Ketamine_grenade's flaming shitbox growshow

I find the smell of GMO really alluring. It’s not a pleasant smell at all which I love. But My hunting has been for knockout potency so I’m not going to keep it. Definitely a cool strain and I still have a pack of donny double to hunt through which I might get to later as I’d like to put some GMO funk into the gorila breath.


interesting everyone seems to love gmo but when popping seeds you might not hit that potent plant. good luck on the donny dbl those look and sound interesting!


I’m told it was good smoke nice and strong just not as strong as the GB.


Damn you sure do grow some purrty plants.:exploding_head:

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How long you drying your seeds for ?

Dunno, they’re still drying because I’ve been too busy to get to them properly, well over 2 weeks now

Coming down tomorrow at 70 days


Plants are looking awesome man. I saw you have some Garlic Breath… That’s a lost favorite of mine that I mislabelled and killed by accident last year and have been searching for it again ever since, did you end up making any seeds with her?

Unfortunately not. I probably should have but someone I know may still have a cut I’ll ask

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Nice and sticky looking buds

I’m assuming you’re in the states? I’m up in Canada… But sounds like some of the gorilla breath had the similar terp profile as that garlic breath. Would you be wanting to trade some seeds?

Nah I’m in Oceania. I don’t really want any more seeds unless someone can find me a pack of Gorilla Breath and l trade just about every and any seed pack I have for them

If I’m nor super busy next summer try breed again and I still have to finish shucking the seeds I already have.

Just very very busy at the moment

Good news is buddy has a garlic breath cut still


Badass Flower!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Dope, well let me know if or and when you’d want some seeds, i’d love to test some of the ones you made.

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GB by hso?



Yup, but they’re not taking any orders and haven’t for ages. Presumably discontinued as their operation got shut down and they moved to Austria or some shit and lost all their genetics

Trust me I’ve looked everywhere and the only place I’ve found is some shady Israeli seller on Signal


Gorilla Breaths and Gorilla Butters looking nice and tidy for once


Cheers @Pawsfodocaws for the trade

Karma x rez
Sour diesel

I’ll pop all these in a couple of weeks
I said I was done hunting but I’ll hunt these for sure


He’ll yes bud. I’m so glad they made it hope you find some fire in those beans!!!.



Did you put thos together yourself @Pawsfodocaws . Sounds like a good match. Did you get to try any out ? Find them any good ? Thanks