Kellogg All Natural Potting Mix, has anyone ever tired it?

If you plan on using soil it is good to get the plant used to it so i would cut it like you were planning.

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K cool, I want to take thanks to you @ryasco, and the rambunctious @MadScientist. It’s always a pleasure; and @lotus710 for all of your help. I will most definitely keep you posted on my success. OVERGROW THE WORLD!


Well it looks like my girl is alot happier in the 3 parts Coco and 1 part fox farm ocean forests, after changing out the soil from the roots TWICE! I said that I would give you an update. Dose any one know if there is terminology for washing the roots of soil transferring the raw plant to new soil?

I believe that is called obsessive compulsive disorder. Ha! Ha! :grin:


Yea probably. But I’m going to try my hardest to save em if I can. They came to be about 10 bucks a seed. The other one I gave away. I just wanted people to know that it can be done.

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They look like they are going to be fine. Good job bringing them back.:grin:

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Whatever soil u use i would mix in perlite, good helping of it, it retains moisture and helps keep soil fluffy. I used grow rocks, lava rocks at first, either should work fine. The goal is to not let soil clog up. Should allmost drain out as you pour in. Keep soil moist at all times but don’t want standing water. Roots need o2 to breath. Add bat gaunno for extra nuts in soil. The faster it drains the faster soil drys. Good thing .every tjme you water or feed it pushes old o2 out and brings in new fresh o2 as water level is going down and out of container.roots need fresh o2 to breath.

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Yea I got rid of the Kellogg’s, the crap looks like mulch. I DON’T recommend it for any use. My fox farm has all that stuff in it. Kellogg’s is poisonous to plants. My grandma’s starter rose bushes died in the stuff. Thanks as always for your help. I have my girls bouncing back beautifully.

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Dose this look like over watering? It’s not nute burn cause it’s 1/4 FFOF and 3/4 Coco. What do y’all think? She’s under 3 CFLs 1" from the roots.

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Is it possible that it could be lack of nutes?

How close to the light are they?

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Two inches from three CFLs. Raising them up a little see if that helps a little

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Light’s too close and low magnesium is all i could come up with but i would try the light first for a few days and see if it bounces back. Look for leaves leveling out or pointing up, not turning green. If the light bleached the leaves (which is hard to do with cfl but happens) the damage hangs around and new growth looks fine.


Yea she seems to be doing better. I clipped some of the fingers, and leaf that was burned up by the Kellogg’s. I’m also wondering if the Kellogg’s has hardened the new full growth sets. They look like should, but never felt pot leaf so thick instead of soft. But apparently Blue Mystic is a highly resilient plant that’s hard to screw up.
I plan on waiting for a few more sets to grow and move it outside. Partly shaded at first until she’s used to the sun. In the 2nd pic above will be my indoor space bucket grow. Thanks a million for your help.
Ohh yea, cinnamon helps with mold that grows on the top of your soil. Is that true?

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I use cinnamon to keep ants out of my kitchen in summer if they get bad but don’t know about mold. If i had mushrooms i wouldn’t worry. Can you take a picture?

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It’s not that bad. Probably wouldn’t show up in a pic. I’ve had it really bad before cause my fans would be hooked up to my timer for my lights. So during 12/12 would be plenty of time for mold to start to take hold.

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Most of the things that grow on top of your soil is fungus. I have never had it affect a crop. Neem meal will promote it and in a natural environment fungus helps regulate PH. I have read in extreme cases it can hurt a plant in a pot but have never seen it bad enough to effect anything.

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I’ve had it bad but like you said nothing bad happened. Still had a healthy lady. I’m more than likely going to keep my exhaust on the timer but give my intake on a different power supply.

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Put your exhaust on a daytime nighttime thermostat and forget about it. No timer is necessary. :relaxed:

Yea I know. Right now everything is on 22/2. I like to give my setup a break. That’s all. I’ll just have my fans on a separate timer. Maybe twice a day for a half hour