Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

She’s looking happy enough to make it another month. Good luck! I think you can do it.


My Peshawar Afghani is looking like she want to explode I think the 1 to 3 gal jump might be a wild ride for Plants look great.


@Upstate Fingers crossed, I may need to up my feeding on her to keep her a little happier.

@420noob Haha Better hold on tight. Are you running them outside or in a tent?
Thanks brotha!


Inside for now might finish outside once temps drop.


Good Morning @Upstate! Hello OG

Week 2 of Tall Ganja, has a short-ganja growing guy, asking you a question about plant manipulation.

With such a short Veg-period being recommended by almost everyone… (which I greatly appreciate), and before any height issues become obvious, what happens if I was to lay this plant sideways early in Flower? Create almost a 90 degree and create a horizontal circle, week 2 flower? Week 5 total.

Can you see any obvious problems or situations that could result?

My vision is that it would creat a tight circular column of branches, all going vertical together.

Hope you all have a great day. This is an outside the box Sativa idea I woke with. How do you think it fits Upstate?

Here they are:


@MissinBissin I’m going to share some of my experience with my 4 Oaxaca here at week 3-5 of flowering, after a 2-3 week veg.
Bear in mind someone with more experience will weigh in, but here’s what I got:
All 4 Oaxaca respond extremely well to training. I got one plant where I LST’d the mains after topping, and they never started growing vertically again! It just stretched out, and started throwing vertical growth off of the laid down branches.
The others started producing vigorous branches within 24 hours of topping, and when trained, they just keep coming back for more.
I snapped a branch on one (2/3 break easily), taped it up with surgical tape, and watched it for a few days. It never yellowed, never drooped, nothing. Its growing a little slower than the other branches.
Finally, I’m at the very end of week 4 flower cycle on one plant, and it still hasn’t declared. I don’t think you need to worry about manipulating them around for several weeks into the flowering cycle.
All that to say, I think your idea will work just fine, and it’s a great idea to increase our yields!


I love what you shared with me. Even the fact that it may Not need to be topped, well now I might be pushing it…

Wondering aloud and thanks for speaking-up @HeadyBearAdventures

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I think your idea is going to work well. But that circular clump of branches will have so many side shoots you’re going to have to tie them outwards later on Or you won’t get enough light To the bottom branches… They will still have several months time for vertical growth once you tie them down… So it’s not going to look like the picture.


its understood that there are going to be branches all over the place @Upstate and Its going to come down to some/lots of editing on the Fly ie; removing branches pointing inwards, instead of simply leaves pointing inward.

They have a bit of time yet, but I’m sure I’ll be messing with their height / mass. Lots of questions moving forward.


So I think I went for the opposite of this thread. I took my Oaxacan clone from a solo and out it into a 5 gal pot and put outside to flower!:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Let’s see how big she can go


That will be a great comparison.


Atta Boy @420noob I send you all kinds of positive stuff. Let’r Go!


Here are my line up of sativa for the winter. I left them in 1 1/2gal pots almost all summer and in the shade a lot of the time to keep them from getting out of hand. Basically ignore them and water when they cry for it, lol.

Left to right are two Ace of Haze x Purple (I think) Zacatecas from Hyp3rids via @Motaco, One Swaziland Red from @Roms/Atao Seeds, and two Vibes Collective Lambsbread from @Roms/Atao seeds.

Things worked out pretty good. I up potted them into 5 gal pots to flower inside, soon. The Sawzi Red started flowering right after I up potted them to the bigger pots, about 4 weeks now. The Jamaican sort of started a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday discovered that one is a male and actually had a few flowers opened up this morning…??? It only showed the start of male flowers two days ago. I’m naturally inclined to try and keep it and collect pollen, but I haven’t let a male get growing all season, this year.

The nights have been cool and the Jamaican don’t seem to like it. They’ve both been droopy leaves. I’m about to take them all inside to start a long flower under lights. At least I shouldn’t have to worry about them getting too much out of control The Swazi did start stretching at flower, but it shouldn’t be a problem.


Super cool!


That’s strange the flowers open so quickly but I have seen that happen. Typically the flowers are empty. No pollen from these first flowers. Did you see pollen?
Man I love the look of Lambsbread untapped. I haven’t grown them that way yet. Everything is looking great!
Good job with size control.


So my Peshawar Afghani that I put outside it budding up nicely.

Now the bud tips of my indoor Peshawar started at the same time.

Maybe something special I hope taking this long.


Those secondary branches will fill In nicely I think.
If it’s a Joe pheno they’ll really fill in. I don’t know if you have the space, but if you take your branches and pull them outward (after reinforcing the crotch where the branches meet so the stem won’t split.), you’ll really encourage secondary growth and will.get a nice wide canopy, like Joe😁
I was thinking about it and realized Peshawar and Oaxaca were both growing indoors for a number of generations, so now trigger to flower at 12 12 lighting instead of earlier.


what about this " growing with a Redspec 240 QB - 5 gallon pots - strains: Panama and Malawi x Panama --Please comment on this light cycle:
once germinated used 18/6 from seed for 6 days
vegged at 12/12 for 10days
flower at 11/13 (going to use UV last 3 weeks (as stated using aRedspec 240 boards = places in flower on 10/12 Know one grower who using 18/6 and 12/12 for these strains and his plants were great _ any - all info is greatly appreciated - feeding tea’s and NO 'n" at all


Ace strains handle some more N than landraces, but you’re correct to keep the amount low. Ace Panama had a good stretch. 4x after flipping. Their Purple Malawi was similar.
I never used really short light cycles(10/14) because I read it negatively effects resin production, but lots of people like it. The Panama flowered so fast I wouldn’t want to speed the cycle up with these unless there was a decent veg time first. Mine ripened in 6-9weeks.

So basically the first 5 weeks are the veg phase regardless of light cycle. I’d keep to the 18/6 till flipping to give them some size. 4x stretch.


You have Panama that flowers in 9 weeks!?
Hope your doing well