Keeping Sativas small with Upstate

No it doesn’t. Excellent point

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@GREANDAL I saw you posting there…don’t be shy buddy. I’m very open to new ideas, and I’m certainty not a fan of religion the way it is. Despite my current beliefs, I think our Christian church was hijacked long ago, along with other major religions. There have been books omitted, and words changed, and I dont trust the motives of the people that did it.


Oh I’m not at all religious and I’m not shy, I was contemplating a joke involving Egypt, aliens and Elizabeth Taylor but couldn’t pull it off. LOL


Keep trying lol. I’m not religious either. Just spiritual and starting to realize some ancient books like the Vedas and the Bible might actually be accurate. If me from 5 years ago met me now, he’d think i was batshit crazy​:rofl::sweat_smile::rofl:


Seriously small church school in Midwest pushed this nonsense. I love the research you do and find it very interesting especially your perspective. I am not disagreeing with anything any of you have said I actually believe about .1% of what they say happened in past. Just controlling the narrative to fit an agenda just like everything else. I do believe that there has been a few advanced civilizations that have been wiped from the planet and history or is so buried hasn’t been found or disclosed.
@upstate the bible does have proven historical references. When I was in college a few back you could still use the bible as a reference for historical info well to a

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Yeah some of those dates were a real turn off for Me Too!. It just didn’t add up. And then of course, once you open your eyes and look into things you realize the Catholic church is run for profit, not to bring people closer to God. Half a dozen years ago I found myself unemployed during January. , so I read the Old Testament… There were times when I was reading, that I was just completely blown away. It was like reading a science fiction novel, complete with alien visitors driving giant tracked vehicles that came down-to-earth with blinding light and spewing smoke, thunder and lightning…
I was just shocked at what I was reading. And the books that really go into this were taken out of The Bible. The book of Enoch for example… In it, Enoch mentions how he goes up Into the sky in one of these crafts, It’s able to see that the Earth is round and blue and green, and then goes on to talk about how he goes through star systems and what I would imagine is a wormhole, at light speed, to finally arrive at another planet. The home of the Gods. When he asked why he was brought along for this journey, they told him it was so that he could go back to Earth and tell other people about what he saw and learned. When he did arrive back at Earth, there were many witnesses that said his appearance had changed and they were terrified. .in a time frame that to them was only about 5 To 7 days. He now had long white hair and beard, and a glow to his skin, And looked like he had aged many years. Crazy stuff!!


Oh yes then Sampson superhuman strength until hair gets cut, talking donkeys, talking burning bushes, one guy went to “heaven” alive on flaming chariots, another on a huge ladder. Someone gets turned into a pillar of salt, incest, pedophilia, more incest gets really gnarly.


Enoch was actually the grandfather of Noah., And when the watchers, (The ones that sinned and slept with the daughters of men.) Found out that their actions were condemned for all eternity by god, It was enoch that told them. They begged Forgiveness and Drew up a petition to ask for it, and it was enoch that took this petition to pass on the message to God. So what are we dealing with here? The guy I grew up knowing and praying to was not someone or something you could go and have a chat with in person. God wouldn’t need someone as a go between to send messages back-and-forth. It’s all very confusing and i’m still getting into this and trying to form an overall picture. Add yards of bullshit that you have to Wade thru in order To find any truth these days, and you can see it’s quite the undertaking. I wake everyday and ask god for just two things. Truth and clarity. Show me what I need to see so that I can understand the truth. This is the path I have been led down


They have actually found Sodom and Gomorrah. There are indeed pillars of salt Just outside of the former towns.
The Bible spoke Of a lost people With a lost written language, and people cried bullshit for years. Then they found the dead sea scrolls, which proved these people existed and they found their language on scrolls. Not long ago in israel They found an ancient battlefield site on a large flat plain. They found hundreds and hundreds of clay jars with the word goliath carved into it, and found a spear head That weighs Seven kilograms. That’s absolutely massive. The average spearhead weighed 7ounces
Every time I turn around another so called biblical myth is proved accurate. I’m running out of the excuses I had to be a disbeliever
In Turkey, There is actually a National Park For noah’s ark. The government there thinks it has been found And they have protected the site. It was found thousands of feet up On the slopes of mount Ararat. Found and photographed by world war two pilot, and then an expedition was undertaken a number of years ago. A chunk of wood was brought back From the site, which itself not only looked like a ship, but measured exactly. 515’ (?)long. , the length the bible gives for the ark. Exactly. A piece of wood was dated to the time of the flood. more crazy.


Don’t mind me. Just lurking about throwing out likes, lol. Loving the conversation. Way of topic of the title, but loving it none the less.
Much of this I have read and believe. Some is new to me. I share a lot of the same thoughts.


What the heck did I just stumble into here? Lol
I came so I could one day say “ Honey I shrunk my sativa!” But found a pretty sweet conversation has kicked off. I love this kinda thinking!


Apologies for straying off topic lol. I was in a philosophical mood yesterday.
Better get this back on track. I’d be happy to discuss any further thoughts on that topic in private message.
So the Oaxacas that were the experiment for size are completely differently sized now. The smallest stayed at 18 inches, even in a larger pot now, stunted from a long solo cup stay. Too small, really. The biggest is 4 feet, (the one in the gallon pot early) and the plant in the half gallon pot early on is 3 1/2 feet. For me, these are just about perfect. I haven’t trained/ folded/ bent branches at all, but that is an option as they continue to grow. I put the plants in 5 gallon containers to give them some extra late size.
The plants are at week 10 or so of flowering now. The primary stretch is over, and now the secondary branches or secondary stretch is in progress. First, the plants reach their final height, then they bush out and fill in. Not all Sativas do this…just the ones people are typically afraid of. Southeast asian strains will often do this.
Here’s a good example…82 meangreen, Cambodian pheno

All those vertical shoots are the " second" stretch


@InTheWoods how’s the plants?

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@Upstate Good Morning :coffee:
Light come on soon. I snap some pictures and post em.

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I changed something that wasn’t broke. Doh.
I will have to add 50% my own compost today and up pot them into a quart size.
As the Indica looking left one is showing nute burn or something from the FF OF.


Plum Island research center. ticks are my fear here. glad your feeling bettter

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Looks to be growing well…maybe cut ffof with 25% seedling mix…but I don’t think it’s necessary from what I see in the pic. For sure, the ocean forest can be too strong for landrace sativas. If you use compost, cut it with 50% perlite for good aeration.


Assholes. I hope they all catch every disease they put in ticks


Seems like they had really good weed or acid back in the Bible days😂
Happy fourth everyone… diggin this thread


Miss ya brother