Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

Sure have. All related. Same pigs in charge. I didnt mean to get snippy, sorry about that. It just gets old being called a conspiracy theorist when one conspiracy after another that I believed In ended up being declassified over the last few years. I haven’t been proven wrong about any of them, and now that the government is coming clean about ufo’s, I’m awaiting them to confirm Atlantis and I’ll have a perfect 1000 batting average. :ok_hand:


it’s all good. i didn’t perceive it as snippy. i get that way myself sometimes too. it isn’t the govt you need to worry about though. that should be the least of your worries in fact.

oh, and atlantis was a misinterpretation of some readily available things.


It may have been a worldwide empire, but I speak of its capital city, found in Mauritania using Google Earth. You can’t miss it. Everything about its location/ size/ color of rocks/ lots of gold/ silver/ elephants/ mts to the North, port to the South and even evidence of its demise are all visible from space. It matches perfectly. Stay tuned and you’ll see that mainstream is starting to admit it. The proof is beginning to make them look silly. Again.


send me a link, i’m being lazy hitting a bong before work…inquiring minds and all that.


How did I just find this thread…… :man_facepalming:t2: oh well here now to stay! As always an absolute wealth of information my brother. I appreciate you much more than you know, truly :facepunch:t2:


Port entrance faces South. Mts to the North. Debris field( 350×150 km wide)found off the coast of Mauritania…caused by a Tsunami 11,700 years ago according to scientists. Look at the mud slides ( light brown) from space. So obvious. tsunami dated to 11,700 years ago, when Plato said Atlantis was destroyed. The phoenicians mentioned that the sea turned to sand and you could not run a ship through it any more. Perfect match.
Also a volcano located east had it’s most recent lava flow dissected by a flood/ Tsunami. .The age of that lave flow? 12,000 years ago. Proof the Sahara was underwater much more recently than science currently states. ( 50 million years)The truth is coming out. This isn’t humanites first rise to greatness. We were destroyed by the flood after (aliens/ Gods) contaminated our genepool by " coming( cumming) into the daughter’s of men" , corrupting us. ( bible) there were very few pure humans anymore. The purest ( Noah)was chosen to continue the line. Like I’m doing with Sativas, actually.


It’s alot like what Indicas have done to the Sativa genepool​:rofl::sweat_smile::rofl:


Good stuff!

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Bahahaha no doubt :joy:


According to some of the books that didn’t quite make it into the bible, noah was actually one of the aliens/Gods(enki) hybrid son from a daughter of men. That’s why he warned him to make the ark to save him and his family. So the main line is part theirs. but it also says that some other people survived the flood too.


Yup. There were other survivors, including some of the bad guys. Pure humans had no webbing between their fingers, like we do. I think these bad guys are running the show here on earth again. Offspring of the Nephalim. Explains quite alot. The same lineage rules nearly every country. All major positions of power trace their ancestry back to Cain. They want to destroy us, and are dangerously close to doing it.
All America’s top politicians are related.
Obama, Bush(s), Clinton and Biden are all relatives from the same line. Cain. The first murderer.


Take it easy on me lol. I’m still recovering from a tick bite😁


The flood has been proven by science to have had happen. Amazing where untruths and truths can over lap and just leave you confused. Not saying leaning one way or another I think it’s great. I say this coming from a Christian school who didn’t teach real science. Like dinosaur fossils were put here as a test to our faith cause planet is only 12,000 years old. Seriously taught this so I take it all with a grain of salt. Don’t judge beliefs because none of us really know right? Can we be so full of overselfs to think we are the best that has been on the earth to this point or better yet billions and billions of planets revolving around stars(sun) but we are alone in the universe. Idk crazy to me. @upstate I dig you atlantis theory. Also how about all the brick roads and structures they find in the bottom of mediterrian? Sorry babbling.


Eyes wide open my friends…. WIDE OPEN :eyes:


I think this was a miss translation. The current reign of humanity is twelve thousand years old

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Atlantis was a world wide empire. In a nutshell, The Annunaki came here 400,000 years ago to search for gold to fix their atmosphere. They despised the hrd labor, so They impregnated one of their crew, a woman named Lilith, with a humanoid. We were made in their image, as they selected the f2’s( Gotta compare to weed here, for simplicity sake.) And far beyond, until we were like them. We labored for them for hundreds of thousands of years mining gold ( explains our unnatural lust for it, doesn’t it?)until some of these Annunaki decided to teach us knowledge, which was forbidden. Why? Well, because we can’t handle it. The first thing we do with new tech is to figure out how to kill other humans with it. Always have.
For a great length of time we lived with the Annunaki, until the cardinal rule was broken. They slept with human women, making awful hybrids called Nephalim, which like weed hybrids, had hybrid vigor, and were huge. The Annunaki were forbidden to rule us, but their hybrid sons were not, and they took over and corrupted us. Their empire was called Atlantis.
Eventually some humans complained about this mistreatment, and asked God ( top dog Annunaki) to intervene, which he did. The flood.
In the 1950s the Sumerian clay tablet symbols from Iraq were deciphered, but there were so many thousands of tablets that no one ever bothered to translate them. Until very recently . This is the story from the translations. And the Bible.


@420noob they’ve recently found pyramids 2,500 feet down off the coast of Cuba. Related, I’m sure, as is the Bimini Rd in the Bahamas. All part of Atlantis, which was 9 different empires, each ruled by a son of Atlas, the king of Atlantis.


:100:. And every ancient text says we were created. And us along with the vast majority of our “domesticated” crops/animals all have fused chromosomes compared to wild counterparts. That doesn’t just happen.


Why are seahorses found at 12 000 feet in Bolivia in lake Titicaca? The flood washed them in there. Only freshwater seahorses on earth.


Yeah our crops were genetically engineered. As was our favorite, imo, cannabis. A gift for mankind. Food,( the most nutritious food on earth is a hemp seed. Containing every nutrient needed by man
And in the correct percentage of protein, fat and carbs, with every other nutritional need met in not only the right % , but also in the most available form for humans. All amino acids, all vitamins and minerals.Clothing, shelter, recreation, medicine. All from one plant. That’s no accident imo.
Why does humanity have no oral or written records of the creations of food crops? Not one. Yet we have them. There is not a single major food source that has been created in the last 5,000 + years. The work was already done for us, long before.