Ketamine_grenade's flaming shitbox growshow

Mate mine got seized To. You get a letter from horticulture ,forestry and fisheries about how they are x-rays everything looking for different kind of seeds ?

They only checked one sock the other sock had half the seed left in it. Lazy custom fuckers lol

I’ve had a few seeds seized over the years but never received a letter.

Had one from Canada that they cut into with a knife and destroyed most of the seeds and taped it back up with “inspected by Canada customs” before sending it on to me.

Yeah first time recieving letter. I can inbox you the letter if you want to see what your up against now

Yeah go for it i heard about the new xray machine a whole ago

100% germination of the sour diesel and mixed bag beans @Pawsfodocaws

Gorilla Breath and Gorilla Butters chugging along beautifully just hit week 6. These look tremendous. I’m going away for a couple of days, my res pH tEnds to swing a bit and I need to correct it every couple of days or so, hopefully doesn’t do too much damage while I’m away.



Sour diesel and mixed bag babies transplanted


Awesome man I hope they turn out for you


Scratch earlier gripe. The other sour d beans made it too :grin:


Right on that’s great news man.


Early update on Saturday for early week 7

Gorilla Butter #6 & #7 looking & smelling great. Very thick sweet peanut smell coming off #7 (the frostier OGKB leaner) & slightly less nutty sweeter muted smell coming from #6

Gorilla Breath
Just added straight up 2mL/L top shooter this time hoping they chunk up thick & fast this round. All looking healthy.

Forgot to take photos or Sour Diesel babies but they’re going good. Veg tent Is a little cold in winter.


Sour diesel babies


Looking great matey…I got 2 gorilla breathe X peanut butter breathe up. I thought I’d give them a go first cause you recommended i try that cross first. Would I be expecting a 8 or 9 week flower with them…was also going to put a few of them outdoors in October .


Hard to say buddy. I’d run as many of those beans as you can. If you get a GB leaner expect 9-10 wks, a PBB leaner expect 8-9 wks. They are regulars so expect males. I hope you find something great. Expect a fair bit of variation too I guess. Definitely keep me posted I’m real eager to see how they turn out


No worries matey. Most of them will go outdoors at the start of October. If any males show I’ll put them over the killer glue females I have. Loving your pics


Wondering if i should pop these as well to run alongside the rez x karma sours as well


Looks great man.


how much room you got ? are you planning on making beans or just looking for a killer pheno ? the more females the better chance :slight_smile:

I will do it personally as a backup, i’m freaking picky when a project involve SD.

That Gorilla Breath is looking chunky! Good stuff