Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

So root bound plants you can tell sex even before pistils are formed?

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I can, yeah. But I still wait to be sure. …I just noticed when I sexed a bunch of potted plants. I had two piles of plants In half gallon containers and about halfway thru, I realized every male plant was saggy (this is during daylight hours before the plants collapse for the night)while almost every female had leaves straight out or up. So i separated the remaining plants as I grabbed them real quickly based on sagging or not alone. Then went thru and checked the sex to make sure. 400 males were saggy. 4 females were saggy. 400 females were not saggy.
I joked that the males were hanging their heads because they knew what was coming, lol, but I think it could be as simple as the fact that they grow taller quicker and underground mimics aboveground growth. Their taproot circle first.
NOTE…all the females would have eventually looked like this too, because they would have been potbound. . I caught it at the right time. If you keep plants in solo cups too long you’ll love this trick. See if it works for your strain.
Back to Sativas… With them I haven’t checked this for fear of causing hermies by getting them rootbound. You want to get every day you can out of each container size, but no more. You’re restricting the size of the plant because the roots quickly find the edges of their boundary, and the plant knows what it has to work with. But before it starts to worry that food, water, or space is short, up pot it to reprogram its thinking and keep it satisfied.


forgive my ignorance. What is png? as in png sativa?


Papua New Guinea


Ok. 3 Old Silversides S1 plants. One in a solo cup, one in a half gallon and one in a one gallon. Let’s see the difference.

Sometimes folding is the best option.

Main tops pinched and folded on Lambsbread, week 9 of flowering, one gallon pot. 3 feet tall.
In a 2 gallon early in life, it would be 4-5+ feet now.
A week ago, it was 2 feet tall in a half gallon. Double the pot, double the plant.


Running sativas right now. Topped all I could see in hopes of keeping tiny. In 2 gallon pots. Just flipped to flower. Hopefully they will stay a reasonable height.

I took clones as well that I’ll run in half gallon pots. Maybe there is a difference.


Drinking this info in thanks all probably dropping seeds in 4 wks for first ever long flower run. These tips are going to be huge for me to keep my plants


What are they? Flipped while in a 2 gallon, they get huge if pure Sattie.
The clones you took will stay small if you don’t up pot too quickly.


Still no real difference in size between the 3 Old Silversides plants, after a week tomorrow or Monday. Actually the solo cup plant is biggest. The taproot wasn’t visible yet when I transplanted out of the solo cups, or this would not be the case. By next weekend I expect a different outcome and in 2 weeks, it will be real noticeable
@420noob excellent! I love it when people take on the longflowers😁 for the first time. Which one will you grow?


they are @SativaKid Red Headed Hippies. plants on the right below. they were topped . committed now. its gonna be what its gonna be.

the cuts I took. these will be going into 1/2 gallon pots with water rez below like the other plants.


@SaintAliasKnife I think you’ll be okay. Those plants look tamed😁. Nice structure.


It’s been two weeks and the plants are making their 2nd set of leaves now. Transplant time is typically in a week or so…


@Upstate, here’s the mother plant today. As a strain, I’m liking the height.



Nice plant. Looks potent.
Here’s the Difference between an early quart container and an early gallon. Solo cup plants were similar size to the one on the left. Not much difference except in the early one gallon plant. Both of the early plants are being transplanted later today and I expect to see a clear difference within the next week. The other plants( not shown) were put in a one gallon container one week ago.


Thanks for the information! :wink::peace_symbol:

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Here’s 2 lambsbread at week 13 flower or so. I topped the plant on the left right when it started to throw some stigma’s, While the plant on the right was allowed to continue on normally. You can see pinching early in flowering stop’s height gain dead in its tracks. The plant on the right is still stretching.

Here are some photos of the Oaxaca plants. While the size difference wasn’t very apparent at first, it is quickly becoming apparent. The plant on the left was in the biggest container earlier, and it had a larger more developed root mass when transplanting. The plant in the middle was in the middle sized container, and the 2 plants on the right were in solo cups a couple weeks longer. The size difference will be more apparent over the next couple of weeks. All 4 are female.


Thanks for this! Perfect timing since I’m getting ready to drop long flower seeds and I’m sure I’ll go overboard so knowing how to make sure they don’t overtake my tent is


Does keeping the evening temp higher than morning temp help keep sativas smaller?


No. I’d say no.

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I had not known of the Leaf-Sagging issue, being a Root-bound indication.

Thats a wonderful trait to look for, think I’m there with a couple…

Cheer @Upstate