag ill read into it now!

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not sure on all these stretch reports. i am running ace’s panama genetics via cs at 12/12, i vegged for 7 weeks and then flipped. plants were trained to 13 inches at flip. They are about 30 inches or less today at week 4 flower. leaves were a little wider than expected, but they have thinned out a lot. NLD for sure. they are like normal buds though, maybe a week behind a 70 or 77 day flower. i expect no more than 84 days. i have some acapulco gold next to it that seems like it will go 90+. it has the the thin and narrow buds. it will stretch more than the panama.

ps, i used a few training techniques this timed like pop and lock, per rec from Irie Jeff. not sure if it worked, but my panama did a 1.3x. it did get a little wide, just like my chocolop kwazulu. dang colombia/thai is tall. and, for some odd reason, ice cream cake. tallest plant i’ve run in a few years…ICC5. lol.


“Irie” jeff is a great breeder - have watched him on “DudeGrows” My Panama is 3.5 feet tall - as stated with 4 weeks to go.(FYI – talked to Upstate and he mentioned to harvest Panama early (1 week)(panama is a 10-12 week strain, planning on harvest at the start of week 10) here is my cycle for Panama -
flower spectrum _ germinated at 18/6
seedling stage -18/6
veg stage - 12/12
flower stage - 13/11
this seemed to slow down stretch - using LST method
your chocolop Kawzulu and Dang colombia/thai sound interesting !!!


I really like his online content, but the only genetics i ran were a few clones of one of his newer ones, Tangie Ripper. They really sucked. great plants, but the buds were not very strong and there are almost no terps. It reallly turned me off of his other genetics. They were testers that sucked, then he released them.?? his stock photo looks nothing at all like what comes out of the seeds. …maybe if you grew a thousand for a selection, sure. i have to admit though, the highs are nice for just simple chilling.


Listen to him on DudeGrow a few times - his best strains Bobby Night - Golden Goat and Bubblegum are his go to “he” says - just starting to make female seeds - He’s a interesting breeder full of knowledge

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oh, ya, he has a great podcast called Grow From Your Heart Podcast. It’s on youtube and maybe patreon.
I’ve seen him on TDG show, but it has so many ads and the titles are click bait…I wish they would tone it down and also pay Grambo enough to get his teeth fixed. he shouldn’t have to talk and smile out of one side of his mouth, if he is as useful as he seems.

I kind of agree. I had Golden Goat from a dispo, smell was amazing but the high was not my favorite. I’ve also grown Lemon Jeffrey a couple times. Also, just… meh.

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Indoors I have generally stuck with 12/12 due to work. That allows me to check the plants morning and evening. I’d gradually lower it to 11/13 if I could, but only for extreme longflowers. 15 less minutes of light every 4 weeks. If I were trying to save electric, I’d turn the main lights off every third hour and leave a CFL going in the meantime, kinda like the sun going behind a tree.
Perhaps the less daylight = less resin factor only applies flowering from seed, I don’t know, but I’m sure I read it somewhere reliable. Seems like it shouldn’t bother a mature plant as much, and lowering the light cycle gradually is said to help some longflowers( again, equatorials )ripen properly from what I read. I haven’t had issues sticking with 12 12, but haven’t grown much extreme equatorial stuff.


have read were all these crazy light schedules - really might be worthless- because the light cycle times are to short to have an “affect” on the plant. at the equator is 12/12. MY next grow will sue 18/6 and 12/12 flower for everything 18/6, 12/12 . 11/13 ,ect


Some people use the short cycles with success. SnowHigh uses them.


training a "punto rojo"CBG to control height. shown from different angles

With this spiral winding on a curved aluminum guide, the height is reduced to less than half. And this will stimulate branching. It is a method that seems very invasive, but it is quite easy to take to the plant. At the bottom you manage to distribute the apical pivot a little and distribute the vigor of the tip into several secondary, tertiary and primary tips.