Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

Sorry I just saw these 2 posts.

A shovel load each of bone, blood and Kelp meal grew my cousin a 29lb ( of bud) plant. You don’t need much food, just good growing.


@Emeraldgreen scary with the Heavy Metals. I’m sure I must be OK using leaves here. This area was only settled 150 years ago, and never anything but orchards for cider and hay fields have been grown here. No industrial ag at all. Of course there is that acid rain dumping on us…

That’s good to know. I got some 2 years ago, but haven’t used it yet. I’ll ask the farmer. Most farmers around here are too broke to add anything to soil or feed.


I’m also late to this but I quite literally just watched a video about the way compost can accumulate, break down or chelate heavy metals. I can’t for the life of me remember the name right now but it’ll come to me and I’ll post it up later. Either way, he was talking about some composts having the biology that can chelate heavy metals into much harder to use forms for the plants, so while they may still come up on tests, they’re unavailable to plants and are then broken down by other things(I’d have to lookup what). It was an interesting chat. Some composts don’t have the necessary microbes and those metals can build up to more concentrated, usable levels that can really impact things. Obviously has a lot to do with sourcing, diversity, and the lot


@Upstate @DirtySlowToes I bring the heavy metals up because we hit for copper in one of our testing batches the first year. We have no idea how it happened, the only possibility was in the soil or in the manure. Just a small amount failed though

When you say kelp I’m assuming kelp meal correct?


Hmm. I went back and read a bit closer to see that. Perhaps someone hit a spot with copper fungicide when you had your back turned. I know copper fungicides are fairly common over this way…but can’t speak on further northeast.

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It’s definitely possible in the past this happened. There are just two of us on the farm so neither of us put it down.
Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart:


That’s right. A little goes a long way. He watered with River water, And I always figured that microbes and fish manure…even though in small levels…must have played a part in such a massive yield.


interesting !! a bit more work


I’m using a dried extract of three different varieties of kelp.
The product I use is tested for heavy metals, but I can see why it is a concern, fish meal is another source of heavy metals to be wary of. I also keep the nitrogen way down if I’m trying to keep them small. Colder temps at night also seems to stunt the height, down here a cold night is 10C so we can grow outside all year, the winter plants are much smaller.
I’ve found my dwc setup, kelp is so effective that sometimes the nodes are too close together and I have to thin the branches.


I wonder how many of these heavy metals are being rained down on us all. I’d love to see some soil tests.

First pic was in the morning. Look at that deep blue sky. Second pic was on my way home. Humidity 35%. That’s all I’m going to say. Look up.


I only got 12 weeks in for the Oaxacan Gold, outdoors, to my surprise it’s like an indica buzz.
Finally settling into a mango taste 5 months later. The buzz is pretty long lasting. I dusted it heavy with Kanak Balochistan.

I’m excited to see how the new seeds perform. Great smoke brother! @Upstate


Shines like gold indeed :smiley:


Vegged first, correct? My 17 weeks is flowering from seed. The Mango pheno definitely has a heavier buzz. A bit stoney for sure. Beautiful plant!


Probably 30 days veg. July 4th planted outdoors from small transplant.



I got it seeded up big time, with a male Kanak Balochistan. These seeds from that mom are headed in the right direction. :100::dove:


Healthy seeds! Putting it out late was smart to keep it on the smaller side. The male is a cross?


Ooooh! That’s last summers Oaxaca. Thought it looked Similar lol. Real nice development in larger containers. I hope to have a few big plants this summer. Getting a late start though.


You are not the only one getting a late start


@Emeraldgreen Just need to plant some fast growers I guess. I think I have a few😁 what are you planting this year?


He bought a bunch of atlas fast photos, not sure what yet.
I started some garlic dog bx and 3 Copa strains.
If I can’t put them outside I’ll be doing them inside. Probably be a better led run than what didn’t happen over the winter.
Also got some Chernobyl golden ticket I’d like to try
How about you @Upstate ?

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