Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

i do indeed know the earth is fucked
same deal.

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Denuding the ocean like that…

when taking seaweed from nature make sure to take no more the 1/10 the sea weed above the high tide line in any one place. That is the rule of thumb for sustainable harvesting

now tell that to the all the municipalities with south shore beaches that comb the shores for the tourist and use giant back hoes to push mountains of seaweed around hidden parking-lots. They literally have entires dumps of seaweed so people can go to jones/long beach and think its pristine.


I just like the word denude


Are you denuding my prime rib?


Denudes were tasteful, not your ordinary dick pics.


There’s nudes, and then there’s de-nudes. They’re French.


They do anything with the seaweed? As a resident could you get a truck load of it if you ask?


Its possible if you know the right people for sure. Unfortunately i dont have a pick up/ anywhere to store a stinky load of seaweed in the burbs. If you wanna drive down here im sure i could get you in contact with someone.
My buddy who works for the conservation department told me the “oyster” devision grows sugar kelp. But apparently its too high in arsenic for them to harvest or something like that.


Great offer I won’t be able to take you up on
The heavy metal content would be a concern. I heard leaf compost can be surprisingly high in heavy metal content also


The last time I got an order from Megacrop they threw in a bag of kelp concentrate, I’ve never used it before but I guess I ought to read the directions and figure out the application.


I’ve heard a lot people saying Worm Castings and Kelp Meal is almost a full spectrum of nutes @Raratt.

It / Kelp Meal, goes in my Soil when I start mixing-it. Goes in alternating teas and Its part of the soil amendment, every 3 weeks. Top Dressings and 3-weeks worth of whats hot.

Never had access to the real mckoy


Worm castings is perfect nutrition. The only reason people don’t grow in straight worm castings is it’s to muddy. It doesn’t let the roots breathe properly


Great to hear that @Emeraldgreen.
Unsulphured Organic Molasses completes the Teas.


Don’t you have to soak the seaweed to get the salt out?

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I’d imagine for indoor use yes. Outside I’m not sure it would be necessary


Interesting thread. I’d like to grow a pure sativa sometime but the growth is wild!

Lol. I give no supplements that aid growth myself. Usually trying to slow the plants down. Someday, hopefully.

Really? Any reading I can do on this? I hope that’s related to heavy metals in the soil some places and not from the air dumping metals everywhere. I love chopped leaves and leaf compost for mulch for everything.

Out west working with my cousin, a one time professional grower, he’d have me topdress with a tablespoon of castings, one of kelp, and one of pelletized chicken poo at around a month or 6 weeks in. Next it was 2 tablespoons of each a few weeks later. The plant growth was pretty epic.


It still completely amazes me to hear of Minuscule-meals like that @upstate, that easily Fuel complete growth.

My efforts to provide nutrition have become much simpler over the years thats for sure.

Hand-mixing meals with 8 ingredients etc got to be a real pain really quick. no way that was being promoted

We’re bringing some Chicken Poo into this Summers plans for the Acapulco Gold and a few others; Test-plot

Basic Gaia Green fertilizers in the Soil: veg / bloom with Soil Amending / Top Dressing as the Style. Teas and Turds is the Word

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I was talking to a supplier out of Vermont about compost. He said leaf compost can have a surprising high amount of heavy metals.
I’m assuming that it’s a regional thing much like the arsenic in the kelp mentioned above.
You should test your compost to see what else they find.
Learned last year that cow manure can have really high copper levels. Some farms use copper sulfate as an additive to keep the hooves healthy.
The test levels for heavy metals are really low in ny. Your water doesn’t even need to meet these level

I can’t make use of the offer. Pretty sure the distance would kill all the savings