Ketamine_grenade's flaming shitbox growshow

He’ll of selection you are able to make :crazy_face:

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oooo weee. some of that sticky icky

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Gg4 ril


Sour diesel, mind flayer and purple Marmalade starting to bulk up wk5

Nice smells already, solfires have thay let sweet gelato smell. Sour diesel quite Sour already too


Your grows continuously blow me away. Do you bottom feed on a feed line?

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Nah these are just drip fed from the top, only fed once a day and sometimes twice a day later in flower

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Ok saw the lines and they kinda looked like they went to bottom of buckets. Do you drip line from rez so can get nutes or just plain water and add nutes as you go? Thirs option I forgot could run organic so water only soil. You grow some chunky fuckers though always love the Sunday update.

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I just have a 150L res I fill with water/nutes (house & garden)

Usually full res about once a week. I grow in coco

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Rez x karma sour diesels, mind flayer and purple marmalade clones in the veg tent and popping a pack of 3rd Coast Black Truffle (white truffle x pure michigan), hoping i find a nice blacked out frosty pheno again that i got out of my last pack of pure michigam with that awesome spicy unique Pure Michigan terp. Haven’t come across a terp so unique yet.

Here’s their mother plants hitting week 6

Mindflayer & purple Marmalade (solfire)

Lots of awesome sweet deep pungent gelato smells of these. Sticky & frosty and definitely the dominant smell in the tent. Solfire plants always look the same and are pretty predictable I’ve found so far & always very high quality smoke

Here’s the sour diesels. Lots of variation here. Definitely lots of sour smells coming from these

I’ll add Top Shooter to all these next week. All looking healthy & happy.


Savage grow, buddy!!! Looks awesome!!!


Gave the gorilla breaths a savage haircut tonight before flip. This oughta turn out nice methinks

Purple Marmalade and Mindflayer buds, one of the mindflayers smells fucking insane already. Annoyed I didn’t number the 3 mindflayer plants I have clones of oh well

I have 3 purple marmalades and 3 mindflayers (I think)

A few of the sour diesels are smelling pretty insane too, tempting to run that other pack of bx4


Wow you did! Did you just leave the big leaves around bud sites and colas? It should fill all back in with new healthy leaves in a week or 2 right?

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thats what we call a nice shwazzing lol it will keep them from stretching on you also. i watch a guy on youtube use it and it saves him a good foot on stretch, he does it twice more in flowering also

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Is that the ‘3-a-light’ guy? Savage video that guy has! I love a good shwazz!

Those gorilla breath plants are gonna give some fat tops!!! Can’t wait to see!!! :ok_hand::+1:

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Yeah I did this last run with them too and they definitely didn’t stretch anywhere near as much as usual although I think it sacrificed some yield, I need to find a balance between schwazzing and scrogging better


his names nativesugarshack i tried to get him to come here and trade some beans i really want his cherry og clone or the s1’s he made lol.


Some sour diesel tops

That Top Shooter kicks in fast. Only in 2 days and these have swollen a lot. These should be chonkers in a couple more weeks. Great smells coming off all the sour d’s. Happy so far. These are the Rez x Karma ones

Also my pH probe broke a few days ago and hopefully the replacement arrives before any damage is done to these by any likely pH swings


Damn are they good looking. Find Any keepperz??


3 different Mind Flayers
These smell intense. The one with the smaller buds stinks the most. Kinda like a gelato bubblegum with spice. The others more on the gas side

2x purple marmalade, neither as stinky as the mind flayers but real sticky and smell nice. They smell… purple I guess. Kinda sweet Kinda pepper Kinda gas
Pretty flowers though.

I guess they’ll finish up in a couple of weeks, all definitely look to be worth running a second time to confirm


Massive dump

Solfire buds, probably a week to go

Sour diesels

Gorilla Breath in wk2 flower