Ketamine_grenade's flaming shitbox growshow

Extra oz on the scale, but it work only when the grow is decent. Your kung fu being far more than decent, you will quickly see if it’s worth the cost to get this extra root mass.

If you don’t get this extra density of buds, you’re already at max on root mass management before the stretch in a sustainable way. And i clearly want to know the trick ^^

I try to resist to get the Acid Dawg (no free slot here until end of 2024), because i love the Stardawg as fck. The SD cut too. But it’s twos different love affair for me.

And that’s my point on the Karma stuff turning around the SD : for one time i agree with the dominant opinion, if you’re hunting indirectly the “SD spirit” you have to use the Sowahh, or the closest possible.

With the Gorilla Breath, i don’t think you will get a true genetical shock with both. My hypothetical pronostic :

  • X Sowahh = reinvigorated, acting like an indirect BX on the SD style (louder high, more long lasting than now, more large “span” of plants with thicker secondaries. I don’t think the flowers shape will change much, the GG is pretty much dominant on it. Pheno hunt to the F3 very possible.

  • X bx4 = streamlined/stabilized like an (old) commercial release, but only for one generation. Eventual funny pheno hunt if you’re tactical while you’re inbred it, but at the price to make a diva. Just like you work with the ECSD, i mean sensible plants that maybe will please your razor edge style. idk.


Well it’s like 135mL of Roots Excelurator for 3 weeks worth of feed so really not much extra cost.

The plants only veg for a week after transplant to recover and fill the scrog so I doubt the pot is full of roots when it goes into flower


Who wants some Gorilla Breath cross beans?


On the condition you grow em out asap

I’ll send out some GMO x PBB beans to someone too I shucked a few tonight


Nice looking beans you made.

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Looks like your beans came out looking nice! Good job it always feels good when a plan comes together.

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The difference a few degrees during lights off makes

Going into winter, dark temps were down to about 15 degrees which I didn’t think Was too bad but noticed the leaves were a little clawed and not as perky as I’d like

I setup the heater and set dark temps for 19 degrees

Plants are clearly so much happier now because of it.

Thermostat tells me temps very stable now. Lights on about 27 degrees, lights off 19 degs

Big ol’ gorilla breath 1 cola. This will chunk up nicely


i wanna see them grown out also so who ever gets em and grows tag me!

good luck finding some testers i wish i had the time!

tent looks packed. is that a plastic trellis net ? think that would work better than the string one i always get little white fluff in some buds when cutting the netting lol

Yeah my local grow shop sells plastic netting by the mete easy to setu not very environmentally.friendly I guess


Probably reusable though? I suppose you have to cut it to get the plants out?

The top net perhaps, not the bottom one though as the plants are all weaved through it. Honestly come harvest time I just want to get everything fucking done so saving a $5 length of net isn’t really on my mind haha


This is a shit photo and not the nicest bud in the bucket but Gorilla Breath 1 turned out really nice this round under new lights

Still not as amazing as the very first run from seed but still the nicest ive seen it since its been a clone
I’m sure it will firm up all lovely after a bit of curing


This round of Gorilla Breath/Gorilla Butter is going absolutely marvellous

With tighter controlled temps, min 19°c at lights off and Max of about 27°c (winter grows are so much better) the plants seem very happy and interestingly seemed to have stopped stretching end of wk3, generally stretched well into week 5 in the past and very tall.

The buds are already filling out quite a lot which is also new to me for these cuts.

The difference here also being I fed roots excelurator into flower whereas in the past I never did this. The stems seem thicker and and sturdier, bud sites much closer together, leaves praying hard every day and flowers forming faster earlier than I’ve seen in the past and already have some nice frost. Here in week 4 I’m already getting a bit of a fumey smell in the tent which I generally don’t get until wk 6

They’re being fed

HG Coco a+b
Roots Excelurator
Great White Micorhizae
Mammoth P microbes

pH +/- 6.0
EC +/- 2.0

I’ve also put a heating probe in the reservoir keeping the nutrient solution about 19°c

Top Shooter will be introduced in a couple of weeks.
Overall I am very happy with how this grow is going
I’ve not seen the GB like this before. It looks very promising with all these big tops. I will try do some defoliation and stripping of the bottom stuff in the next few days.

All the variables on this grow are in check and spot on. VPD, EC, pH, nutrients, res temp, ųMols, everything.

I also introduced a second watering on mon-wed-fri at midnight to make sure they’re getting plenty of feed. (Usually only get one feed a day)

In the other tent we have the GG4 RILs establishing and taking off. These will probably need another fortnight of veg before I can scrog and flip them.

I’m beginning to wonder if they are all GG4RIL I did plant the seeds when I was jn a benzo blackout but I found an empty TG packet so I’m sure they’re all the same strain haha

Also reminder to everyone I have seeds of Gorilla Breath x gnut if anyone wants them


good to hear things are moving smooth. getting things dialed in can make a big difference and winter runs are always frostier imo! once your done with the ril’s clean that damn tent almost as messy as i am :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hahah yes the tent is very dirty this time I generally clean it way more between grows I just have heaps going on at the moment and had to knock it all out I’m a day/night.


just bustin your balls im sure you will get to it when you can lol.

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Your plants are looking great!

Any idea what the magic ingredients are in the Roots Excelurator?
They sure ‘aren’t telling’ in any of the searches I’ve done… :smile:


10 days later. Gave them a folar spray of trace elements. Just gotta give them another dose of nitrogen


Hey @KETAMINE_GRENADE looking awesome mate :ok_hand: and killer line up! I’d be interested in some of these gorilla breath x seeds and am happy to post you some too if you’re interested in doing that? I’m close by so that’s a bonus too. Anyway man keep up the killer grow should be some crackers in there.
Side note cool to hear you’ve had good results with that root accelerator I just picked up some of that myself so keen to have a crack too :grinning:

No worries bro shoot me your address and I’ll get them out to you this week, don’t worry about sending anything back I have more beans than I know what to do with ha